The Importance of Staying in Your Own Lane and Not Comparing Yourself to Others

DaJaNay Askew
4 min readJul 21, 2018

Catching the green-eyed monster after surfing through social media is not uncommon. Witnessing friends going on vacations, seeking new opportunities, getting engaged, or making lots of money can sometimes make us feel inferior. We then sit around and mourn over our “horrible” lives without even thinking about how blessed we really are. The prevelance of social media is to blame for this madness because it has us all thinking we are not good enough based off a picture or post that we know nothing about. Everyone projects only positivity on social media. Everyone wants to seem like they are living the best and most happy life, but we do not know the story behind their media accounts. This feeling seems to be ever-occuring in today’s culture and I would like to share with you how to overcome those feelings of inferiority and understand why it is important to only worry about yourself.

Rule #1: Limit Your Time on Social Media or just Eliminate it COMPLETELY.

Social media is an essential component of most people’s lives and some individuals have even jump-started careers and received fame from it; but others have also completed suicide and become depressed as a result of screen obsession. Cutting down social media usage is paramount in increasing self-esteem and ceasing self-comparison. Surfing through social media sites is the easiest way to compare yourself to others and get off track of what you are doing; so limiting your time behind the screen or getting rid of it completely will be a big help. Keep in mind that social media is all about perception and people post their best selves, so don’t be fooled or feel bad when someone seems to be living the “perfect” life. They may be going through things that you know nothing about and use social media as a way to disguise their pain.

Rule #2: Count Your Blessings

Looking at everyone else’s blessings can make us forget about our own. We are so busy trying to put together the pieces for other people’s lives, but yet we are lost in our own puzzle. We forget how blessed that we really are when we compare ourselves to others. One of your friends may just have gotten a new job with a large starting salary and now you feel inferior to your friend. But you just also got a new car and totally disregarded this blessing. Unfortunately, this is an emotionally draining cycle that many people endure. Whenever you even fix your mind to compare yourself to someone else, just look around and remember how far you came and how great that your life is!

Rule #3: Invest in Your Passions and Hobbies

The main reason we compare ourselves to others is because we try to figure out if we “size up" to that particular individual. Doing this will only make you fall short because there is only one you, which is unique and you should embrace that. Therefore, investing in yourself is so important. Improving your skills will make you better, thus increasing your self-esteem. For example, if you are passionate about singing, you will practice and possibly get vocal lessons so you can be better and feel good about yourself. In addition, the more you invest in your passions and hobbies, the less time you have to worry about what someone else is doing. So stay busy and keep improving yourself and other people’s progress won’t even cross your mind!

Those rules are relevant when learning to stop self-comparison, but it is also important to understand why.

Everyone Works on Their Own Clock.

It may not be your time to get that promotion at your job or purchase a big house, and that is OKAY! Everyone’s life is a personalized journey and cannot and should not be compared to someone else’s life. Some people reach their peak at a young age while others have to wait a little longer. Regardless of the situation, you need to embrace what you have and keep improving yourself so you will be prepared for when your blessing comes.

God does not give out big blessings if you are not ready for them.

The rise of social media has caused individuals to surf through the lives of others and disregard their own. Focusing on yourself and what you are accomplishing are the key ways to end self-comparison. You are special and unique and you are working on your own clock. God does not give out big blessings if you are not ready for them. Just keep that in mind the next time the green eyed monster attacks you when scrolling through media.



DaJaNay Askew

Realist, Educator, Entrepreneur, Ph.D student. Just a strong woman who’s passionate about improving lives of others while being completely transparent.