Why at 23.5 is tropic of cancer/ Capricorn?

Rohit kumar
3 min readJul 22, 2023


Because if we do not believe the planet to be tilted, then the sunlight should fall straight on the earth’s equator, and sometimes it does, but not always. However, this does not mean that the earth is not inclined.

When it is cold in India, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is at its smallest. At this time, our Earth tilts 23.5 degrees off its axis in the opposite direction to the Sun; as a result, the light of the Sun is not immediately visible in India or anywhere else above the equator. When it is warm in India, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is at its longest. Because of this, it is freezing here, whereas heat may be experienced below the equator of the planet because it is where the light from the sun falls directly. Because the earth is tilted towards this side of the sun at this hour, the Tropic of Capricorn is bathed in light from the sun. The line on which the light of the sun is read directly is called the Tropic of Capricorn, and it falls in the southern region of our world. our line lies immediately in front of that line.

In a similar manner, as the Earth is receding from the Sun, the equator of the Earth tilts towards the Sun. As a result, India faces straight towards the Sun. As a result, the light from the Sun falls directly towards us. As a result, there is heat in India, which is the line on which the Sun’s light falls directly. In the hemisphere that contains the Northern part of the Earth, that line is referred to as the Tropic of Cancer.

The line along which the light of the sun falls in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere is known as the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. This is because the Earth tilts slightly away from the sun.

If the tilt of the Earth’s axis is only 23.5 degrees, then direct light from the Sun is incident only up to an angle of 23.5 degrees.

क्योंकि अगर हम पृथ्वी(earth) को झुका हुआ न माने तो सूर्य की प्रकाश सीधी पृथ्वी की भूमध्य रेखा(earth’s equator) पर पड़नी चाहिए और पड़ती भी है परन्तु हमेशा नहीं

जब भारत में ठंढ़ी पड़ती है तब पृथ्वी और सूर्य की बीच की दुरी सबसे कम होती है और इस वक़्त हमारी पृथ्वी अपने अक्ष से 23.5 डिग्री से सूर्य के उलटी ओर झुक जाती है जिससे भारत या इक्वेटर के ऊपर वाले रीजन में सूर्य का प्रकाश सीधे नहीं पड़ता है जिससे हमारे यहाँ ठंढी पड़ती है और पृथ्वी की भूमध्य रेखा(earth’s equator) के नीचे में गर्मी पड़ती है क्युकी वहां पे सूर्य की प्रकाश सीधे पड़ती है



Rohit kumar

Post-Graduate in Physics from NIT Hamirpur