List of LGBTQ community members against Pete Buttigieg for President

Queers Not Here For Mayor Pete
13 min readDec 19, 2019


The following is a growing list of LGBTQ community members who have signed the following statement, found here on ActionNetwork.

During the primaries, the priority is to select the candidate with the best policies and best track record for fighting oppression to be the Democratic nominee. That candidate, unfortunately, is not Pete Buttigieg. Read our essays explaining why this is the case.

“Mayor Pete” is not the progressive some originally understood him to be. Instead, he is a centrist with a neoliberal agenda. If elected President, his allegiances will not be to the people, but rather to the corporate interests who are successfully courting him, earning him the nickname “Wall Street Pete”.

In order to lead America into the future, a presidential candidate must be able to tackle white supremacy head-on and ambitiously implement racial justice initiatives. Pete Buttigieg’s track record in South Bend and vision for the nation and the world demonstrate that his capacity to do so is severely lacking.

As members of the LGBTQ community, we feel a duty to express our opposition to Mayor Pete’s campaign, because we can do so without being called “homophobic”. Knowing the significance it would hold for so many in our marginalized community, we would be happy to see queer/trans president — but only if their politics and policies would bring us all closer to liberation!

We are members of the LGBTQ community, and we strongly feel that Pete Buttigieg is not the best candidate to support the LGBTQ community into the future.

List of Signers

Updated 1/22/2020 11pm EDT

LGBTQ Community Members

Rachel Ablow, Buffalo, NY

Monte Albert, Pflugerville, TX

I am LGBT man of color. Pete is the embodiment of what persecution of minorities looks like, specially even within LGBT communities.

We need a president who work for everyone. Not just elite white billionaire class.

Lydia Alcock, Baltimore, MD

Brooke Anderson, Oakland, CA

MK Anderson, Decatur, GA

Sam Armbruster, Knoxville, TN

Gin Armstrong, Buffalo, NY

Carol Ayres

Not here for rainbow-washed capitalist imperialism. No Pete.

Kelly Baker, Somerville, MA

Krista Benson, Grand Rapids, MI

Tracy Bindel, Jamaica Plain, MA

Harper Bishop, Buffalo, NY

Rachel Bishop, Jamaica Plain, MA

John Bitondo, Oakland, CA

Kenneth Bizarro, New Bedford, MA

We need Progressive economic policies for economic justice, not just social justice.

Laura Blosser, Sacramento, CA

Patrick Bradley, Windham, NH

Rodrigo Brandao, New York, NY

Ivy Brashear, Lexington, KY

Appalachian Queer who is definitely not here for Mayor Pete

Cynthia Breen, Chino, CA

Linnea Brett, Buffalo, NY

Blu Buchanan, Sacramento, CA

Abbie Burghdoff, Overland Park, KS

Alex Burnett, Silver Spring, MD

Jeremy Cajigas, New Haven, CT

He is a sellout and a republican we don’t need conservative Democrats or moderates.

Conor Cara, Oxford, MA

Berkley Carnine, Albuquerque, NM

Tyler Caruso, Brooks, ME

Not another white cis male promoting war and white supremacy. Not on my watch Mayor Pete.

Matthew Casey, Ringwood, NJ

C Clark, Alexandria, VA

Elizabeth Clauss, Newark, DE

Bennett Collins, Buffalo, NY

Jennifer Connor, Buffalo, NY

I appreciate the thoughtful research and writing that Queers Not Here for Mayor Pete have put into this project because it seemed like Buttigeg was rotten but didn’t actually have any evidence to back it up. We already have enough rotten in this world, we don’t need to enable or elect more.

Tp Coughlin, Davis, CA

Robert Crowley, La Crosse, WI

Dominick D’Aversa, Jackson Twp, NJ

Daniel Davis, Medford, MA

Emily Deibler, Kennesaw, GA

Katherine Delaney, Boston, MA

Andrew Delmonte

Ethne Dennis, Studio City, CA

Suresh Dianand, Brooklyn, NY

Josal Diebold, Grand Island, NY

Jeremy Diffenderfer, Manchester, PA

David DiMaggio, Dallas, TX

brynn dizack, Roslindale, MA

Sarah Duncan, Roslindale, MA

Anne Dunlap, Buffalo, NY

Allison Eastham, Williamsburg, VA

Diane Elze, Buffalo, NY

I want a candidate committed to racial and economic justice. Pete is not that candidate.

Jessi Eoin, Brooklyn, NY

Buttigieg is the antithesis of my politics as a queer person. His conservative approaches, his racism, his lies, his two-faced presentations, his general incompetence, and a vast number of his policies as well as his attitude toward social justice issues is inherently anti-queer because of its racism, ableism, classism, imperialism, and more. His presidency would be a terrible one for people across the nation, further harming marginalized communities and further enriching those who least need and deserve it. He does not represent queer people in the so-called United States, and he definitely doesn’t represent me as a queer and trans person. For the good of the people, Buttigieg must not be elected.

Emma Fabian, Buffalo, NY

Dahlia Ferlito, Glendale, CA

Alexander Fierro-Clarke, Los Angeles, CA

Pete Buttigieg is not fit to be president and does not represent queer Americans. His neoliberal agenda, corporate history, and kowtowing to moneyed interests are the opposite of queer praxis. He needs to drop out and endorse Bernie Sanders immediately.

Candice Fletcher-Pacheco, Buffalo, NY

Reed Floarea, Denver, CO

Damian Fontanez, Washington, DC

Phoenix Forbes, Chicago, IL

Harriet Forman, Santa Fe, NM

I just don’t think he’s the person for the job now. He doesn’t have the experience.
He seems too entitled, to me. The women candidates are much stronger than he is.

Rose Fox, Brooklyn, NY

Chris Furino, Orlando, FL

Sherrill Futrell, Davis, CA

I am so for Bernie. He’s a progressive and poor Pete is not.

Liam G

Michael Gennari, Staten Island, NY

Not going to vote or encourage anyone to vote for a candidate who is going to compromise all of America’s values so straight people can feel good about voting for a single gay man.

Sue Gibson

Ian Gilmore, San Francisco, CA

Pete is the best example there is of assimilation being the death of queerness

Oscar Gittemeier, Decatur, GA

Amelie Goedecke, Houston, TX

Mayor Pete is the epitome of white privilege. I need a president who respects all people, regardless of income.

Camden Goetz, Plover Village of, WI

Pete’s conservative stances, racist history as mayor and faking Black support with the “Douglass Plan,” stance on Medicare for All, imperialist foreign policy…there are many reasons I don’t support him as a queer person. He is just another hollow, sell-out politician who wants power, and won’t enact policies that help working class and oppressed people, including the LGBTQ community.

Harmony Goldberg, Brooklyn, NY

Micaela Gramelis, Baltimore, MD

Joss Green

L Grothaus, Baltimore, MD

Leonel Gutierrez, Chicago, IL

Commitment to the most marginalized groups is of the utmost importance.

An unwavering support for the complete restructuring of society in which long-term sustainability (economic and environmental) is of the utmost importance.

Compassion is what our new president must be known for. Too long have we suffered because we have tried to impose U.S will over foreign affairs.

Jennifer Hadlock, New York, NY

Michael Harrington, Berea, KY

Pete does not have policies that will help the poor. His policies will not help queer people in rural communities.

Tihi Hayslett, Long Beach, CA

Jessica Heard, Washington, DC

When he said to black residents in his current city, “I’m not asking for your vote,” he lost any chance of mine. His tone was flippant and disrespectful when it should have been vulnerable and conciliatory.

Misha Heij Mariano, Holyoke, MA

Ellen Hemrick, Naples, FL

Alice Heylek, Niagara Falls, NY

I’m a trans woman and a lesbian and I’m for queer liberation, not gay assimilation.
Pete Buttigieg will do nothing to help our community in office because he is a neoliberal corporate shill and will actively uphold power structures that harm the LGBTQIA+ community.

Heather Holland, Provo, UT

Brittany Horne, Los Angeles, CA

Zoey Howe, Boston, MA

Dani Howell, Columbus, OH

Lisa Hubbard, Portland, OR

Elizabeth Ihde, Minneapolis, MN

David Imhoff, Oakland, CA

Pete’s platform will not serve the members of our queer community who are harmed most by transphobia, homophobia, racism, patriarchy, ablism, and class oppression. Pete serves the ruling class. Queers need a candidate who will serve and be accountable to a multiracial working class base!

Ben Ishibashi, Chicago, IL

KJ Jarstad, Seattle, WA

#wallstreetpete #mckinseypete #darrylboykins #canadianbreadprices

Tony Jennaro, Madison, WI

Sydney Ji

Jonna Johnson, Byron Center, MI

Jess Johnson, Florence, MA

Sierra Johnston, Buffalo, NY

Augustin Kendall, Minneapolis, MN

Malorie Kennedy, Lacey, WA

Mo Kessler, Sylva, NC

There is no queer liberation without significant harm reduction now! We need M4A, student debt cancellation and a green new deal not a race to the right!

Samiyah Kinsey, Buffalo, NY

I’m glad my misgivings are shared

Christina Koller, Providence, RI

Chris Koston, Newark, DE

Erika Lynn Kreeger, Monterey, CA

Monica Leavitt, San Francisco, CA

He’s a gimmick. Shame on him for not running as a Log Cabin Republican.

Collin Lee, MSW, Roxbury, MA

Johanna Lewis, Toronto, ON

Silver Light, Buffalo, NY

Elainy Lima, Jamaica Plain, MA

Rainy Logan, Sterling Town of, MA

Kay Lowden, Somerville, MA

Being gay is not disqualifying for being president. But being a corporate loving neoliberal imperialist, especially one who can’t even run a small city, should be.

Yana Ludwig, Laramie, WY

Jennifer Lundquist, Sachse, TX

Anthony Lynch, Harwood Heights, IL

Evelyn Lynn, Atlanta, GA

David Marsh, Los Angeles, CA

F. Martin, Buffalo, NY

Mayor Pete does nothing but distract from the project of queer liberation!

Cristina Maze, Columbus, OH

Molly McClure, Austin, TX

Kathy McDougall, Houston, TX

Lindsey Medeiros, Stoughton, MA

Catherina Messier, Jackson Heights, NY

Brandon Miller, Cookeville, TN

Reed Miller, New Haven, CT

Mayor Pete is not fit to be president. His track record and vision on racial justice are insufficient, his healthcare plan won’t keep us well, his stances on global conflicts and domestic immigration are centrist. We need liberation, not President Pete!

Dominique Morgan, Omaha, NE

Paul Morgan, Buffalo, NY

“Knowing the significance it would hold for so many in our marginalized community, we would be happy to see queer/trans president — but only if their politics and policies would bring us all closer to liberation!”

Nechama Moring, Chelsea, MA

i’m embarrassed to share a queer identity with this racist war-monger. I’ve experienced plenty of real homophobia, and I can tell you that homophobia is not the same thing as being questioned about your track record of racism, racist policy and poor decisions. I hate that Buttigieg uses his queerness to avoid accountability and promote oppressive policy. My queerness is an invitation to fight oppression and work towards collective liberation, which means I oppose Buttigieg. P.S. His comments about Black voters not supporting him because he’s gay and they’re homophobic were so incredibly offensive and untrue and dismissive. Black queer people exist, and are often leaders in the fight for justice and a sustainable, equitable future. Homophobia itself is a system of oppression that stems from white supremacy. His racist policies and policy decisions are at fault here, and again, I’m embarrassed whenever he tries to represent me as a queer person.

Irene Morrison, Tacoma, WA

You don’t speak for me, Bradley. Yo’re just a shill trying to shame people into voting for a lesser evil. You know what? I’m tired of people like you holding my vote hostage. Pete won’t address the biggest issues of inequality and climate chaos we are facing. He’s not a good candidate and you can’t pink-wash your way out of that fact.

Nicole Morse, Delray Beach, FL

Adrienne Mosey, Jamaica Plain, MA

Sapphic Moxie, Greensboro, NC

Queer and Trans People of Color see through this wholly unqualified icon of white cis Male mediocrity.

We queer white folks get it together and realize that candidates and policies that are not good for ALL of us aren’t good for any of us.

Jaime Myers, New Haven, CT

Rachel Nagin, Roxbury, MA

Yasmin Nair, Chicago, IL

Nick Nasser, Boston, MA

Jake Navarro, Austin, TX


Rebecca Newberry, Lockport, NY

Alek Nielsen, Kent, OH

Shay Nowak, Buffalo, NY

Mark Nowak, Buffalo, NY

Karen O’Lone, San Diego, CA

Michele Ogden, Chicago, IL

Kevin Patterson, Denver, CO

Geoffrey Paul, Chicago, IL

Pete Buttigieg is not an ally to Black and Brown people. Mr. Buttigieg is not an ally to queer Black and Brown people. As a gay Brown Man I will not stand by as Pete Buttigieg disrespects and disgraces the memory of the Queer Black and Brown people who fought so my community could have what we have today.

Steve Pena, Kingsville, TX

Rebecca Perry, Houston, TX

Sidonia Peyton, Shaker Heights, OH

Watufani Poe, Lincoln University, PA

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Portsmouth, NH

Casey Ratliff, Brooklyn, NY

Mayor Buttigieg does not have my support. His record on racial justice is unacceptable. Pro-lgbtqia MUST be pro-Black and anti-white supremacy and prioritize people over profit or it is not lifting up our communities. During his time as mayor, Buttigieg did not keep Black communities in South Bend safe, and refuses to act with integrity on issues related to racial and economic justice.

Bridge Rauch, Buffalo, NY

Rachel Ravina, Jamaica Plain, MA

Not a fan of the foreign policy among other things. His response to Iran news didn’t adequately condemn trump’s choices, and their ethical and legal implications.

Andrea Reany, Nelsonville, OH

J Reid

Terry Roethlein, Astoria, NY

Reclaim Pride Coalition agrees with the claims that PG does not stand for a truly progressive alternative but rather is allied with the institutions tied to neoliberalism and racism.

David Ruperti, Brooklyn, NY

Sasha Sagan, Dorchester, MA

Buttigieg cares more about the health insurance lobby than the queer community. We can’t afford him.

Zainab Saleh, Buffalo, NY

Evaristo Lito Sandoval, San Francisco, CA

Clare Sandy, Oakland, CA

Zakaria Schwartz, San Diego, CA

Gabriel Schwartz, Jamaica Plain, MA

Camille Seaberry, Baltimore, MD

Connor Simmons, Flanagan, IL

Pete Buttigieg represents the interests of the billionaires more than those of the LGBT community, which is comprised of many working class members. Only Bernie Sanders will bring the change necessary to achieve gay liberation.

Jonathan Singer, Dorchester, MA

Keegan Smith, Southborough, MA

Chase Smith, Philadelphia, PA

Pete is not the most qualified candidate plus he is too centrist and despite being part of the LGBTQ+ community would probably not be our best option. Though I represent the G,Q, and T, that’s not all there is to me as a voter or a citizen. And saying that Pete represents the LGBTQ+ community because he’s gay is also not really true as many middle/upper class white gay men want assimilation not liberation. We need liberation and also solid policy around racial and criminal justice. Pete has been bought and paid for

John Smithers, San Francisco, CA

Stefanie Snider

Evelyn Spargo, Hollywood, FL

K Stanley, Sunnyvale, CA

As a queer woman with queer trans family and friends of color I see Pete Buttigieg as the embodiment of how white, cis-male privilege leads some public gay white men to use their gayness as a shield against legitimate criticism of their questionable practices. Mayor Pete may be a good guy and probably he’s suffered some as a gay man in the midwest, but that doesn’t make his actions as mayor of South Bend or his intentions as would-be president (his interaction with his police force, his stances on climate change and economic reform) okay or what we need.

The United States needs to reckon with so many more challenges than this folksy “moderate” from Indiana seems willing or able to grapple with. Climate disaster is not “moderate”. The global refugee crisis is not “moderate”. The prison-industrial complex, white supremacy, student loan crisis, health care crisis, homelessness (especially among veterans and LGBTQI youth) — none of these are “moderate” problems! We need a progressive willing to risk their own political capital to make big, structural, deeply-considered changes. Mayor Pete just doesn’t want to go far enough.

Iris Starr, Berkeley, CA

Hi Pete: you really need to work on your white supremacy. You don’t ask questions or make commitment s for racial justice. You spokesperson let’s us all know the mechanics going on behind your little boy face. I’m not voting for you and I’m telling my many friends not to. Drop out and support Stacey Abrams in getting out the vote.

Joan Starr, Berkeley, CA

Mayor Pete does not speak for me.

Carra Stratton, Buffalo, NY

P. Sturm, Reno, NV

He sold out to donors from some corporations that hurt us the most.

Emily Tennant-Koller, Buffalo, NY

Emily Terrana, Buffalo, NY

Jonathan Terry, Philadelphia, PA

Peter Thacher, Washington, DC

Katy Themm, Sioux City, IA

Tams Tidwell, Jamaica Plain, MA

Ash Trull, Jamaica Plain, MA

Queers ARE here for people and planet over profits! We do not need another politician playing into the pockets of the wealthy and elite. Goodbye, Mayor Pete!

GiGi N Tyson, Buffalo, NY

Why is a Log Cabin Republican running on a Democratic ticket?

Leah Vader, Gillette, WY

I’m not impressed by the Wall Street money and basically he’s not ready. Put your support to a better candidate like Warren please.

William Vandergriff, Tucson, AZ

Pete is another centrist corporate shill, willing to say and do anything for power. I do not, nor will ever support him for President.

Azrael Von Kohler, Branford, CT

Devon Wade, Louisville, KY

I don’t need an LGBTQ president who is basically a republican. I need a president who is going to stand up for the working class.

netta walsh, Plainfield, VT

Grover Wehman-Brown, Alameda, CA

Julia White, Buffalo, NY

Mayor Pete does not represent the values and ideals of queer liberation.

Rebekah Williams, Naples Town of, NY

Steven Williams, Broken Arrow, OK

Rachel Wilson, Albany, NY

Richard Winfrey, Brigantine, NJ

I do not believe in identity politics, I believe in voting for the candidate who’s ideas align with your own. One’s sexuality is not enough and it is sad that certain members of the gay community cannot see beyond that. Bernie Sanders has been a pioneer in civil rights and he should be our next president of the United States. Buttigieg should try running for congress first.

Elisabeth Woldeyohannes, Pittsford, NY

I am a queer POC who knows that Buttigieg is not what we need: A neoliberal candidate who will not change our foreign or domestic policy to level the playing field generated from years of exploitation at home and abroad will do nothing to change our lot long-term. All he will do is leave the poor queers and queers of color behind, instead simply allowing a select few LGBTQ persons to share in the benefits of exclusion.

Karen Wolf, Fairfax, VA

Veronica Wood, Sacramento, CA

Wayne Yeh, Jamaica Plain, MA

Kyle York, Windsor, CO

Kagen Aurencz Zethmayr, La Grange, IL

I’m particularly angry against Pete Buttigieg (aka “Peak Bougie Git”) because he is appropriating minority identity without having any history or seeming comprehension of service or sociopolitical solidarity with the LGBTQ* community as a whole. He’s a straight-acting, cisgender, socioeconomically-privileged white gay man who uses his elite education and his sexual denomination to mislead people back into a “kinder, gentler,” more-inclusive pro-MIC corporatist centrism.

We deserve better, and we desperately need better. The world would be a better place if “Mayor Pete” had stuck to learning from Bernie Sanders and were supporting him now /as/ a genuine and justice-minded progressive, instead of being a false-front candidate.

Identity =/= policy, nor does it equal character.

Allies to the LGBTQ Community

Evie Barnes, Los Angeles, CA

Pamela Brashear, Viper, KY

Fatima Chagani, Hialeah, FL

Anne Champion, Frisco, TX

Jonathan DeCastro, Seal Beach, CA

He must embrace everyone in the gay community. Not just the log cabin republicans. If you are out , then be proud.

Vanessa Giraldo, Brooklyn, NY

Clarke Gocker, Buffalo, NY

Paul Harvey, Cattaraugus, NY

“Pete Buttigieg is a lying motherfcker.”
— — Michael Harriot

Kathy Hoben, Waltham, MA

Celeste Lamasa, Springfield, OH

Michael Lawler, Albuquerque, NM

Not anywhere near progressive enough! Sanders/Warren!

Heather Leaderstorf, Buffalo, NY

Jeff Pack, Buffalo, NY

Amy Prentiss, Buffalo, NY

Rosalyn Sloan, Concord, NC

BrendaLee Smith, Tallahassee, FL

Sarah Stockholm, Olympia, WA

Anna Wisner, Tarzana, CA



Queers Not Here For Mayor Pete

As members of the LGBTQ community, we feel a duty to express our opposition to Mayor Pete’s presidential campaign.