The Power of Coffee that Everyone Doesn’t Know

2 min readNov 22, 2023


Who doesn’t know coffee? Everyone knows coffee, isn’t it?

The first time I got to know more about coffee, maybe around 2019, the taste of americano coffee was super bitter and made me unable to sleep for 2 days while shaking. From there I started to get curious with the taste of other coffees.

Today I think “if I didn’t have coffee, what would I drink or would I never imagine what life would be like without coffee?”

Coffee has changed my life, I always spill a lot of things in coffee, sad, happy, confused, even heartbroken. I feel like coffee is my best friend, even if I don’t drink coffee for a week I feel like something is missing.

My favorite coffees so far are coffee latte, palm sugar coffee, caramel latte, and vanilla latte. Not too strong, but creamy and with normal sugar. Or it could be the best seller of coffee at that place according to the recommendation of the barista.

If I drink coffee, it means there are 3 reasons, 1. I’m feeling upset 2. I’m happy 3. I just want to. For these 3 reasons, I always refine my writing activities until it becomes a work (for example, I wrote this at the coffee shop I frequent). In the past, maybe I just drank coffee, but now I always bring my laptop or there’s something I have to do, whatever it is. At least 1 coffee can buy the work I produce.

But, you know what? Actually, coffee can make you happy, you know. The caffeine content in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system, increase energy levels, and reduce fatigue. When you feel fresh, this can give you positive and happy feelings.

Caffeine can also increase the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in improving mood and providing a sensation of happiness.

So far coffee makes me very happy, and I have lots of memories with coffee. If you don’t believe me, visit my Instagram @irfatunnissaa and you can see the coffees I’ve drunk.

