Understanding Probate in Queens, NY: A Comprehensive Guide

Queens Probatelawyer
3 min readJun 8, 2023


Probate is a legal process that takes place after someone’s death to validate their will, settle their debts, and distribute their assets to the rightful beneficiaries. A probate lawyer queens NY process ensures that the deceased person’s wishes are respected and that their estate is handled appropriately.

The Steps Involved in the Probate Process

  • Filing the Petition: The probate process begins with the filing of a petition with the Surrogate’s Court in Queens. The court examines the will, verifies its authenticity, and appoints an executor to oversee the estate administration.
  • Inventory and Appraisal: The executor is responsible for creating an inventory of the deceased person’s assets, including properties, investments, bank accounts, and personal belongings. The court may require a professional appraisal to determine the value of certain assets.
  • Notifying Creditors and Settling Debts: The executor must notify creditors of the deceased person’s passing and give them an opportunity to make claims against the estate. The executor then settles any valid debts and ensures that the estate’s funds are used for this purpose.
  • Distributing Assets: Once debts and taxes have been paid, the remaining assets are distributed according to the terms outlined in the will. The executor ensures that the beneficiaries receive their rightful share.

The Role of the Probate Lawyer

A probate lawyer plays a crucial role in guiding the executor through the probate process. Their expertise and knowledge of Queens’ probate laws ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the executor fulfils their duties accurately.

  • Legal Advice and Guidance: A probate lawyer assists the executor in understanding the legal complexities involved in probate. They provide advice on fulfilling legal obligations, preparing the necessary documents, and complying with court deadlines.
  • Representation in Court: In case of any legal disputes or challenges to the will, a probate lawyer represents the executor in court. They present arguments, defend the validity of the will, and protect the executor’s interests.
  • Estate Administration: Probate lawyers help the executor with tasks such as asset inventory, debt settlement, tax filings, and distribution of assets. They ensure that the executor follows the correct legal procedures and minimize the risk of errors or disputes.

When is Probate Required and When Can it be Avoided?

Probate is typically required when the deceased person owns assets solely in their name. However, there are instances where probate can be avoided:

  • Assets with Designated Beneficiaries: Assets like life insurance policies, retirement accounts, or payable-on-death bank accounts with designated beneficiaries pass directly to those beneficiaries and do not go through probate.
  • Jointly Owned Assets: If the deceased person owned assets jointly with the right of survivorship, such as a jointly owned property, those assets automatically pass to the surviving joint owner.
  • Revocable Living Trusts: Creating a revocable living trust allows assets to be transferred into the trust during the person’s lifetime. Upon their death, the assets are distributed to the named beneficiaries without the need for probate.

The Benefits of Hiring a Queens Probate Attorney

  • Expertise in Probate Laws: Queens probate attorneys have in-depth knowledge of the local laws and regulations surrounding probate. They ensure that the executor follows the correct legal procedures and safeguards the interests of the beneficiaries.
  • Mitigating Disputes: Probate attorneys can help minimise conflicts among family members and beneficiaries, preventing potential disputes over the distribution of assets. Their guidance and mediation skills can contribute to a smoother probate process.
  • Efficient Estate Administration: With their experience in handling probate cases, probate attorneys can navigate the process efficiently, reducing the time and effort required from the executor. They ensure that all legal requirements are fulfilled promptly.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the probate lawyer queens NY, is essential for anyone involved in estate planning. While the process may seem complex, the guidance of a qualified probate lawyer can alleviate the burden and ensure that the deceased person’s wishes are carried out accurately and in compliance with the law.

