To fight for democracy by all means

Seven ultimate New Year’s resolutions for 2019 and beyond

3 min readJan 7, 2019
New Year’s Eve in Brazil (learn more about it in the end of this article)

In most recent years, the world of politics was shaken by many different happenings around the globe. Authoritarian ideas spread out rapidly, rising deep concerns about the stability of many democratic systems. Backed by part of the society, conservative groups became stronger in countries like France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Germany, the Philippines, Japan, China, Poland, Brazil and many other nations.

While the West witnessed a rebirth of populism, mainly guided by a general hope for “change”, the East faced governments claiming even more power, at the expense of citizen’s rights and freedom of speech. Due to these trends, tighter control by governments, such as what is currently happening in China, is observable in an increasing number of countries, where authoritarian leaders have started to claim more power.

Although some specialists see this moment as extremely concerning, it can also be taken as an opportunity to review our economic and social structures towards the evolution of our societies. And we, as citizens, have to take a closer look at the actions of our governments and stand strong against issues of any kind. Acts that might look small, like voting, are actually important to keep democracy alive. We cannot forget that it was through voting that many Americans guaranteed a strong opposition against President Trump in last year’s midterm elections. By combining small actions we can make a huge difference to the world’s future.

Be a bold citizen
First of all: vote! Your vote can make a difference. And more than anything, get engaged and try to learn a minimum about politics and about what is going on in your own country, and around the world, before you select your representatives. Read the news produced by reliable media outlets, from both ‘left’ and ‘right wing’ sources. Try to avoid your social media bubble and all the fake news that comes with it. And no matter what happens, never give up about claiming your freedom of speech, and your rights as a citizen and a human being.

Be a bold company
Allow your employees to discuss and express freely their thoughts about social issues and politics. Make sure that your clients or business partners are not connected to any sort of organisations that are violating international human rights. And, if possible, get engaged! Brands are powerful channels, able to reach a huge audience, so use that power to make a difference in the world. Take the small card-game company Cards Against Humanity as an example, their marketing actions go beyond mere branding, becoming strong manifests responding to world issues.

by Mateus Bagatini

New Year’s in Brazil

While watching the fireworks on the beach, some Brazilians jump seven sea waves to attract good fortune for the new year.

Illustration by Ewelina Skowrońska

