PinnedINTRO: My Programming JourneyHi there. My name is Qudirah and I plan to start writing about my programming journey. I’ll talk about what I’ve learned, what I am…May 15, 20225May 15, 20225
Resume Writing 101Hi! In the past, we’ve had numerous tutorials on data science projects and other related content. Today, I’ll explain how to write a resume…Jun 10, 20241Jun 10, 20241
Six Months as a Machine Learning Engineer: What do you need to hear?Hello! It's been months here as I took time off so I could face my work and settle in properly. Now I am back. I will post twice a month as…Jan 10, 202412Jan 10, 202412
A dirtbag…That is not what I am but what I am has a 0.65 similarity score with the phrase. I don’t think a day goes by without me thinking of writing…Jun 30, 20233Jun 30, 20233
A case study: Evolution of the Super FalconsHi! So I recently just stepped outside my comfort zone and worked on data I normally would never choose. I chose the simplest approach to…Apr 20, 20231Apr 20, 20231
10 Portfolio Projects you can try as an entry-level Data Analyst/ScientistI hate the word newbie. If you are in a hurry, skip to the third paragraph. I always do this “catching up” thing before going straight to…Apr 1, 202315Apr 1, 202315
Sentiment Analysis of Black Panther Tweets Using Vader Sentiment LibraryThe first post that this is a sequel to is the one about TextBlob. Both Vader (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) and…Feb 28, 20233Feb 28, 20233
Sentiment Analysis Project Using TextBlobHi, It’s going to be the end of February tomorrow and the beginning of this year, I made a commitment to posting here twice per month. Best…Feb 27, 20234Feb 27, 20234
An approach to a real-life Data Science Interview stageLast month, I almost got a job. It was for a Data Science role and I had gotten passed the case study and interview stage. Unfortunately…Jan 9, 20231Jan 9, 20231
2023Hey. So 2022, I started writing about my tech journey. The highs, the lows, and, it’s been fun. I lost my streak towards the end of the…Jan 7, 20233Jan 7, 20233