Good Vibes, Good Life By Vex King (Book Review + 5 Key Takeaways)

4 min readMay 17, 2024


“Good Vibes, Good Life” by Vex King is a modern guide to personal development, combining practical advice with spiritual insights.

King, a well-known mind coach and Instagram influencer, shares his journey and wisdom to help readers unlock their true potential.

The book emphasizes the importance of self-love, positive thinking, and the law of attraction, while also providing practical steps to improve one’s life.

This summary distills the key lessons from King’s book into digestible insights that can help anyone seeking to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.


At its core, “Good Vibes, Good Life” is about understanding and leveraging the power of positivity to transform your life. King outlines several fundamental concepts, including the law of attraction, the law of vibration, and the necessity of self-care and boundaries. Through a mix of personal anecdotes, scientific principles, and practical advice, he shows readers how to change their mindset, set healthy boundaries, and plant positive seeds in their subconscious minds.

Lesson 1: Master the Law of Vibration and Control Your Emotions

One of the central ideas in King’s book is the law of vibration, which suggests that everything in the universe, including our thoughts and emotions, vibrates at a certain frequency. According to King, high-frequency vibrations, such as joy and love, attract positive experiences, while low-frequency vibrations, such as anger and fear, attract negative experiences. This concept extends beyond mere positive thinking; it involves deeply feeling and believing in the positive outcomes you wish to manifest.

King argues that simply wanting something is not enough. You must align your emotions with your desires. This means cultivating a mindset that resonates with what you want to achieve. For instance, if you desire success, you need to feel successful and exude confidence. This alignment can be fostered through practices like visualization, affirmations, and maintaining a positive environment.

Lesson 2: The Importance of Setting Boundaries

King emphasizes the critical role of boundaries in maintaining mental and emotional well-being. He explains that setting boundaries is not about shutting people out or being inflexible; rather, it’s about protecting your energy and prioritizing your needs. By clearly defining what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable in your relationships, you create a space where you can thrive.

Setting boundaries involves three key steps

  1. Identify Stressful Situations: Recognize the situations or people that cause you stress or discomfort.
  2. Clarify Your Needs: Understand what you need in these situations to feel secure and respected.
  3. Communicate and Enforce Boundaries: Clearly communicate your boundaries to others and be consistent in enforcing them.

By setting boundaries, you can prevent burnout, reduce stress, and cultivate more meaningful and respectful relationships.

Lesson 3: Plant Positive Seeds in Your Mind

King likens our beliefs to seeds planted in the subconscious mind. These seeds grow and manifest in our lives as either positive or negative experiences, depending on whether the beliefs are empowering or limiting. To create a fulfilling life, it is essential to plant positive seeds by nurturing empowering beliefs.

This process involves several steps

  1. Recognize Limiting Beliefs: Identify the negative beliefs that hold you back. These could be thoughts like “I am not good enough” or “I don’t deserve happiness.”
  2. Challenge and Replace Negative Beliefs: Actively challenge these beliefs by questioning their validity and replacing them with positive affirmations. For example, replace “I am not good enough” with “I am capable and worthy.”
  3. Reinforce Positive Beliefs: Consistently reinforce these new, empowering beliefs through daily affirmations, visualization, and surrounding yourself with supportive influences.

By cultivating a positive mindset, you can transform your internal landscape and, consequently, your external reality.

Lesson 4: Embrace Self-Care and Nature

Self-care is a recurring theme in “Good Vibes, Good Life.” King advocates for regular self-care practices to maintain high energy levels and a positive mindset. He suggests various activities, such as spending time in nature, which has healing properties and can elevate your frequency. Practices like forest bathing, meditation, and simply taking walks in green spaces can significantly boost your mental and emotional well-being.

King also emphasizes the importance of physical self-care, such as maintaining good posture, exercising, and eating healthily. These practices not only improve physical health but also enhance mental clarity and emotional stability.

Lesson 5: Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

The people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your thoughts and emotions. King advises cultivating relationships with positive, uplifting individuals who encourage and support your growth. Negative influences, on the other hand, can drain your energy and lower your vibrational frequency.

To build a positive social environment

  1. Evaluate Your Relationships: Assess the impact of your relationships on your well-being.
  2. Foster Positive Connections: Invest time and energy in relationships that are supportive and enriching.
  3. Limit Exposure to Negativity: Minimize interactions with individuals who consistently bring negativity into your life.

By surrounding yourself with positive influences, you can maintain a higher vibrational frequency and create a more fulfilling life.


“Good Vibes, Good Life” is a comprehensive guide to achieving a happier, more fulfilling life through the power of positivity, self-love, and practical self-care. Vex King’s insights and practical advice provide readers with the tools to transform their mindset and, consequently, their reality. By mastering the law of vibration, setting boundaries, planting positive seeds in the subconscious mind, embracing self-care, and surrounding oneself with positive influences, anyone can unlock their true potential and lead a life filled with good vibes and good life.




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