What Does “God’s Timing” Really Mean For Us?

Here’s why you can’t (and shouldn’t try to) go against the Divine timing.

5 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Always wait on God. God’s timing is truly the best timing.

Here’s why:

It’s human nature to think that we know best, no matter how many times we prove that we don’t, over the course of history.

It’s also human nature to believe we are the most powerful and most important things in existence. That’s the outcome of an evil ego, which is not true confidence.

Pride and egotism are two of the many evil spirits (energies) that were released within the Earth. They are low-vibrational energies that quite literally need to be FED, and these energies are never satisfied, because they come from a place of scarcity.

We tend to try to take things into our own hands out of pride and ego. We are taught to believe that the only thing we have to rely on is ourselves, which creates a very lonely, empty, and dangerous reality.

For example, a person could be worried about money, and may think God doesn’t care about them or notice their situation. So then, they may go out and sin in order to obtain this money. But, the whole time, God could have been trying to set them up with GENERATIONAL wealth, not just some…




Constantly building and growing. Spiritual healing and ascension through God. Thoughts on self-improvement, entrepreneurship, mindset, and inner understanding.