17 Mistakes Startups Make When Building For Mobile

27 min readSep 12, 2017


By Queble Solutions

Our teams at Queble Solutions have spent enormous amount of time with tech startups. Most of them are building mobile-first products such as EduPlated. At the early stage of these companies, almost all of them had the famous debate, iOS or Android? Native or cross-platform? In-house or design agency? You get the idea. Well, we have put in a lot of time to list the most common 17 mistakes startups make when building for mobile, along provided with our insights. So, have fun!

1. Not Building Separately for Each Platform

Some startups assume that building native apps (opposed to cross-platform apps) is a waste of time and money. In reality, native building is a smart investment for startups that want a top-quality mobile design. A lot of app-based companies made the mistake of trying to use all-in-one designs with a single cross-platform. In theory, it makes sense. After all, coding is done once and it’s simply applied to anyone using any type of device. What can be simpler? In actual practice, however, there are several technical issues that can quickly cause major headaches for startups opting for this approach to app design. Going native often results in a more reliable design that can be further customized later as needed.

Even Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that an over-reliance on HTML5 code to solve compatibility problems with platforms was a mistake.

Southwest Airlines used a cross-platform toolkit to “conveniently” make their app available across multiple platforms. It turned out to be a disaster for the company. There was an abundance of problems with everything from UI design to functionality. While it may be more time-consuming to build natively on a per platform basis, it can definitely be a worthwhile investment for startups wanting to maximize user experience and minimize technical nightmares. Each of the following cross-platform solutions has potential drawbacks startups should keep in mind when building for mobile:


The purpose of HTML5 is to make it easier for Web developers and browser creators to create consistent user experience for desktop and mobile visitors. The big drawback here is that cross-platform issues can be brutal to resolve without having the ability to target each platform. It’s like having a Mercedes engine with a BMW body. When sh*t goes wrong, neither will provide support.

Hybrid Apps

Allowing HTML5 apps to be placed inside a thin native container, hybrid apps bring together the best and worst of both mobile development worlds. Communication errors tend to crop up between the web view and the app in a structure that’s already complex to begin with.

Cross-Platform Toolkits

A lot of custom code is required for each platform with cross-platform toolkits. It makes more sense to prepare native code for each platform since code for each one will need to be tinkered with anyway.

Instead trying to be as all-encompassing and broad as possible, it’s better for startups to focus more on the platform they think will attract the most users. This is when a lot of startups go through the iOS vs. Android debateto determine which one they should start with first. Most apps start out with an iOS version because it can be easier to build for this operating system than Android. But it’s also not wise for app creators and founders to get attached to any one platform without solid data to back up these decisions.

We also recommend starting with iOS first! No offense to Android, but it could be a big headache.

2. Assuming Backend Infrastructure Will Support Mobile Apps

Backend infrastructure isn’t a place to cut corners for startups looking to minimize app developer cost. The most effective way to create a good mobile experience is to alter, update, or start from scratch with the backend structure. In order to create a good mobile user experience, a solid API architecture is needed to improve application functionality for new mobile apps.

Anticipated workload for a mobile app should be among the first things considered with backend design. It’s not unusual for a company to see mobile app traffic that’s 200 percent times greater than their website traffic. Consequently, even a website with an amazing infrastructure may not be able to handle the extra load from an app. Businesses need to determine their maximum payload size. For most apps, 4 kilobytes is usually enough. Factors to consider when determining payload size include:

  • What functions the app will perform
  • Anticipated users at any give time (it’s best to err on the side of caution and use the higher estimate of anticipated users based on initial research)
  • Whether or not the app will be used to directly make purchases
  • Apps used for this purpose need to have more substantial backend support to handle the extra technical demands, including the necessary security precautions if payments will be processed.

Pagination is equally important to control how data is returned to prevent excessive data from being returned all at once and placing an added burden on the app. Users should also be allowed to send the same API call multiple times to the server. The delay from input into a system to desired outcome (latency) is best kept as low as possible to keep an app functioning effortlessly. API design should also include:

• One API call per screen (too many calls can result in a bad user experience)
• The ability to allow variable return data
• Using a parameter with an API version number in the request to reduce issues for older clients

3. Thinking a Mobile App Can Be Built Faster By Yourself

Some clients are under the assumption that they can build an effective mobile app internally, that’s going to perform as expected as an outside firm.

This assertion is usually made when a company gets a turnaround estimate that’s longer than what they anticipated when hiring a digital agency.

In reality, it can take up to 4x longer for a company to do it by themselves than it would take a seasoned design agency.

Even when a startup happens to have the internal capabilities to create HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and handle graphic design and web design necessities, it’s not so easy to transition to mobile design mode since mobile app creation typically requires additional attention and different skills. The only exception is for companies that have their own mobile team already in place. Realistically, not too many new businesses have the resources of a digital agency that routinely builds commercial-ready digital products.

Hiring is the main reason why it usually takes startups longer than expected to build a viable mobile app. Some startups fail to anticipate how much time it often takes to put together an internal team or fill out an existing team with mobile designers and developers. Ideally, a team that’s going to build an app for mobile use should have and include:

• Engineers with mobile product experience
• Established mobile QA procedures
• Well-honed feedback loops to keep everyone on the same page

When a digital or design agency with mobile experience is doing the work, there’s instant access to a team with all of the required capabilities and resources.

There have also been many unfortunate instances where a company starts the internal building process and realizes halfway through that they don’t have the capabilities to finish the project. What often happens in situations like this is that a business will make a “rescue call” to a firm to come in and take over and get everything done. While the work will eventually get done, there will inevitably be delays when bringing a firm in under these circumstances, mainly because they will have to get up to speed on what’s already been done, understand a client’s vision for the final product, and correct any mistakes that may have already been made.

The choice of a firm is equally important. Any mobile design agency is going to become a startup’s partner in the creation of their app, so it’s not just simply about hiring someone to do the work. When looking at vendors, entrepreneurs want to consider the following points:

  • Culture Compatibility: How well a firm fits into a company’s culture will determine how ideas are shared and how well everybody communicates.
  • Experience: A firm’s track record with mobile is a good indicator of how well they will likely perform for a new business looking for high-quality results.
  • Methodologies: Each firm will have a different approach to how they manage projects and where they place their priorities along the process. Good companies always keep their clients within the loop, day or night.
  • Industry Knowledge: Since mobile trends are always changing, it’s better for businesses to partner with a firm that’s mindful of what’s going on within the industry and what consumers expect with the apps they use.
  • Communication: A feedback loop can easily get derailed if an outside party has a different communication style. The same is true with the communication that will be necessary to receive updates and ask questions and get back prompt answers or clarifications.

4. Expecting Outside Firms to Do Everything

Working with a design agency that has expertise not only in technology but also specialize in startups is a smart move for many companies. But it doesn’t mean the client won’t have to do any work. The reality is that clients need to be involved with the firms they work with from start to finish if they want greater control over the outcome. Some clients have no problem telling an outside firm to do “what they think is best” in an effort to get the work done as quickly as possible.

It’s possible for a firm to make some guesses about tools and design basics, but a hands-off approach to things usually ends up slowing things down. If a team has to keep making guesses, there’s always the possibility of producing results that aren’t what a client expected to get. The result is usually frustration on the part of all parties involved. Going back to make changes to please a client also means it will take longer for an app to make it to the App Store or whatever platform will be used to make it available, which ultimately keeps a client from seeing a desirable return on their investment.

Preferably, startups should be as hands-on as possible with the entire process. Often times, the best partnerships with agencies and clients are ones that involve direct involvement. It’s not unusual for some firms to go even further and embed some of their staff within a client’s team so they can learn new skills. This approach to interaction can allow start-ups to assume some of the building duties. Generally, a productive client-agency relationship is one that includes:

  • Regular contact beyond emails and Skype check-in
  • Face-to-face meetings at various design/creation stages
  • Having specific individual sources of regular contact
  • Being able to exchange feedback on a regular basis throughout different stages of the building process

5. Settling for Being ‘Stuck’ with a Development Firm

Partnering with an outside app development firm doesn’t have to be a forever relationship. In fact, many firms will take steps to help a client handle things internally on their own at some point. It’s actually the more reputable firms that will purposely transition a client from relying on their team to putting together their own internal team. For startups that don’t have a tech team in place, some firms will help them hire the right people.

New businesses sometimes make the mistake of avoiding outside development firms because of budget concerns about maintaining a long-term relationship. While this is an understandable concern, reputable firms typically realize it’s not realistic to expect clients, especially those with limited financial resources, to continuously depend on them for everything. A lot of these firms consider helping clients smoothly transition from external support to internal sources a sign of a job well done.

By overseeing the transition, firms can often cut down on the frustration clients sometimes experience when trying to find the right people for a mobile team by recommending essential players. In some cases, a firm will mentor new team members by pairing them with people on their staff with the same job. For instance, a firm’s product manager would be paired with the individual the client hired as their future product manager to ensure they will continue to do the work in a similar way.

6. Only Considering the Bigger Agencies

For one thing, larger agencies don’t always have the time to give every client personal attention when they are busy juggling a bunch of other projects for other clients. Additionally, bigger agencies tend to overprice their services, which can be a financial strain for start-ups. Plus, they often don’t assign enough time to product preparation.

Working with smaller agencies often means more control and flexibility. This is especially appealing today as many brands are moving things in-house as much as possible. It’s a lot easier to hire smaller agencies on a project by project basis. And when more extensive work is necessary, smaller agencies can usually produce a faster turnaround because they’re not juggling multiple clients that also have big projects they need completing.

Top talent isn’t limited to the big agencies. Smaller agencies tend to be creative hubs for innovation, even more so than larger agencies. Many of the big name agencies have established cultures with strict protocols for handling client needs. Some creative people who want more freedom with what they do for clients gravitate towards smaller agencies that offer more flexibility.

Since smaller agencies often give projects more attention, the extra attention sometimes results in those “why didn’t I think of that?” moments where someone on their team will come up with ideas that can make an app more appealing. Startups that do prefer to take advantage of what might be available from smaller agencies may do so for the following reasons:

Time and Budget Are Priorities

Startups needing quality results as quickly as possible are more likely to get the extra attention necessary to stick to deadlines and stay within allocated budgets. Bigger agencies often have specific processes in place, making it difficult to speed things up affordable.

Deeper Insights Are Expected

While many bigger agencies have plenty of top-level talent that can provide much-appreciated insights, they sometimes hand things off to lesser-experienced team members. Smaller agencies have a tendency to keep everything in the same hands until the work is done, which often means better insights at later phases of a mobile app’s design process, not just when everything is getting started.

They Want Partners Willing to Take Risks That May Pay Off

Agencies with established business models are less likely to want to take risks with any of the work that needs to be done to build for mobile. This doesn’t mean smaller agencies are reckless. It simply means smaller agencies that may be hiring those individuals who are more innovative and less conventional could also be just as willing to take sensible risks or explore out-of-the-box ideas that could end up giving startups a competitive edge.

7. Fearing Outside Firms Will Steal Ideas

It’s the idea that makes it valuable for a business planning to debut a mobile app. Because of the importance of the idea, some startups are hesitant to work with an outside firm as part of an effort to keep all details internal to avoid theft of intellectual property. The reality is that reputable companies are likely to offer to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with clients. Non-disclosure agreements specifically outline what types of information pertaining to an app’s design and development must be kept private. The time period an NDA will be in effect can be negotiated separately with all involved parties. It’s common for most agreements like this to be in effect for at least a year after being signed. If an agency signs an NDA, it would apply to anyone on their staff working on an app’s design for the duration of the agreement.

Ownership statements are also likely to be included in the contract, but this shouldn’t be cause for concern. The very fact that people may be trying to copy a mobile app is actually a sign that it’s a design with a lot of potentials. However, with the right legal protections in place, risks can definitely be minimized as the building process proceeds.

8. Limiting Partnerships to Local Companies

It’s fine for startups to consider local companies when building for mobile, but searches for talent shouldn’t be exclusively limited to the local level. There are many effective ways to communicate with a good agency or freelancer from wherever they may be physically located. Insisting on local only could mean many missed opportunities for entrepreneurs.

While there may be plenty of good local talent, this doesn’t mean those agencies are going to be a perfect fit for what a client’s needs or the vision they have for their product. The main thing for startups to keep in mind when working with any individual or team remotely is to have an effective and mutually agreed upon communication system in place.

9. Only Hiring One Developer

Developers do play an important role in creating a mobile app, but this shouldn’t be the only person on the team. Regardless of internal or agency, there have to be several positions with different skill sets on board.

It may seem like a good cost-cutting step to settle for an app developer only. However, this makes no sense at all. Would you only hire one person in a restaurant? The same goes for your technical team. Let’s break it down to who exactly you will need to get started.

(1). User Interface Designer

User interface (UI)designers shouldn’t be confused with user experience (UX) designers. UX designers are concerned with how a product “feels” while UI designers focus on how a screen is laid out. The UI designer is the person who creates an app’s icons, fonts, images, backgrounds, and color schemes. The role of UI designers is to make sure the layout fits with the brand’s vision. They design any screen that users will interact with while using an app.

(2). Front-End Developer

A front-end developer such as a web developer or an iOS/Android developer is the person that implements the design. He/she focuses on delivering an accurate and smooth user experience. Depending on the product, but most tasks also require the front-end developer to translate between the server and the user.

(3). Server-Side Developer

If you don’t know what a server is, it’s a computer running 24/7 in a facility that you can access via the internet. A server is the backbone of any digital product. A server-side developer manages the databases, communicates with the front-end, and most importantly, implements every workflow within the app.

(4). Quality Assurance Analyst

A quality assurance (QA) analyst makes sure that the majority of errors have been corrected before the app goes live to its customers. You remember when Samsung Note 7 exploded on the plane, right? Now you know how important the QA is.

(5). Product Manager

A product manager is someone with a technical background who also has a knack for knowing how to turn a product into something that will be marketable. They translate a client’s feedback to specific programming tasks.

Because of the specific tasks involved with each of these jobs, it’s impossible to expect one app developer to get a mobile app ready for its public debut. While cutting costs is important for startups, there are certain specialized tasks that will need to be completed by different individuals to make an app a commercially viable and marketable product.

10. Insisting On Having All the Bells and Whistles

The initial design of an app often includes a laundry list of features a client wants included. While it may be tempting to insist that all features be ready to go before an app is launched, this isn’t always necessary, especially if an app is fairly complex with a bunch of features. In reality, the evolution of a mobile app is a gradual process. Social apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger are perfect examples of mobile applications that continue to evolve and add new features.

Another reason new businesses looking to create mobile apps sometimes “want it all” when it comes to features is because of a lack of understanding of the complexity of the building process. Absolutely insisting on a whole bunch of features is only going to make the building process more expensive and time-consuming.

The standard recommendation for startups to prepare to launch a mobile app with the basic features all set to go on day one. Additional features can always be added based on what users are initially saying about the user experience and what additional features and capabilities they may be requesting.

Owners with a wish list of extra features should pick and choose the ones that are most important to the app’s function and save the others for later, if it makes sense to add them. Some apps that are fairly simply and basic turn out to be just as appealing as ones with a bunch of bells and whistles. In fact, it’s possible to overwhelm users with too many features at once. A successful app is going to always going to have features that will be tested and added as it evolves and adapts to what users expect and want from their experience with it.

11. Looking for Industry-Specific Agencies Only

Let’s say a mobile app will be used to help patients quickly find doctors in their area. The client developing this type of app may have the assumption that they have to find an agency that has specific experience building mobile apps for the healthcare industry.

Having this type of mindset limits the pool of talent a client has available. It’s kind of like not hiring a painter because they don’t have any experience using red. The truth is that it only matters if an agency has the skills and capabilities required to build the desired app, regardless of whether or not they have ever designed an app for the healthcare industry or whatever industry a business owner happens to be targeting with their app.

The right agency will be able to handle multiple projects and scenarios with equal efficiency and consistency. The focus should be on how well an agency can deliver an user-ready product. Startups may actually benefit more from working with an agency that has a history of creating apps for an assortment of industries for the following reasons:

• It shows that an agency has the ability to adapt its skills to different clients regardless of who will use an app or what it will be used for
• It indicates that an agency likely has a more diverse talent pool with knowledge and experience that can be applied to any type of app
• It allows for objective insights that aren’t limited to the way of thinking common within some specific niche industries

12. Gauging App Success On Personal Assessment

The initial idea a business owner has for an app sometimes evolves or changes with the development process. For instance, certain capabilities a client wanted may not have be technically feasible, so modifications would have to be made to create similar functions. As the building process progresses, a client may no longer think the app that’s actually being built will appeal to customers based on what they think of it.

Credited with creating the customer development method that launched the lean start-up movement, Silicon Valley “serial entrepreneur” Steve Blank stresses the importance of ongoing testing and continuously asking potential users for their feedback. He asserts that everything is assumption when it comes to customer discovery, meaning that customer opinions are what really matters.

Blank notes that successful ventures create minimum viable products (MVPs) to solicit customer feedback. That feedback should then be used to revise assumptions and make adjustments to the product. It’s a process that will involve design modifications and re-testing. While this may be more time-consuming, it can result in a better product. Although a process called agile development where a product is developed iteratively and incrementally can eliminate wasted time and resources.

There was one start-up that had the idea of using robotic lawn mowers for use on commercial spaces. Their target customers were golf course owners. When seeking input from these customers, however, they discovered that there wasn’t much interest for this product among golf course owners. They discovered that farmers were looking for a way to kill weeds without using chemicals, so they changed the purpose of their product and targeted farmers instead of golf course owners.

The same concept can be applied to mobile app building. A founder may have an intended use for their product and a specific target audience in mind only to discover that there’s more of a market for the same product (or a modified version of it) among other users. Even if a client isn’t thrilled with how the intended use for their app has evolved through the development and testing process, it can still end up being a hit with customers.

One way for owners to determine if the version of an app that’s being made, especially one that’s not exactly what they had in mind originally, is going to be received well by customers is to opt for beta testing. This type of app testing can be open or closed.

Open beta testing involves invited testers who will have the opportunity to invite others to be part of the test. With closed beta testing, a small group that includes end users, investors, and key team players tries the app and offers feedback. While both forms of app testing can provide useful data, the results from small test groups are usually more precise.

Involving users invited by the company only, closed beta testing also has a feedback loop with constant engagement, whereas engagement is minimal or limited with open beta testing. For smaller startups, it’s the constant feedback that’s going to be more valuable. Test results can make it easier for app creators to be more open to expanding their original idea and to have more confidence in their app when it’s launched. Beta testing, both open and closed, typically provides the following information from an app’s backend monitoring tools (to test how the app is being used in real time) and feedback surveys:

• How users are interacting with the app
• How users interact when different features are limited or added (e.g., breaking the beta group into two groups and switching on certain features for one group and using only the basic features for the other group)
• How the app functions when used for it’s intended purpose
• Whether or not users are having any difficulties with the interface or any issues using any of the features
• If users would honestly use the app again or recommend it to others

13. Assuming a Graphic Designer and Web Designer Do the Same Thing

Graphic design is not the same as web design. Businesses that happen to have a web designer on staff may make the assumption they can have that person do the same duties as a graphic designer and produce the same results. While website design does include visual design, graphic design work is primarily rooted in the print world.

Web designers are basically front-end designers who focus primarily on the user experience and how users interact with technology. It’s a more interactive job involving several disciplines, including user interface design and information architecture.

Graphic designers essentially create beautiful static work. They are visual communicators who create stunning visuals either by hand or with the use of software. They visually communicate the ideas that directly inspire and motivate customers to use an app.

It’s the work of web designers that allows users attracted to a mobile app because of the way it looks to actually use the interface to complete various tasks. While web designers and graphic designers may perform some similar tasks, they each ultimately have different roles in the building of an app.

It’s best for startups to compare capabilities among potential web designers and graphic designers to fill either of these roles. Doing so allows startups to find individuals whose skills are in line with what startups have in mind for their visual design and user interface setup. The hiring process for web designers and graphic designers should involve:

• Viewing existing portfolios and other examples of work
• Reviewing testimonials and reviews posted online from other clients to get an idea of what they thought of the results they received
• Asking for references so a few current or former clients can be contacted directly
• Visiting their websites to make sure they do the specific type of work that’s required

14. Only Considering Freelancers

Freelancers can fill certain roles very well, but this isn’t likely to be the case for a mobile team. It’s not a good idea to put together a team of freelancers who have never worked together. While the cost may be as low as $30 per hour, the results aren’t likely to justify the savings. A half-ass product will seriously impact a startup’s potential ROI on their investment from extra costs likely to be incurred to get the product up to par so it can be marketed.

With a digital agency, the team dynamic is there from the start. Team cohesiveness matters because there’s a difference with how people work together when they are familiar with each others’ abilities and working habits. Freelancers, on the other hand, are typically accustomed to working at their own pace.

Some freelances may also find it difficult to alter how they normally work to accommodate other team members. Unless a business owner wants to be constantly supervising, coordinating, and working out differences, it’s better to go with key players who have experience working together.

15. Thinking All Work Is Done After Design and Development

When the product is in the hands of the users, that’s when development really starts. Realistically, there aren’t many apps that are going to be “done” when the client receives the product. The mobile apps that are successful are ones that go through many different iterations before they get to the point where most customers are completely satisfied with their user experience.

The basic process that goes along with the development of an app starts the idea and continues with customer discovery and implementation. After an app is available to users, comes feedback, which sometimes means fine-tuning an idea and making adjustments. It’s essentially an ongoing process. Instagram, for instance, is a popular app that’s still technically not “done” because new features are still being added here and there based on feedback being received from users.

16. Forgetting to Pay Attention to SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is needed to spread the word about a new mobile app. But SEO isn’t going to take care of itself and it’s not something that should be ignored. It’s through SEO that people will discover an app when searching on leading search engines like Google and Bing. Startups need to either have a form grasp of SEO basics or bring in an SEO team prior to development to get started on spreading the word about the product that will soon be available.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO for any new business looking to promote a mobile app. For this reason, it often makes more sense to turn to a team that already knows the ins and outs of search engine optimization since it’s a process that can definitely take some time and effort. And if a startup’s owner is already preoccupied with development of the app itself, they’re not likely to have enough time to devote to creating awareness and interest for their product — and this will quickly become a problem when the app is ready to be launched. SEO involves all possible online interactions, including:

• Website pages
• Blog posts
• Social media posts
• Paid ads that may be used to promote mobile apps

Ideally, startups want their apps to show up prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs). After all, there are literally thousands of apps out there. Realistically, the odds intended users of an app will randomly discover it are slim to none, especially with new apps and new businesses without the instant name recognition of big brands like Apple and Facebook. In order to get mobile apps ranked in SERPs, it’s going to be necessary to employ some SEO tactics.

Most apps end up being featured in either Apple’s App Store or on the Google Play site. The App Store alone features more than 2 million apps, and Google Play houses nearly 3 million apps. So, it’s easy to see how increased visibility on search engines can direct attention to a particular app features on either of these two popular homes for apps. Increased visibility online leads to more downloads and increased brand awareness, all good things for startups.

It may seem like a monumental task to attract attention with so many other apps vying for the same kind of attention, but this is where SEO comes into play. The following six SEO tips can help mobile app entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd:

(1). Make the Brand Part of the App Name

Startups need recognition to effectively attract attention, so the brand name should be part of the app name in some way. The app name will also be the link anchor text that appears where the app is available, which will then lead to the app profile page. The brand name should be included in the download page URL.

(2). Use the Homepage/Footer to Link to the App’s Profile Pages

Brands sometimes make the mistake of burying links to their app’s profile page(s). It makes more sense to feature the link to these crucial pages as prominently as possible. The prime real estate to focus for a brand is the homepage and/or the footer.

(3). Make the App’s Landing Page Worth Visiting

SEO is only effective if it leads to useful info for searchers. This is especially important for new startups without name recognition. The section of a brand’s website that’s devoted to their apps should include screen shots to show what a potential user will be getting along with reviews and an explanation of key features.

(4). Include Brand Name in Link Text Pointing to an App’s Download Pages

Not linking the brand name to the app’s profile page (e.g., “Download X Brand’s Pizza Finder App”) is another oversight that could minimize an app’s visibility online. Anchor text is what ultimately inspires a searcher to learn more about an app, and it’s also what leads to conversions (app downloads).

(5). Reap the Rewards of App Cross-Promotion

There are many ways brands can target customers regardless of whether they come across an app’s profile page on desktop PCs or mobile devices. For instance, a brand’s desktop landing page can be set up to automatically re-direct mobile visitors to the appropriate mobile profile page. Cross-promotion also involves making app links more appealing to Google’s smartphone bot by using branded anchor text instead of images.

(6). Place a Matrix Barcode On the Desktop Landing Page

Brands sometimes miss opportunities to allow users to easily download an app. One such opportunity is on the desktop landing page. Just because a visitor finds out about an app on a desktop page doesn’t mean they don’t have access to a smartphone. Brands can quickly give desktop visitors a chance to grab their phone and download an app with a strategically placed matrix barcode (QR code) to trigger a download when the code is scanned by a device.

Because of all of the various aspects of SEO that are pretty much essential for the effective promotion of apps today, startups need to make sure their chosen web designer has a firm grasp of SEO if they don’t want to hire a separate marketing firm specializing in search engine optimization (or if that option isn’t in the budget). SEO is important to mobile app building for the following reasons:

• Nearly 40 percent of customers find products through search
• The majority of links (approximately 70 percent) that searchers click are organic (not paid ads)
• 70–80 percent of searchers ignore paid ads (although paid SEO can still be effective for app promotion with the right keywords and content)
• More than 90 percent of online experiences start with a search engine
• Nearly 60 percent of searches are from mobile devices, so SEO that includes mobile-friendly content and strategies is a must for startups)

17. Assuming Free Website Builder Tools or Templates Will Suffice

Free “one-size-fits-all” tools are easy to find, but such tools do have some limitations that can make it difficult to build a great website for startups to promote their mobile apps. The templates offered on most free website builder sites are generally fine for single page websites, but when something that’s more customized is preferred, templates won’t cut it and free features won’t cut it.

There’s nothing wrong with mobile startups wanting to save some money and use free website tools. None-the-less, the pros and cons of free website builders should be considered when considering this option. To be fair some website builders do have nice features, especially if a site is going to be set up as a place where a mobile app can be purchased.

Some websites builders do have smartphone-friendly templates, although these templates aren’t always fully responsive. And this could cause some issues when website content is viewed on smaller screens. Here are some other potential issues with free tools worth considering:

• Once a template is used, it can’t easily be changed without having to start over with a new template
• The tools may be free, but there’s usually a fee required to get a customized domain name (a must for startups looking to attract attention to the their site)
• Some templates don’t allow access to source code, so full customization will be either not possible or limited
• Interfaces are sometimes susceptible to crashes
• Blogging functionality and social integration can be limited with some website builder templates (making it difficult to promote a mobile app across multiple channels and platforms)

Another problem with template-built sites is that they look like template-built sites, no matter how much “window dressing” is added. Instead, it’s usually better for startups to turn to a marketing firm with website building experience, or hire an agency that happens to have a website designer on staff. The results will definitely be much more customized and specific to a startup’s brand and the image they wish to convey. Custom-built websites are advantageous for the following reasons:

• Custom-built sites grow and evolve with a startup’s needs
• SEO tends to be better with custom-designed websites
• Custom-built sites are responsive and appealing on any size screen

From dealing with app design and web design issues to allocating a sufficient budget for app developer cost and remembering to pay attention to SEO, the tasks startups will have on their to-do list when building for mobile can seem overwhelming. Making an effort to avoid mistakes like the ones discussed here can make building for mobile more productive and less stressful for a startup business. UI design is especially important since it’s usability that will determine the response a product gets from its intended users. It’s just as critical for startups to partner with a design agency that’s aligned with their goals and vision for the final product. Sure, there will always be unexpected challenges when building for mobile, but having a clear, strategic plan and the right perspective and assistance as development advances increases the odds of startups enjoying a successful launch.

I hope you enjoy it and really got some value out of this E-book that can help your business. If you’d like to chat, shoot us an email: inquiries@queblesolutions.com, visit our website: http://www.queblesolutions.com or check out design portfolio on


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