To accept that immigration belongs to the human core

Seven ultimate New Year’s resolutions for 2019 and beyond

5 min readJan 7, 2019
New Year in Japan (learn more about it in the end of this article)

Many might remember the news related to immigration and refugees issues that were constantly featured on newspapers everywhere in the world last year. But probably just a few will remember the numbers on those news. From a quick overview, we cannot forget that Europe suffered countless political and social conflicts due to the severe refugee crisis that hit the continent. In Spain for instance, from the 55.200 migrants and refugees who had reached the country by sea in 2018, 743 died in the attempt of finding a better life in Europe. In the USA, President Trump kept his strict policies towards immigration. However, such increase of control was not enough to stop the 7.000 Central American migrants who crossed Mexico and reached the US-Mexico border, hoping to find a way to get in the country to search for work and better life conditions. Yet, the most problematic issue in America regarding immigration was arguably the detention of around 15.000 migrant children, the majority without contact with their parents. Two children even died in those immigration centers.

South-American countries are also facing one of the biggest immigration waves of the continent’s history. The economic and political crises in Venezuela are causing an average of 5.000 people leaving the country daily, totalising 2 million people who left the country since the beginning of the crises in 2015. The flow of Venezuelan immigrants is causing tensions in its neighbouring countries, leading to some radical reactions from people who claim that their country is being ‘invaded’. Furthermore, Africa and Asia also face problems connected to immigration. With many immigrants from some African countries trying to reach Europe, tensions happened everywhere, bringing some severe consequences in countries like Algeria, where many refugees tried to reach in the hope to find a way to make it to the European continent. In Asia, while the Rohingya minority crisis left at least 6.700 dead and forced more than 700.000 people to leave Myanmar, Japan, one of the countries with the most severe immigration laws, passed a controversial bill that will allow at least 340.000 blue collar work immigrants to enter the country within five years.

Human flows around the globe are not a new thing. We are explorers by essence, moving from place to place pushed by the need to survive, and also by our curiosity. Since their origins in Africa, the homo-sapiens have spread out across the world, and later on ended up claiming the property of every single square meter of land on planet Earth’s surface as their own. However, the more we evolved as a society, the more this sense of property strengthened, and borders became the basis of sovereignty.

Although getting attached to our culture is important, the idea of borders and nationality are new. They are a construction of our society forged through time, presented in our lives through flags, passports and national anthems. But, in the end, we are all the same. We are people, we move, we are curious, we want to survive and try to live a happy life as much as it is possible. If many are leaving their countries, it is because something went wrong in the order of things. We are causing war, we are causing inequality, we are exploiting the weak ones. And as usual, every cause is followed by a consequence, a consequence that we must bear and try to fix together.

Be a supporter
More than just being conscious about the issues of immigration, you could try to create some positive impact. In case you have been in doubt of how to start, try to find out about how immigration is happening around you. Gather some information, get in touch with people and groups connected to projects to help immigrants and refugees in your city. Sometimes there are even things that you can help with that do not even require you to leave your house, like being an online translator or interpreter, for example.

Be an inclusive brand
Does your brand talk about all the different cultures of your consumers? By thinking your products and services in a way that they can serve different groups and by including them within your brand communication and expression, we are helping them to feel more comfortable and integrated into their new home.

by Mateus Bagatini

New Year in Japan

In Japan one tradition for the New Year is to buy or gift one Daruma doll. You paint one of the eyes of the Daruma in the New Year, and make a wish. Then, when the wish become true, you paint the other eye.

Illustration by Ewelina Skowrońska

