How taking breaks will make you unbelievably successful

Chad Magee
2 min readJun 3, 2019

This post was influenced by an article originally posted on Harvard Business Review.

We are creatures of habit.

When people discuss habits they typically use what happens when you get home from work as an example of things we do without thinking. Additionally, they will talk about smoking or working out.

If you’re like me, you’ve read plenty of articles and books on habits. You might have even seen B.J. Fogg discuss his theory about tiny habits (it works).

But, you probably haven’t considered making breaks habitual.

Professors from Columbia Business School created two experiments. They placed people into one of three scenarios (from the article):

  1. Spend the first half of your time attempting the first problem and the second half of your time attempting the second
  2. Alternate between the two problems at a regular, predetermined interval (e.g., switching every five minutes)
  3. Switch between the problems at your own discretion

Participants thought that the third option would make them more creative and help them solve the problems faster.

But, the people in group two were able to solve the problems faster. Furthermore, they…



Chad Magee

I write about the tips for success I have tried and found helpful. I am documenting in the hopes that others will learn from my journey. Opinions are my own.