“Crocus City Hall Attack on Innocent Civilians Alarming,” says HRD Quianna Canada

American Human Rights Defender Calls for Peace and Unity in Wake of Tragic Crocus City Hall Attack

Courtesy of Serge Kutuzov

Quianna Canada, an American Human Rights Defender residing in Belfast, has released a heartfelt statement regarding the horrifying attack on Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast. The incident, which took place on Saturday, has instilled fear and terror in innocent civilians. In response, Ms. Canada is calling on human rights defenders to steadfastly advocate for peace in the face of terrorism.

A Devastating Loss

According to reports, 115 lives were lost. This number includes 3 innocent children. However, other reports seem to indicate this number is dramatically increasing, with more civilians injured, hospitalized and in critical condition. The pain and grief experienced by the victim’s families and their loved ones are immeasurable.

Moscow Citizens Unite in Compassion

In the aftermath of the attack, hundreds of civilians have stepped forward to support their fellow citizens. These selfless humans are standing in long queues outside the Blood Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, donating plasma and blood to aid the rising number of those hospitalized and in critical condition. Their resilience and unwavering compassion exemplify the strength of the human spirit during times of crisis.

Defining Terrorism

In observing this incident, Ms. Canada invokes the United Nations Security Resolution (1566), which defines terrorism as criminal acts against civilians that is committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury. Terrorism also includes the taking of hostages with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public, in furtherance of compelling the government to do or to abstain from doing any act.[1] This definition underscores the gravity of such acts and their profound impact on our collective well-being.

Protecting Fundamental Rights

Beyond physical harm, Ms. Canada recalls that terrorism poses a grave threat to fundamental human rights. It undermines the right to life, liberty, and security of every person. [2]

“As we observe this tragic incident,” says Ms. Canada, “It reminds us that the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights came into effect today. This serves as a poignant reminder that we must redouble our efforts to safeguard the fundamental right to life. No one should ever be arbitrarily deprived of their existence.”

A Call for Unity

As we mourn the loss of innocent lives this Saturday, Ms. Canada urges us to denounce violence and work tirelessly toward lasting peace. “Let us stand united against all acts of violence, whether they be terrorism, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression or genocide,” says Ms. Canada. “As I take note of Resolution 1456 (2003) adopted by the Security Council at its 4688th meeting, I am called upon to say that ‘terrorism can only be defeated, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, by a sustained comprehensive approach involving the active participation and collaboration of all States, international and regional organizations, and by redoubled efforts at the national level.’”[3]

Ms. Canada further emphasizes that any measure taken by a State to combat terrorism must comply with all its obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee, and humanitarian law. “May peace prevail over hatred and violence, and may our stand against terrorism — at anytime, anywheremake a difference.”


[1] United Nations Security Council. (2004, October 8). Security Council Resolution 1566 (2004): Concerning Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorism. Refworld. Available at: https://www.refworld.org/legal/resolution/unsc/2004/en/35952

[2] Boister, N. (2018). An Introduction to Transnational Criminal Law (2nd ed.), p. 122, Oxford University Press.

[3] United Nations Security Council. (2003, January 20). Security Council Resolution 1456 (2003): Declaration on the Issue of Combating Terrorism. United Nations. Available at: https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/s/res/1456-%282003%29



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I am an American human rights defender currently based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, looking into transnational repression.