2 min readJan 29, 2018


Its hard to achieve something when you know it to yourself that sometimes, even how much you push yourself to do it you know there’s just limitations, your own limitations. It’s normal, it’s beautiful and it’s what what we call being “human”. It is hard to do your best sometimes, why? because you’ve been doing that for the longest time yet what you’re giving was not enough.

Yes, we should tell to ourselves that we can do it but sometimes it would be much better to just admit it that you really can’t, we just really can’t. Its not about being negative or being incompetent or giving up easily, NO ITS NOT. We’ve been doing our best for the longest time, trying new things to help ourselves but we should admit that sometimes the end result is not what we imagined to be. On the other hand, we also have to embrace the reality of life that even though we want to do it or we want to make it work and we push ourselves so much, there are times that we should accept that we just have certain capacities that could meet things.

We sometimes envy those people who could do things and is capable to do it but then maybe that’s just life. People can either sometimes do it because they’re capable of it and some are not because we cant have everything to do everything.

Sometimes its just really so hard to motivate oneself, why? We have feelings, we have emotions, we have expectations and its all mixing in one single mind that’s why though we want to cheer ourselves, sometimes its just so impossible.

Now there goes TIME, later on as time passes by so are our disappointments. It will be carried by the time away. Then later on when the perfect time for you to blossom comes and you want to do something new, life will set it in a way that its for you and that you’re capable enough to succeed on it.

