Everest to QuickBooks Conversion: A Step-by-Step Guide

4 min readJun 10, 2024


As businesses grow, so do their accounting needs. Many companies initially start with robust ERP systems like Everest Software to manage their finances and operations. However, as they scale, the need for a more versatile and user-friendly accounting solution often arises. QuickBooks, with its wide array of features and ease of use, becomes the preferred choice for many. Converting from Everest to QuickBooks can be a complex task, but with the right approach, it can be done smoothly and efficiently. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the Everest to QuickBooks conversion process.

Why Convert from Everest to QuickBooks?

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s essential to understand the benefits of switching from Everest to QuickBooks:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: QuickBooks is known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface.
  2. Cost-Effective: QuickBooks offers affordable pricing plans suitable for small to mid-sized businesses.
  3. Integration Capabilities: QuickBooks integrates seamlessly with numerous business applications, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  4. Advanced Reporting: QuickBooks provides powerful reporting tools that facilitate better financial analysis and decision-making.
  5. Comprehensive Support: QuickBooks offers extensive support resources and a large user community.

Preparing for the Conversion

Proper preparation is crucial for a successful data migration. Here are the steps to take before starting the conversion process:

1. Backup Your Everest Data

Ensure you have a complete backup of your Everest data. This backup is crucial for restoring your data in case anything goes wrong during the conversion process.

2. Review and Clean Your Data

Review your Everest data and clean up any duplicate entries, inactive accounts, and outdated information. This step will make the migration process smoother and ensure that only relevant data is transferred.

3. Plan Your Migration

Identify the data that needs to be migrated, such as customers, vendors, products, services, open invoices, bills, and financial reports. Create a detailed migration plan outlining each step and the responsibilities of involved personnel.

4. Choose the Right QuickBooks Version

Select the version of QuickBooks that best suits your business needs. QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, and Enterprise each offer different features and capabilities. Choose the version that aligns with your business requirements.

The Migration Process

With preparation complete, you’re ready to start the migration process. Follow these steps for a successful conversion:

1. Export Data from Everest

Export your data from Everest in a format that can be imported into QuickBooks, typically CSV or Excel files.


  1. Log in to your Everest account.
  2. Navigate to the data you want to export (e.g., customers, vendors, inventory, financials).
  3. Select the export option and choose the CSV or Excel format.
  4. Save the exported files to a secure location.

2. Prepare Data for QuickBooks

Ensure the exported data is correctly formatted for QuickBooks. This step often involves using Excel to adjust the data format, which can be labor-intensive but is necessary for a smooth import.


  • Ensure column headers in your CSV or Excel files match QuickBooks’ required fields.
  • Check for and correct any inconsistencies in the data.

3. Import Data into QuickBooks

QuickBooks allows you to import data such as customers, vendors, items, and transactions. Use the prepared files from Everest to import data into QuickBooks.


  1. Open QuickBooks and go to the File menu.
  2. Select Utilities and then Import.
  3. Choose the type of data you want to import (e.g., Customers, Vendors, Items).
  4. Follow the prompts to upload and map your CSV or Excel files to QuickBooks fields.
  5. Review the imported data for accuracy.

4. Manually Enter Missing Data

Some data may not import correctly and will need to be entered manually. This typically includes open invoices, bills, and other financial data.

5. Reconcile Accounts

After importing your data, reconcile your accounts to ensure everything matches between Everest and QuickBooks.


  1. Go to the Banking menu and select Reconcile.
  2. Choose the account to reconcile and enter the ending balance from your Everest data.
  3. Reconcile transactions to match your statements.

6. Test and Review

Thoroughly review your imported data and perform tests to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Run reports and compare them with your Everest reports to verify accuracy.

Post-Migration Tips

After successfully migrating your data, follow these tips to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Train Your Team: Provide training for your team on how to use QuickBooks. This will help them get up to speed quickly and reduce errors.
  2. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor your data and processes in QuickBooks. Make adjustments as necessary to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  3. Utilize Support: Take advantage of QuickBooks support resources, including online help, community forums, and customer service.


Migrating from Everest to QuickBooks can significantly enhance your accounting and financial management capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide — preparing for the migration, exporting and preparing data, importing data into QuickBooks, reconciling accounts, and reviewing your data — you can ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Avoid the pitfalls of labor-intensive and error-prone methods by meticulously planning and executing each step. With QuickBooks, you’ll gain access to a powerful and user-friendly accounting solution that can scale with your business.


