Queerin Science, Theology, Philosophy and Spirituality (QSTPS) IS AN INCLUSIVE center of thought and expression. This means we welcome atheists and agnostics unlike many religious spaces. Why?

We do so because they are a valuable part of society and based on the principle of uniqueness and diversity, everyone's opinion about life needs to be heard out.

Interesting that one of Jesus's was an atheist. It was Thomas. Thomas didn't believe Jesus rose from the dead and demanded to see him in the flesh. When he did so, so says the story, he believed.

This means unlike the other disciples, Thomas valued the highest form of evidence . The highest because there was a diversity of evidence acquistion in the whole story.

First we have the curious women who were agnostic until they found an empty tomb and angels that told them Jesus rose from the dead. In their rejoicing,they told the disciples what they saw and heard.

Now the other disciples were confused but not curious, some believed but Peter went to confirm meaning he respected evidence to some extent. When he saw an empty tomb, he also believed Jesus rose from the dead so says the story.

But Thomas respected evidence to the maximum and maybe language- a resurrected body of a person who was killed had to have wounds. Besides you could clone a Jesus who had no wounds and say that he resurrected. So Thomas was pretty sharp.

His demands made doubt more solid in the room until Jesus appeared, so says the story and told him to touch his wounds. After which, being Master Evidence, he believed and even called Jesus God.

Moral of the story some people do not take people's statements as gospel truth and demand evidence for every claim they make.

Jesus didn't hate Thomas and understood his sense of understanding. He was a skeptic. Nowhere do you see Jesus chasing Thomas away for not believing without evidence. Thomas wanted to believe after seeing evidence.

That is how atheists operate. They value evidence.

Richard Dawkins has created a beautiful scale that shows us the diversity of psychological processing in humanity. I call it psychological processing because religion is psychology with theistic undertones and overtones. Secular Psychology has atheistic undertones and overtones. All atheists psychologically function without religion hence are under the latter umbrella of psychology that involves self belief, self esteem or on the downside inferiority complex.

Why i stress is is because what religious people do to be religious has psychological underpinnings such as praying, which is socialization with unseen persons, singing which is expression of joy an emotion that can be neurally detected and other human interactions that are religio-sized such as fellowship with friends but discrimination of misfits who are later called enemies.

So let us have look at the scale

So there are three types of theists and the transitional agnostic and three types of atheists.

In a later article we will look at these types as we assess the various populations of the world and where they fit in the Dawkins Scale.

In my view, most atheist populations tend to be very material basedand have high industrial potential. Yet it is weird that polytheistic religions of old also made great strides in technology like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Greece and Ancient India.

Question, does The Psychological Infrastructure of a population determine their industrial output of a population? We will look at this comparing populations of yesterday and today with the Dawkins Scale.

Arthur Owiti

