Getting Started with Setting Up an Emulator in Android Studio

Innocencia Ndembera
4 min readAug 1, 2024



Creating a mobile app is an exciting journey, and testing it on an emulator is one of the essential steps. An emulator simulates a real device, allowing you to see how your app will run without needing a physical device. In this article, we’ll guide you through the straightforward process of setting up an emulator in Android Studio.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up an Emulator

1. Install Android Studio

Before anything else, ensure you have Android Studio installed on your computer. You can download it from the official Android Studio website.

2. Open Android Studio

Once installed, open Android Studio. You’ll see the welcome screen with various options.

3. Start a New Project

If you haven’t created a project yet, start a new project:

  • Click on “Start a new Android Studio project.”
  • Follow the prompts to set up your project. As a beginner, I advice you change only the name and leave the rest of the options as they are.

If you already have a project, open it.

4. Access the AVD Manager

The AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager is where you create and manage emulators.

  • On the far right of Android Studio, find the “AVD Manager” icon (a phone with an Android figure as highlighted in the screenshot below). Click on it.

5. Create a New Virtual Device

In the AVD Manager:

  • Click on the “Add a new Device” button.
  • Choose the hardware you want to emulate. Common choices include Pixel devices. Select your desired device and click “Next.”

6. Select a System Image

The system image is the Android version your emulator will run.

  • Choose a system image. It’s recommended to pick one with “Recommended” next to it.
  • If it’s not downloaded yet, click the “Download” link beside it.
  • Once downloaded, select it and click “Next.”

7. Configure Your Virtual Device

Now, you can name your emulator and configure its settings:

  • Give your emulator a name (e.g., “She Coders Emulator”).
  • Its worth noting that Emulator name can contains only the characters a-z A-Z 0–9 . _ — ()
  • Adjust other settings as needed, but the default settings usually work fine.
  • Click “Finish.”

8. Launch Your Emulator

Now that your emulator is set up, it’s time to launch it:

  • In the AVD Manager, find your newly created emulator in the list.
  • Click the “Play” button (a green triangle) next to your emulator.

9. Run Your App on the Emulator

With your emulator running:

  • Go back to your Android Studio project.
  • Click the “Run” button (a green play triangle) on the toolbar.
  • Choose your emulator from the list of available devices.

Your app will compile and then run on the emulator, just like it would on a real device!


Setting up an emulator in Android Studio is a simple process that lets you test your apps without needing a physical device. By following these steps, you can ensure your app runs smoothly in a simulated environment, helping you catch and fix issues early in development. Happy coding!



Innocencia Ndembera

As a software engineer and enthusiast, I share personal reflections and explore industry trends. Join me on this journey!