Be Kind To Your Parents, It’s Their First Time Living a Life Too

Queen of Swords
2 min readOct 9, 2023
Illustration generated by Leonardo AI

From my own experience, I’ve often found myself locked in a battle of expectations and frustration when it comes to my parents. The resentment I felt was rooted in the belief that they should know better, that they should meet certain standards I had set. Nonetheless, as time passed, I discovered that I was projecting my own projections and fears unto them. It was easier to blame them for not living up to my ideal image of parents than to confront the truth — that they were navigating the journey of parenthood for the very first time, just as I was finding my way in life.

When I took a moment to reflect on their own upbringing, the trials they faced, and the challenges they overcame in the childhood, it was like a veil lifting from my eyes. As a result of this shift in perspective, I was able to disengage from the chaos of our conversations and view them from a perspective of empathy and understanding.

It’s essential not to burden them with blame for their perceived shortcomings in parenting. Their decisions may appear misguided at times, but it’s crucial to recognize that they are doing their utmost to provide for us, guide us, and nurture us. Their actions, however imperfect they may seem, come from a deep place of unconditional love.



Queen of Swords

“In each of us is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.” - Carl Jung