Being an interior architect has been rewarding for me as I do know what I'm looking for, where I'm looking, and what is relevant. Architecture has brought out the dichotomy of my goal, allowing me to engage both creatively and scientifically with the aesthetic and functional aspects of design. I have a very interdisciplinary background and that allows me to connect many things. I'm interested in biophilic design, ecological buildings, sustainable architecture, biomimicry in architecture, bio-cities, lighting, and furniture design. Also, I'm concerned about digital photography, editing videos, drawing, writing fashion, dance, and music. I'm writing everything down, taking pictures of everything, drawing what I dream of, and acting out in my head all these things to benefit my creativity and leadership skills. I’m always inspired by nature, animals, art, and children. I'm passionate about figuring out how to combine different designs into one cohesive whole. My intention is to learn to provide beauty, naturalism, uniqueness, and elegance to our lives. My emphasis is on the dream, the compassionate creativity, and the focus on our own subjectivity and feelings. xoxo

Follow me on my YouTube channel!

My online portfolio: I'm open to working collaboratively as a freelancer!