How to Stop Dog Barking in Seconds - 35 Hacks

John Guill
10 min readJun 11, 2024


How to Stop Dog Barking in Seconds

Dog Barking in the living room of a house. This image was created using an AI image creation program.

Dog Barking Can Drive You Crazy

Dogs bark. They bark at the mailman. They bark at other dogs. Sometimes, they bark at nothing at all. It can drive you crazy. You want peace and quiet. Your neighbors want it too.

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Quick Solutions Are Key

You need fast fixes. When your dog starts barking, you want it to stop right away. Quick solutions make life easier. They help you stay calm. They keep your dog happy too.

What You Will Learn

In this article, you will learn 35 hacks to stop dog barking in seconds. We’ll cover simple tricks. We’ll share tools you can use. You will find out how to calm your dog quickly.

Imagine this: You’re watching TV. Suddenly, your dog starts barking at the window. You grab a toy and squeak it. Your dog stops barking and looks at you. Problem solved in seconds.

We’ve got lots of tips like that. Ready to get started?

Immediate Distractions

1. Use a Treat

Treats work like magic. Your dog loves them. Keep some handy. When your dog barks, show him the treat. Watch his focus shift from barking to the treat. It stops the barking in seconds. Imagine this: your dog barks at the door. You grab a treat and say, “Look what I have!” Barking stops instantly.

2. Command “Quiet”

Teach your dog the “quiet” command. Use a firm voice. Say “quiet” when he barks. Praise him when he stops. Consistency is key. Picture this: your dog barks at the TV. You say “quiet.” He stops. You give him a pat. He learns quickly.

3. Clap Your Hands

A loud clap can surprise your dog. It stops barking fast. Just clap your hands once. Make it loud. Your dog will stop and look at you. You’re watching a movie. Your dog starts barking. Clap your hands. Silence. Problem solved.

4. Use a Toy

Dogs love toys. Keep a squeaky toy nearby. When barking starts, squeak the toy. Your dog will get distracted. Barking stops. You can relax. Imagine you’re cooking dinner. Your dog barks at a squirrel. Squeak the toy. Barking ends.

5. Spray Water

A light spray of water works wonders. Use a spray bottle. When your dog barks, spray a little water. It’s harmless but effective. Picture this: you’re on a call. Your dog barks at the doorbell. Spray water. Silence.

6. Make a Sharp Sound

Sharp sounds grab attention. Use a whistle or a jar of coins. Shake it when your dog barks. He will stop to check the sound. You’re reading a book. Your dog barks. You shake a jar of coins. Barking stops. You enjoy your book.

A man is raising his hand to a dog to make it stop barking. This image was created using an AI image creation program.

7. Give a Chew Toy

Chew toys keep dogs busy. Give your dog a chew toy when he barks. He will focus on chewing. Barking stops. You’re having a conversation. Your dog starts barking. Hand him a chew toy. Peace and quiet.

8. Change Environment

Sometimes a new spot helps. Move your dog to a different room. It changes his focus. You’re working from home. Your dog barks. Move him to another room. Barking stops.

9. Use a Puzzle Toy

Puzzle toys engage your dog’s mind. Fill it with treats. When he barks, give him the puzzle toy. He will focus on solving it. Barking ends. Imagine you’re on a video call. Your dog barks. Give him a puzzle toy. Quiet time.

10. Play Music

Soft music can calm dogs. Turn on some relaxing tunes. It creates a calm environment. Barking stops. Picture this: it’s late at night. Your dog barks at noises outside. You play soft music. He calms down and stops barking.

Now, let’s talk about some Behavioral Commands and Techniques you can use to stop dog barking…


Note: Dog Training Secrets Ebook and Free Training Charts — Only $24


Behavioral Commands and Techniques

Dog sitting on a carpet in a livingroom and barking. This image was created using an AI image creation program.

11. Ignore the Barking

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing. Dogs often bark to get your attention. Just stay quiet and look away. He will stop. Let’s say you’re sitting on the couch reading. Your dog starts barking at you. Instead of reacting, you just keep reading. After a while, he stops because barking doesn’t get him what he wants.

12. Give a Command

Commands can control barking. Use words like “sit,” “stay,” or “lie down.” When your dog barks, give a command. Praise him when he listens. You’re watching TV, and your dog barks at the screen. You say “sit,” and he sits down, stops barking, and gets a treat.

13. Use a Clicker

Clickers work great. When your dog barks, click the clicker. He’ll stop and look at you. Then reward him for stopping. Imagine you’re in the kitchen. Your dog barks at the window. You click the clicker. He turns to you, and you give him a treat. He learns that quiet gets him rewards.

14. Offer Food

Food is a great distraction. When your dog barks, offer him a little snack. He’ll focus on eating instead of barking. Let’s say you’re on a video call. Your dog starts barking. You grab a piece of kibble and give it to him. He stops barking and munches happily.

15. Pet and Comfort

Sometimes, dogs just need a little love. Petting your dog can calm him down. If your dog barks, try petting him gently. He feels safe and stops. You’re watching a movie. Your dog starts barking at a noise outside. You stroke his fur gently, and he calms down, feeling your comforting touch.

16. Check Needs

Dogs bark when they need something. Check if he’s hungry, thirsty, or needs to go outside. If you meet his needs, he’ll stop barking. You’re working on your computer, and your dog starts barking. You check his water bowl. It’s empty. You fill it up, and he stops barking, happy to have a drink.

17. Use a Calming Collar

Calming collars release soothing scents that help dogs relax. Put one on your dog to reduce barking. Your dog barks every night at bedtime. You put a calming collar on him, and he settles down, the soothing scent helping him relax and stop barking.

18. Create a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine. Set a daily schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. Keeping a routine helps reduce anxiety and barking. You’re off work and out of routine. Your dog barks more. When you go back to the regular schedule, he feels more secure and barks less.

19. Use a Dog Silencer

Dog silencers emit sounds only dogs can hear. These sounds can quickly stop barking. When your dog barks at the door, you use the dog silencer. He stops barking, puzzled by the sound only he can hear, and you get instant peace.

20. Stay Calm and Show It

Dogs copy your behavior. Stay calm and relaxed, and your dog will do the same. You’re having a stressful day, and your dog senses it, barking more. When you take a deep breath and stay calm, he feels your calmness and quiets down too.


Note: Dog Training Secrets Ebook and Free Training Charts — Only $24


Now, let’s cover 9 more additional Quick Tips…

Additional Quick Tips

21. Socialize Your Dog

Dogs bark less when they’re well-socialized. Take your dog to the park. Let him meet other dogs and people. He’ll get used to different sights and sounds. Imagine this. You go to the park every weekend. Your dog meets new friends. He barks less at home because he’s used to seeing and hearing different things.

22. Provide Exercise

A tired dog is a quiet dog. Give your dog plenty of exercise. Walk him. Play fetch. Let him run around. You’ve been inside all day. Your dog is restless and barking. You take him for a long walk. He comes home tired and happy. He stops barking.

23. Use a Blanket

Blankets make dogs feel safe. Create a cozy spot with a blanket where your dog can relax. He might stop barking. It’s storming outside. Your dog is barking at the thunder. You cover him with his favorite blanket. He feels safe and quiets down.

24. Get Professional Help

Sometimes you need an expert. A dog trainer can help with barking. If nothing else works get professional help. Your dog barks all the time. You call a trainer. They work with your dog. They teach him when to be quiet.

25. Distract with a Light

Use a flashlight or laser pointer. Shine it on the floor. Your dog will chase the light instead of barking. You’re trying to have dinner. Your dog is barking at the door. You grab a flashlight. You shine it on the floor. He chases the light. He forgets to bark.

26. Use a Can of Coins

Shake a can with coins inside. The noise can startle your dog and stop barking. You’re watching TV. Your dog is barking at the window. You shake the can of coins. He stops and looks at you. He is puzzled by the noise.

27. Blow a Whistle

Whistles can stop barking fast. Blow a whistle when your dog barks. The high-pitched sound gets his attention. You’re talking on the phone. Your dog starts barking. You blow the whistle. He stops and looks around. He is trying to figure out the noise.

28. Command “Enough”

Teach your dog the “enough” command. When he barks say “enough” in a firm voice. Praise him when he stops. You’re having a conversation. Your dog barks. You say “enough.” He stops. You give him a treat.

29. Cover Their Eyes

Gently cover your dog’s eyes for a moment. This can calm him down and stop barking. You’re reading a book. Your dog starts barking. You gently cover his eyes. He calms down. He stops barking. He feels more relaxed.

30. Use a Sniffing Game

Scatter treats on the floor. Let your dog find them. This game keeps him busy and stops barking. You’re cooking dinner. Your dog barks at the smell. You scatter treats on the floor. He sniffs around searching for them. He forgets to bark.

Now, let’s cover the last 5…

Specialized Tools and Techniques

This image was created using an AI image creation program.

31. Tap Their Back

A light tap on the back can stop barking. It distracts them. When your dog barks gently tap his back. He will turn and look at you. You’re watching TV. Your dog barks at the door. You tap his back gently. He stops barking and looks at you wondering what just happened.

32. Use a Gentle Tug on the Leash

If your dog is on a leash a gentle tug can help. It shifts his focus. When he barks give the leash a little tug. Imagine walking your dog. He starts barking at another dog. You gently tug the leash. He stops barking and looks back at you.

33. Employ a Thundershirt

Thundershirts are snug wraps. They calm anxious dogs. Put one on your dog to reduce barking. Your dog gets anxious during storms. He barks a lot. You put a Thundershirt on him. He feels more secure and stops barking.

34. Call Their Name

Calling your dog’s name sharply can interrupt barking. It grabs his attention. When he barks say his name firmly. You’re in the kitchen. Your dog barks at the window. You call his name “Max!” He stops barking and looks at you.

35. Use a Calm Voice

Speak softly and calmly to your dog. It can soothe him. When he barks use a calm voice to talk to him. You’re working on your computer. Your dog starts barking. You calmly say “It’s okay buddy.” He hears your calm voice and stops barking feeling reassured.


You’ve learned 35 quick ways to stop your dog from barking. Try different tips to see what works best. Every dog is unique. Some tips might work better for your dog. Patience and consistency are key. Don’t give up if it takes time. Your dog will learn.

Dogs bark for many reasons. They might be bored anxious or excited. Using these hacks you can help your dog feel better and reduce barking in mere seconds.

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