Why chatbots usage is increasing in the sport industry?

Quentin Seguret
4 min readJan 6, 2017



Messenger chatbots usage have increased in the digital market. Sport brands began to use this technique of chatting with their users and to understand why this is the future of conversation and relationship.

First, we need to have a focus on chatbots in general:

What is a chatbot? A chatbot is a messenger service, thanks to the artificial intelligence. The goal of this technique is to interact with someone via a chat interface. A chatbot can exist in many messaging platforms (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Text Messages, etc.).

Why is it important to use it? Chatbots are a huge opportunity for brands to speak with their customers and to build a strong relationship. Because it’s creative, you can interact better with your customers and personnalise the message you want to communicate.

Moreover, we can see that messaging platforms have surpassed for the first time social networks. It is underlining the fact for brands, that their targets are on messaging platforms and not on Twitter or Facebook anymore. It’s huge to target them and to deliver a strong and creative communication plan.

Chatbots in the sport environment:

Now, we are going to see and analyse the strength of chatbots in the sport messaging market. By using bots, sports teams and brands can send them messages and alerts. For exemple upcoming games, news, statistics. We can also subscribe for their messenger newsletters and receive messages every day to be inform of the last news.

We can distinguish 2 types of groups using messaging bots in sport:

First, sports team and individual athletes. They can use messaging bots to be closer to their fans and to produce more creative content. After all, the engagement is going to increase and reach a very good level. The second group is sport brands. They can use chatbots to individualise, personnalise their communication and messages. This technique is perfect to retain the best way possible their customers and offer them a different experience. They can began a relationship with their customers thanks to their chatbots. Moreover, they can increase more business because they can know better their customers, what they like and what they want from the brand.

Best exemple of using chatbots: NBA

When we speak about technology and sport, The NBA is always in the conversation. Regarding chatbots, they were one of the first league to create some. The NBA chatbot that I loved was launched during the NBA finals opposing Cleveland Cavaliers against Golden State Warriors. This messaging bot could show highlights of specific players, top plays, and games recap or bests actions from games during the NBA playoffs finals.

You can see an exemple of the chatbot below: I think it’s a cool idea and a good way to communicate with fans or customers. You can have access to data or videos faster and easier.


Chatbots are the future of communication. This digital technique is perfect to target your fans/customers and offer them an incredible experience. With chatbots in sports environment, you will provide relevant news, videos or articles to your fans. You will improve your customer service and build a strong relation with you customers. You will be able to answer better to their questions or provide them relevant informations. You can also increase your business by selling more tickets, jerseys or products by linking them directly to the shop. And moreover, you are going to be a leader in digital.

About me

My name is Quentin Seguret. 23 year old student in digital Marketing & Social Media in Sup de Pub. Currently living in London for my studies,
I am passionated by advertising, social media and new technologies.

Also fan of sport in general, especially the NBA and the PSG.

My mojo : ICI C’EST PARIS.

