STAR QUEST — a gamified goal tracker for kids

Wang Zhaoqun
2 min readApr 5, 2020


I remembered when I was a kid, I was very active and it was very hard for me to sit still and complete things. My attention span is very short and I was always looking for the next thing. I had many hobbies but I didn’t stick to any of them, I had low self-esteem, and I didn’t know what I was good at.

When I grow up, I have tried many things to motivate myself to achieve my goals, but none of them actually worked until I tried goal tracking. Every day I would record whether I have completed the goals I set for the day, if yes, I would give myself a star for each goal. after I have accumulated a certain amount of stars, I would allow myself to get something I really wanted.

Later on, when I was researching therapies for kids with ADHD, I discovered that this method is called behavior reinforcement. when I was ideating for the Startup Studio project. It occurred to me that I want to create a gamified goal tracker for kids, to motivate them to achieve their goals and feel more accomplished.

I then came up with the Star travel theme and named the goal tracker Star Quest. This a goal tracker that allows parents and kids to work together to define goals, star value for accomplishing each goal, rewards for completing goals. Kids can use the stars they earned to redeem rewards from their parents or buy gears from the Star store. The stars are fuels for the kids’ space ship to start their star quest, once they have accumulated enough stars they can go on space travel to a new planet.

We are really excited about this idea because we hope to help more kids with ADHD and other kids to feel accomplished.

