Food Journeys!

Quick Leap
4 min readAug 2, 2019


Food journeys seeks to show all the participants in the journey of getting food from farm to fork how each persons role is integral in ensuring food security.

First off, the farmers receive input gladly, clear their land,

and next.. Planting, happens, the whole process is monitored by the farmers and extension workers where available to ensure everything goes as expected, a lot of work goes in the process.

next off, after all the great work, its harvest time, time to bring in all of the hard work.

Quality control

The produce then gets warehoused responsibly to avoid post harvest losses.

The produce then gets responsibly warehoused to avoid post harvest losses and make them available to the supply all year round.

Then as shipments come we ship them off to the demand which could be institutional clients which are mostly processors, wholesale clients, and retail clients.

Our last mile delivery components help ensure that the produce gets to food businesses, processors i.e. the demand as at when due.

We are putting together proposed funding opportunities so you can fund the process of getting the produce from the farmers to the demand, you’d be helping farmers access markets and share in the profits from the whole process.

Markets are broken down into 3 categories; we did this to capture all of the segments of the demand that needs the small holder farmers produce, this helps us get better market access to the small holder farmers and the supply to the demand effectively and efficiently. So we have institutional clients which would be food businesses small and big, wholesale clients and sales points, and retail customer, we hope to bring to you a B2C (Business to customer) as soon as we can.

Great food then makes its way to your homes, where you enjoy a blend of fresh whole food, meat and also food that has had great value added to it, by remarkable people.

So there you have it. Food journeys…

The whole process is filled with hardworking, dedicated people who ensure food is grown the right way to ensure food security, then the quality checks, warehousing by our amazing field agents and warehouse manager, and our logistics partners to ensure zero hunger, then the markets and you who’ll be funding the process helping ensure small holder farmers access remarkable markets and get better rewarded from their production activities without all the middle men in between, and then you get to enjoy eating fresh and value added food, meat, and drinks, and also wear really nice clothes produced from harvest from the farms of smallholder and large scale farmers.

We’ll be making a lot of interesting announcements soonest.

Do follow us on the various social media platforms to keep up. Cheers!



Instagram: @quickleaphq

Linkedin: @quickleap



Quick Leap

Good food for everyone, everywhere, everytime! We provide all the beautiful & nutritious food needed for optimal growth & development from infancy to adulthood!