To protect our planet from global warming

Seven ultimate New Year’s resolutions for 2019 and beyond

4 min readJan 7, 2019
New Year’s Eve in Spain (learn more about it in the end of this article)

First, let’s just recap some news. In 2018 we reached a record high in carbon emissions, especially due to the rising number of cars on the streets, and the renaissance of the coal age. Meanwhile, heat waves hit the globe, at times extremely severe in some European regions, Canada and Japan. In Tokyo, the temperature went above 40º C, bringing 65 people to death by heat stroke and other 22,647 hospitalised due to the extreme heat. Such incidents left many concerned about the Olympic Games of 2020, due to take place in Tokyo, during the summer.

Another important matter that could not be forgotten in the previous year was the discussions around the Paris Agreement, the most important international accord towards the cut of carbon emissions in the world. Since 2017, while even Syria had signed the treaty, Trump announced the withdrawal of his country from the deal. Officially, the USA cannot leave the agreement before 2020. However, 2018 was marked by Trump’s articulations of his decision, influencing Brazilian new president Jair Bolsonaro to comment on the possibility of also withdrawing Brazil from the agreement.

There is no doubt that we need to push governments and companies to develop measures to produce efficiently without harming the environment. However, when it comes to carbon emissions, we should focus on one of the main causes of this issue: our personal consumption and transportation.

Be a bold consumer
Start consuming less, buy less stuff and avoid imported goods, especially food. Not just the production of the things you buy, but also their transportation are responsible for a large amount of carbon emission. Try to fix broken things instead of disposing them and buying new ones. And more importantly, avoid using combustible engine cars. This also means that you should try to fly less. Flying is actually the most harmful source of carbon emission per individual nowadays. No matter how clean, organic, and sustainable you might be, if you are a jet-setter you are already responsible for a huge emission of greenhouse gases. Whenever possible, use high-speed trains or do video-calls instead of flying for business meetings. If the trip cannot be avoided, think about paying your carbon emissions through a carbon offsetting programme, for example.

Be a bold brand
More and more people are becoming aware of their consumption habits and more selective when buying things. In this scenario, brands should be bold enough to evolve, not just in order to succeed in the market, but also to reduce the harm that mass production is bringing to our planet. It is time to invest in material research and circular design, making sure that your product reaches zero sum in both carbon emissions and product waste. Rethink your logistics and also your business model. Large production sometimes can be substituted by innovation and upcycling processes through your whole production chain.

by Mateus Bagatini

New Year’s in Spain

In Spain a New Year’s food tradition requires that people eat 12 grapes at midnight, one for each time that the clock chimes.

Illustration by Ewelina Skowrońska

