My ChatGPT consulting session

Stefan Baxter
39 min readDec 9, 2022


Full transcript with all the good parts — Warning, this is very long

Hi ChatGPT, I’m going to give you a few facts about a new business solution and then I would like you to ask me a few questions about it. Once that is done, I will ask you to write various sales-related materials. The service is called The Context Suite and it’s from a company called Quick Lookup. I’m the CEO of Quick Lookup, and my name is Stefan. Are you up for the task?

Yes, I am ready to help you with the task. Can you provide more information about The Context Suite and what it does?

The context suite contains curated data from a lot of open data sources. All the data has business relevance and can be used to enrich business data with context and situational awareness. In the Context Suite, this data is viewable alongside internal business data so that any business professional can explore the causation between business performance and contributing external factors.

Great, I understand the concept of The Context Suite and how it can help businesses gain a better understanding of their performance and external factors that may affect it. Can you provide me with some examples of the type of data that is included in The Context Suite and how it can be used in a business setting?

Weather, currency exchange rates, significant events, holidays, GPT and purchasing power parity are a few examples of the available data. We have curated as much, business-relevant, data as possible.

I see. It sounds like The Context Suite offers a wide range of data that can be useful for businesses to gain a better understanding of their performance and external factors. Can you tell me more about how the data is viewable alongside internal business data and how it can be used to explore the causation between business performance and contributing external factors?

A chain of grocery stores might view sales, traffic and workforce information in the Context Suite and get details for each location, both in terms of this internal data and the external situation and context for each store location. This way we are providing business professionals with the information and the knowledge they need, much like the Bloomberg terminal provides knowledge and situational awareness for day traders.

I understand. The Context Suite sounds like a valuable tool for businesses to gain a better understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. Now, I would like to ask you some questions about The Context Suite to help me better understand the product and its benefits.

  • What makes The Context Suite different from other business solutions on the market?
  • Can you provide examples of specific industries or businesses that can benefit from using The Context Suite?
  • Can you explain how businesses can use The Context Suite to improve their decision-making and strategy planning?
  • Can you tell me more about how the data in The Context Suite is curated and how it is kept up-to-date?

Sure. We know of no other software solution that allows businesses to easily link their business data with the external context in this way.

Our initial target audience is retailers dealing in perishable goods.

The initial benefit we bring is the ability to add external features to forecasting models as we have seen that they can be greatly improved when external conditions are considered. All forms of analytics and data-driven processes can be improved similarly.

We refresh the curated data automatically to keep it as accurate as possible. We also fuse data from multiple sources, covering the same things, to deepen our understanding of each topic/subject.

Thank you for providing more information about The Context Suite. Based on what you have told me, it sounds like The Context Suite is a unique solution that offers a range of valuable data for businesses to use in their decision-making and strategy planning. The ability to link internal business data with external context can help businesses gain a more comprehensive understanding of their performance and the factors that may impact it.

Now, I would like to help you write some sales-related material for The Context Suite. Can you provide me with some information about the specific audience you are targeting and the key benefits of The Context Suite that you want to highlight?

First, I would like to tell you about another feature of the context suite and see if you have questions about that. is that ok?

Sure, I would be happy to help you with any additional information you would like to provide about The Context Suite. Can you tell me more about this new feature?

The Context Suite can create tasks when a certain situation occurs. We use task recipes to dictate those situations and to whom the task should be assigned. Situationally triggered tasks assigned to roles rather than individuals are the best way to capture organizational knowledge and ensure that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people.

I see, it sounds like The Context Suite offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create tasks based on specific situations. This can help businesses ensure that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and can help capture organizational knowledge.

In terms of the sales material, can you tell me more about the specific audience you are targeting and the key benefits of The Context Suite that you want to highlight? This will help me tailor the sales material to your needs.

I need to address both decision makers in retail and VCs that we want to join us in our journey. Can you help with both?

Certainly. For decision makers in retail, we can highlight the unique features of The Context Suite that allow businesses to link their internal data with external context, as well as the ability to create tasks based on specific situations. We can also emphasize the benefits of using The Context Suite, such as improved forecasting and decision-making, and the ability to capture and utilize organizational knowledge.

For VCs, we can focus on the potential of The Context Suite to help businesses improve their performance and gain a competitive edge. We can also highlight the unique features and benefits of The Context Suite, as well as the potential for growth and success. We can also discuss the potential for partnerships and collaboration with Quick Lookup.

Here is an example of some sales material for The Context Suite:

Introducing The Context Suite: the ultimate business solution for gaining a comprehensive understanding of your performance and external factors that may impact it.

With The Context Suite, you can easily link your internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows you to create tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge.

Whether you are a retailer dealing in perishable goods, or any other type of business, The Context Suite can help you improve your forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. With The Context Suite, you can gain a competitive edge and take your business to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more about The Context Suite and how it can benefit your business.

Can I give you a few catchphrases that we have been working with?

Sure, I would be happy to incorporate any catchphrases you have into the sales material for The Context Suite. Can you provide me with the catchphrases you would like me to use?

For the Context Suite, we use Context on Demand. We are turning that into a registered trademark. We also like to explain the tasks as Smart Tasks where we turn actionable intelligence into intelligent actions. It’s also important to use that users understand that the same contextual information plays a key role in both data enrichment, on the analytics side, and task creation on the prescription side.

Here is an example of how the catchphrases could be incorporated into the sales material for The Context Suite:

Introducing The Context Suite: the ultimate business solution for gaining a comprehensive understanding of your performance and external factors that may impact it. With The Context Suite, you can access Context on Demand to easily link your internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows you to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

Whether you are a retailer dealing in perishable goods, or any other type of business, The Context Suite can help you improve your forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. With The Context Suite, you can gain a competitive edge and take your business to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more about The Context Suite and how it can benefit your business.

Do you have any additional questions that you think can improve the outcome?

I think the sales material for The Context Suite is comprehensive and covers the key features and benefits of the product. However, if you have any additional information or points you would like to include, I would be happy to help you incorporate them into the sales material. Additionally, if you have any specific audience or goals in mind for the sales material, I can tailor the language and messaging to better align with those goals. Let me know if you have any other questions or information you would like to include.

Can we start with you writing a concise pitch to a VC?

Sure, I would be happy to help you write a concise pitch to a VC. Here is an example of a pitch for The Context Suite:

At Quick Lookup, we are revolutionizing the way businesses gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. Our product, The Context Suite, offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.

With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

We are currently looking for partnerships and collaboration with VCs who share our vision for revolutionizing the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions. With The Context Suite, we believe we have the potential for significant growth and success. We invite you to learn more about The Context Suite and join us on our journey.

Now, can you write me an introduction email that I can send out to CEOs of grocery store retail chains?

Certainly, here is an example of an introduction email that you could send to CEOs of grocery store retail chains:

Dear [CEO’s Name],

I am reaching out to introduce you to a game-changing business solution from Quick Lookup: The Context Suite.

At Quick Lookup, we understand the challenges that businesses face when it comes to gaining a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. That’s why we have developed The Context Suite, a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.

With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

We believe that The Context Suite can be particularly valuable for grocery store retail chains, as it can help improve forecasting and decision-making related to perishable goods. We would be happy to schedule a call to discuss the potential benefits of The Context Suite for your business in more detail.

Thank you for considering The Context Suite. We look forward to discussing how it can help your business succeed.

Sincerely, [Your Name] CEO, Quick Lookup

What would an internal memo from a CEO, in that retail chain, look like if he was introducing the Context Suite to his team?

Here is an example of an internal memo that a CEO of a retail chain could send to their team to introduce The Context Suite:

Dear [Team],

I am excited to announce a new business solution that we will be implementing at our company: The Context Suite from Quick Lookup.

The Context Suite is a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. With The Context Suite, we will be able to easily link our internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of our business performance and make more informed decisions.

In addition to the benefits for forecasting and decision-making, The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows us to create tasks based on specific situations. This will ensure that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and will help us capture and utilize organizational knowledge.

I believe that The Context Suite will be a valuable tool for our business, and I am excited to see the benefits it brings. I encourage all of you to learn more about The Context Suite and how it can help us improve our performance and gain a competitive edge.

Thank you, [CEO’s Name] CEO, [Retail Chain]

Imagine that we have a few happy customers already. Please write examples of concise testimonials that they might write about The Context Suite?

Here are some examples of concise testimonials that happy customers of The Context Suite might write:

  • “The Context Suite has been a game-changer for our business. With the ability to link our internal data with external context, we have been able to gain a deeper understanding of our performance and make more informed decisions. The Smart Tasks feature has also been incredibly useful for ensuring that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people. We highly recommend The Context Suite to any business looking to improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.”
  • “We have been using The Context Suite for several months now, and we have been blown away by the benefits it has brought to our business. The Context on Demand feature has been invaluable for gaining a comprehensive understanding of our performance and external factors that may impact it. The task creation capabilities have also helped us capture and utilize organizational knowledge in a way that we have never been able to before. We are thrilled with The Context Suite and highly recommend it to other businesses.”
  • “As a retailer dealing in perishable goods, it is essential for us to have accurate forecasting and decision-making capabilities. The Context Suite has been a valuable tool for us in this regard, as it allows us to link our internal data with external context and create tasks based on specific situations. We have seen a significant improvement in our performance since implementing The Context Suite, and we highly recommend it to other businesses looking to gain a competitive edge.”

How would a user of the Context Suite describe it to a family member when asked what has changed at work?

Here is an example of how a user of The Context Suite might describe it to a family member when asked what has changed at work:

“Hey, there’s been a really cool change at work recently. We started using this new business solution called The Context Suite, and it’s been amazing. It’s like a combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that helps us improve our forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. It’s been really helpful for gaining a better understanding of our business performance and external factors that may impact it, and it’s made a huge difference for us.”

How would a product or a brand manager describe the context suite to a college working for a competitor?

Here is an example of how a product or brand manager might describe The Context Suite to a colleague working for a competitor:

“Hi there, I wanted to tell you about this incredible business solution that we’ve been using at our company. It’s called The Context Suite, and it’s really unlike anything else on the market. It offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. It’s been a game-changer for us, and I think it could be really valuable for your company as well. Have you heard of The Context Suite before?”

Can you write me a comprehensive press statement announcing the Context Suite?

Certainly, here is an example of a press statement announcing The Context Suite:

Quick Lookup is pleased to announce the release of The Context Suite, a revolutionary business solution that helps companies gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it.

The Context Suite offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning. With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

“We are excited to release The Context Suite and bring this game-changing business solution to market,” said Stefan, CEO of Quick Lookup. “With The Context Suite, we believe we have the potential to revolutionize the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions. We invite businesses of all types to learn more about The Context Suite and see how it can benefit their operations.”

The Context Suite is available now. Interested businesses can visit Quick Lookup’s website to learn more and get started.

Can you write me a pitch competition script for the Context Suite?

Sure, here is an example of a pitch competition script for The Context Suite:

Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to present The Context Suite from Quick Lookup.

At Quick Lookup, we are revolutionizing the way businesses gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. Our product, The Context Suite, offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.

With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

We are excited to bring The Context Suite to market and offer it to businesses of all types. We believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions. We invite you to learn more about The Context Suite and see

Please write me an intro letter to a VC

Sure, here is an example of an intro letter to a VC that you could use to introduce The Context Suite:

Dear [VC’s Name],

I am reaching out to introduce you to a game-changing business solution from Quick Lookup: The Context Suite.

At Quick Lookup, we understand the challenges that businesses face when it comes to gaining a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. That’s why we have developed The Context Suite, a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.

With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

We are currently seeking partnerships and collaboration with VCs who share our vision for revolutionizing the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions. With The Context Suite, we believe we have the potential for significant growth and success. We invite you to learn more about The Context Suite and consider joining us on our journey.

Sincerely, [Your Name] CEO, Quick Lookup

Can you create catchy slogans for the Context Suite?

Sure, here are a few potential catchy slogans for The Context Suite:

  • “The Context Suite: Turning actionable intelligence into intelligent actions.”
  • “The Context Suite: Bringing situational awareness to your business data.”
  • “The Context Suite: Your key to making data-driven decisions.”
  • “The Context Suite: Elevating your business performance with context on demand.”
  • “The Context Suite: Linking internal data with external context for better results.”
  • “The Context Suite: The smart way to capture and utilize organizational knowledge.”

Are there any key improvements we can make to this product offering to make it more appealing?

It’s difficult for me to suggest specific improvements to The Context Suite without more information about the product and its target audience. However, in general, some key factors that can make a product offering more appealing include offering unique features or capabilities that are not available from competitors, addressing a specific pain point or need that is commonly experienced by the target audience, and providing a high level of value or benefits for the price. Additionally, offering a user-friendly interface, excellent customer support, and regular updates and improvements can also make a product more appealing.

What kind of material would you write for the Context Suite?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not able to browse the internet or access specific information about The Context Suite. However, in general, I can write a wide range of material, including sales-related content, such as pitches, emails, and press releases, as well as marketing and advertising material, such as slogans and testimonials. I can also write internal documents, such as memos and letters, and I can even create script for pitch competitions or presentations. Essentially, I can write any type of content that you need to promote and market The Context Suite.

Can you write concise use cases for the Context Suite for a Grocery Retail Chain?

Sure, here are some examples of concise use cases for The Context Suite for a grocery retail chain:

  • Forecasting: The Context Suite allows the grocery retail chain to link their internal sales data with external context, such as weather, big events, and holidays, to improve their forecasting accuracy and make more informed decisions about ordering and stocking perishable goods.
  • Decision-making: The Context Suite provides the grocery retail chain with access to a wide range of contextual information that can be used to inform their decision-making processes, such as pricing, promotions, and staffing.
  • Task creation: The Context Suite enables the grocery retail chain to create tasks based on specific situations, such as low stock levels or high customer traffic, and assign them to the appropriate roles within the organization. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge.
  • Data enrichment: The Context Suite allows the grocery retail chain to enrich their internal data with external context, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their business performance and the factors that may impact it. This can be used to improve analytics and data-driven processes, such as pricing and inventory management.

Overall, The Context Suite offers a range of benefits for a grocery retail chain, including improved forecasting, decision-making, and task management, as well as enhanced data enrichment and situational awareness.

Can you outline the value proposition of the Context Suite for a grocery retail chain?

Sure, here is an outline of the value proposition of The Context Suite for a grocery retail chain:

  • The Context Suite offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.
  • With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.
  • The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create Smart Tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge.
  • For a grocery retail chain, The Context Suite can provide a range of benefits, including improved forecasting, decision-making, and task management, as well as enhanced data enrichment and situational awareness. This can help the retail chain gain a competitive edge and improve their performance.
  • In addition to the unique features and capabilities of The Context Suite, it also offers a user-friendly interface, excellent customer support, and regular updates and improvements. This ensures that businesses can easily and effectively use The Context Suite to achieve their goals.

Can you describe some physical benefits of improving operations with the context suite?

Certainly, here are some examples of physical benefits that a grocery retail chain might experience by using The Context Suite to improve their operations:

  • Improved forecasting: By using The Context Suite to link their internal sales data with external context, such as weather, big events, and holidays, the grocery retail chain can improve their forecasting accuracy and make more informed decisions about ordering and stocking perishable goods. This can help them avoid overstocking or understocking, and reduce waste and spoilage.
  • Enhanced decision-making: With access to a wide range of contextual information through The Context Suite, the grocery retail chain can make better-informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and staffing. This can help them optimize their operations and maximize their profits.
  • Improved task management: By creating tasks based on specific situations through The Context Suite, and assigning them to the appropriate roles within the organization, the grocery retail chain can ensure that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people. This can help them avoid mistakes and improve efficiency.
  • Enhanced data enrichment: By enriching their internal data with external context through The Context Suite, the grocery retail chain can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their business performance and the factors that may impact it. This can help them improve their analytics and data-driven processes, such as pricing and inventory management.

Overall, by using The Context Suite to improve their operations, the grocery retail chain can benefit from improved forecasting, enhanced decision-making, better task management, and enhanced data enrichment. These benefits can help them optimize their operations and improve their performance.

How can we best describe the positive effects that the Context Suite has on the top and bottom lines for a CFO?

Here are some potential ways to describe the positive effects that The Context Suite can have on the top and bottom line for a CFO:

  • Improved forecasting: By using The Context Suite to link their internal sales data with external context, such as weather, big events, and holidays, the grocery retail chain can improve their forecasting accuracy and make more informed decisions about ordering and stocking perishable goods. This can help them avoid overstocking or understocking, and reduce waste and spoilage, which can have a positive impact on the bottom line.
  • Enhanced decision-making: With access to a wide range of contextual information through The Context Suite, the grocery retail chain can make better-informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and staffing. This can help them optimize their operations and maximize their profits, which can have a positive impact on the top and bottom line.
  • Improved task management: By creating tasks based on specific situations through The Context Suite, and assigning them to the appropriate roles within the organization, the grocery retail chain can ensure that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people. This can help them avoid mistakes and improve efficiency, which can have a positive impact on the bottom line.
  • Enhanced data enrichment: By enriching their internal data with external context through The Context Suite, the grocery retail chain can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their business performance and the factors that may impact it. This can help them improve their analytics and data-driven processes, such as pricing and inventory management, which can have a positive impact on the top and bottom line.

Overall, by using The Context Suite to improve their operations, the grocery retail chain can benefit from improved forecasting, enhanced decision-making, better task management, and enhanced data enrichment. These benefits can help them optimize their operations and improve their performance, leading to a positive impact on the top and bottom line.

Can you create a simplified version of all this so that I can explain it to my family what the Context Suite does and the potential it has?

Sure, here is a simplified explanation of what The Context Suite does and the potential it has:

The Context Suite is a business solution from Quick Lookup that helps businesses gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and external factors that may impact it. It offers a unique combination of curated data and task creation capabilities that can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and strategy planning.

With The Context Suite, businesses can access Context on Demand to easily link their internal business data with a wide range of external context, including weather, currency exchange rates, big events, and more. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their business performance and make more informed decisions.

The Context Suite also offers a unique feature that allows businesses to create tasks based on specific situations. This ensures that the right tasks are performed at the right time by the right people, and helps capture and utilize organizational knowledge. The contextual information in The Context Suite plays a key role in both data enrichment and task creation, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all types.

Overall, The Context Suite has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions. It can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and task management, as well as enhance their data enrichment and situational awareness. This can lead to improved performance and a competitive edge in their market.

What is the shortest possible version of that?

Here is a very short, simplified explanation of what The Context Suite does:

The Context Suite is a business solution from Quick Lookup that helps businesses link their internal data with external context to gain a better understanding of their performance and make more informed decisions. It offers unique features such as curated data and task creation capabilities, and can help businesses improve their forecasting, decision-making, and task management. Overall, The Context Suite has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions.

What type of talents do you need to creae such a solution and what are the main hurdles?

To create a solution like The Context Suite, a team with a range of talents and expertise would be needed. Some potential roles and skills that might be required include:

  • Data scientists or analysts who can curate and analyze the external data sources used in the Context Suite
  • Software engineers who can develop and maintain the underlying technology and infrastructure of the Context Suite
  • UX/UI designers who can create a user-friendly and intuitive interface for the Context Suite
  • Sales and marketing experts who can promote and sell the Context Suite to potential customers
  • Customer support specialists who can provide assistance and support to users of the Context Suite

Some potential hurdles that a team developing a solution like The Context Suite might face include:

  • Ensuring the quality and accuracy of the curated data sources used in the Context Suite
  • Developing a user-friendly and intuitive interface for the Context Suite
  • Marketing and promoting the Context Suite to potential customers
  • Providing excellent customer support and regular updates and improvements to the Context Suite
  • Competing with other similar solutions in the market and differentiating the Context Suite from competitors.

What could be the key differentiator?

One potential key differentiator for The Context Suite could be the combination of curated data and task creation capabilities. Many business solutions offer one or the other, but The Context Suite offers both in a single package. This allows businesses to link their internal data with external context, as well as create tasks based on specific situations and assign them to the appropriate roles within the organization. This unique combination of features could be a key differentiator for The Context Suite, as it provides a more comprehensive and flexible solution for businesses.

Additionally, the quality and accuracy of the curated data sources used in The Context Suite could be another potential key differentiator. If the data is consistently updated and well-vetted, it could provide a valuable resource for businesses looking to gain situational awareness and make data-driven decisions.

Finally, the user-friendly interface, excellent customer support, and regular updates and improvements offered by The Context Suite could also be key differentiators. These factors can help make the product easier to use and more valuable to customers, which can set it apart from competitors.

What would be a good GTM for the Context Suite?

A good go-to-market (GTM) strategy for The Context Suite could involve a combination of targeted marketing and sales efforts, as well as partnerships and collaborations with other businesses and organizations. Some potential components of a GTM strategy for The Context Suite could include:

  • Identifying and targeting specific industries and business types that are likely to benefit from The Context Suite, such as retailers dealing in perishable goods.
  • Developing targeted marketing and sales campaigns that highlight the unique features and benefits of The Context Suite, and that are tailored to the needs and pain points of the target audience.
  • Creating partnerships and collaborations with other businesses and organizations, such as data providers or analytics software vendors, that can help promote The Context Suite and provide additional value to customers.
  • Offering free trials or discounted pricing to potential customers to encourage them to try The Context Suite and see the value it can provide.
  • Providing excellent customer support and regular updates and improvements to the product to ensure that customers are satisfied and continue to use The Context Suite.

Overall, a GTM strategy for The Context Suite should focus on identifying and targeting the right audience, promoting the unique features and benefits of the product, and providing value to customers through partnerships and ongoing support.

What would be the ideal business model?

The ideal business model for The Context Suite could depend on a number of factors, such as the target audience, the pricing strategy, and the value proposition of the product. Some potential business models for The Context Suite could include:

  • Subscription-based: In this model, customers would pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to access The Context Suite and use its features. This could provide a predictable and recurring revenue stream for the business.
  • Pay-per-use: In this model, customers would only pay for The Context Suite when they actually use it, such as by creating tasks or accessing specific data sources. This could provide flexibility and cost savings for customers, and could also provide a variable revenue stream for the business.
  • Freemium: In this model, customers could access a basic version of The Context Suite for free, but would need to pay for additional features or higher-level plans. This could help attract a larger customer base and provide an entry point for potential customers, while also generating revenue from those who upgrade to paid plans.

Ultimately, the ideal business model for The Context Suite could depend on a variety of factors, and the business may need to experiment with different models to find the one that works best.

What are some known business models for software in retail that we could use for the Context Suite?

Some known business models for software in retail that could be applicable to The Context Suite include subscription-based, pay-per-use, and freemium.

  • Subscription-based: In this model, customers would pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to access The Context Suite and use its features. This could provide a predictable and recurring revenue stream for the business, and could be particularly well-suited for larger retail businesses with a consistent need for the software.
  • Pay-per-use: In this model, customers would only pay for The Context Suite when they actually use it, such as by creating tasks or accessing specific data sources. This could provide flexibility and cost savings for customers, and could also provide a variable revenue stream for the business. This model could be well-suited for smaller retail businesses that only need to use the software occasionally.
  • Freemium: In this model, customers could access a basic version of The Context Suite for free, but would need to pay for additional features or higher-level plans. This could help attract a larger customer base and provide an entry point for potential customers, while also generating revenue from those who upgrade to paid plans. This model could be well-suited for retail businesses that want to try out the software before committing to a paid plan.

Overall, the appropriate business model for The Context Suite will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the target audience. The business may need to experiment with different models to find the one that works best.

What should we use as our moat, and how can we create stickiness?

A moat is a term used in business to refer to a competitive advantage or barrier to entry that helps a company protect its market position and prevent competitors from gaining a foothold. The Context Suite could potentially use a combination of factors as its moat, such as the quality and accuracy of its curated data, the unique combination of features it offers, and the value it provides to customers.

To create stickyness, or customer loyalty, The Context Suite could focus on providing excellent customer support, regular updates and improvements to the product, and a user-friendly and intuitive interface. It could also offer additional value to customers through partnerships and collaborations with other businesses and organizations. By providing a valuable and easy-to-use solution that meets the needs of its customers, The Context Suite can create stickyness and help retain and grow its customer base.

Name 10 things that could fail.

Here are 10 potential things that could fail for The Context Suite:

  1. The curated data sources used in The Context Suite could be incorrect or outdated, leading to inaccurate or misleading information.
  2. The technology and infrastructure of The Context Suite could be buggy or unreliable, leading to downtime or other problems.
  3. The user interface of The Context Suite could be confusing or difficult to use, leading to user frustration and low adoption rates.
  4. The sales and marketing efforts for The Context Suite could be ineffective, leading to a lack of interest or uptake from potential customers.
  5. The customer support provided by The Context Suite could be inadequate, leading to dissatisfaction among customers and potential churn.
  6. The pricing strategy for The Context Suite could be too high, leading to a lack of affordability or value for customers.
  7. The competition in the market for business solutions could be fierce, leading to difficulty in differentiating The Context Suite from competitors.
  8. The partnerships and collaborations with other businesses and organizations could be unsuccessful, leading to a lack of additional value for customers.
  9. The product could fail to meet the needs and expectations of customers, leading to low adoption rates and potential churn.
  10. The business could face financial or operational challenges, leading to difficulty in sustaining and growing the product.

How long will it take for The Context Suite to become an internationally known solution with moderate success in retail?

It is difficult to predict how long it will take for The Context Suite to become an internationally known solution with moderate success in retail. The timeframe will depend on a variety of factors, such as the quality and differentiation of the product, the effectiveness of the marketing and sales efforts, the level of competition in the market, and the overall demand for the product.

In general, it can take several years for a new product or solution to gain traction and achieve moderate success in a particular industry. This can involve a period of market research, product development, and testing, followed by a launch and initial sales and marketing efforts. The business will need to carefully monitor and adjust its strategy and approach over time, based on customer feedback and market trends, in order to achieve success.

Overall, it is likely that it will take several years for The Context Suite to become an internationally known solution with moderate success in retail.

How would you describe the size of this opportunity to a VC?

To describe the size of the opportunity for The Context Suite to a VC, it would be important to provide some context and evidence to support the potential size and growth of the market. This could include information about the current state of the market for business solutions in retail, the potential demand for The Context Suite among retailers, and the potential for growth and expansion into other industries and markets.

For example, the business could highlight the current trend of data-driven decision making and situational awareness in the retail industry, and how The Context Suite provides a unique and valuable solution that can help retailers improve their operations and performance. The business could also provide data and analysis showing the potential size of the market for The Context Suite, such as the number of potential customers, the potential revenue, and the potential growth rate.

Overall, the key to describing the size of the opportunity for The Context Suite to a VC would be to provide clear, concise, and compelling evidence to support the potential size and growth of the market, and to show how The Context Suite is well-positioned to take advantage of that opportunity.

Can you make me a presentation outline that achieves that?

Here is a potential outline for a presentation to a VC that describes the size of the opportunity for The Context Suite:

  1. Introduction: Introduce the team, the business, and the product, and provide a brief overview of the key features and benefits of The Context Suite.
  2. Market overview: Describe the current state of the market for business solutions in retail, highlighting the trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry.
  3. Value proposition: Explain the unique value proposition of The Context Suite, and how it provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for retailers looking to improve their operations and performance.
  4. Customer demand: Provide data and analysis showing the potential demand for The Context Suite among retailers, such as the number of potential customers, their needs and pain points, and their potential willingness to pay for the product.
  5. Market size and growth: Estimate the potential size of the market for The Context Suite, such as the potential revenue and profit, and the potential growth rate.
  6. Competition: Discuss the competition in the market for business solutions, and how The Context Suite is differentiated from competitors in terms of its features, benefits, and value proposition.
  7. Financials: Present the financials of the business, including the current revenue, expenses, and profit, as well as the projected financials based on the potential growth of the market and the adoption of The Context Suite.
  8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the presentation, and provide a clear and compelling argument for why The Context Suite presents a significant opportunity for the VC to invest in.

Overall, this presentation outline would aim to provide a clear and concise overview of the size and potential of the opportunity for The Context Suite, supported by evidence and analysis. It would aim to show how The Context Suite is well-positioned to take advantage of the growing market for business solutions in retail, and to provide a compelling argument for why the VC should consider investing in the product.

Please write all the text I would need for such a pitch deck

Here is the potential text for a pitch deck to a VC that describes the size of the opportunity for The Context Suite:

Slide 1: Introduction

  • Introduce the team and the business
  • Briefly describe the product and its key features and benefits
  • Provide a brief overview of the presentation and its key points

Slide 2: Market overview

  • Describe the current state of the market for business solutions in retail
  • Highlight the trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry
  • Explain why there is a growing demand for solutions like The Context Suite

Slide 3: Value proposition

  • Explain the unique value proposition of The Context Suite
  • Describe how it provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for retailers
  • Show how The Context Suite can help retailers improve their operations and performance

Slide 4: Customer demand

  • Provide data and analysis showing the potential demand for The Context Suite among retailers
  • Explain the needs and pain points of potential customers
  • Show how The Context Suite can provide value and solve their problems

Slide 5: Market size and growth

  • Estimate the potential size of the market for The Context Suite
  • Show the potential revenue and profit that could be generated
  • Discuss the potential growth rate and expansion opportunities for The Context Suite

Slide 6: Competition

  • Discuss the competition in the market for business solutions
  • Explain how The Context Suite is differentiated from competitors
  • Show how The Context Suite provides unique features and benefits that competitors don’t offer

Slide 7: Financials

  • Present the current financials of the business, including revenue, expenses, and profit
  • Show the projected financials based on the potential growth of the market and the adoption of The Context Suite
  • Explain how the business plans to use the investment from the VC to achieve its goals

Slide 8: Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points of the presentation
  • Provide a clear and compelling argument for why The Context Suite presents a significant opportunity for the VC to invest in
  • Thank the VC for their time and consideration, and invite them to ask any questions they may have.

Overall, this pitch deck would provide

Can you write me an internal memo that I can send to the development team where I thank them for being a part of this journey and I share with them the potential of the context suite?

Dear Development Team,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your hard work and dedication to The Context Suite. As the CEO of Quick Lookup, I am incredibly proud of the product that we have created, and I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way that retailers operate and make decisions.

The Context Suite offers a unique combination of curated data, situational awareness, and intelligent actions that can help retailers improve their operations and performance. By combining internal business data with external context, The Context Suite provides a comprehensive view of the situation and allows retailers to make more informed and effective decisions.

I believe that The Context Suite has the potential to be a game-changer in the retail industry, and I am confident that we can achieve great success with it. As we continue to develop and improve the product, I would like to thank you all for your contributions and for being a part of this journey.

Thank you,

[Your Name] CEO, Quick Lookup

I also need to humble brag about the Context Suite on social media. What would that sound like?

Here is an example of a humble brag about The Context Suite on social media:

“Excited to announce the launch of The Context Suite, the first business solution that combines curated data, situational awareness, and intelligent actions to help retailers improve their operations and performance. I’m proud of the hard work and dedication of the Quick Lookup team, and I can’t wait to see the impact that The Context Suite will have in the retail industry. #ContextSuite #retail #businesssolutions”

In this humble brag, the CEO of Quick Lookup is excited to announce the launch of The Context Suite and shares some of the key features and benefits of the product. The CEO also expresses pride in the work of the team and enthusiasm for the potential impact of The Context Suite. The post includes relevant hashtags to help increase visibility and engagement on social media.

I want to share a blog post discussing this session, the methods we used and the result. Can you write that for me?

Sure, here is a potential blog post discussing this session and the methods and end result:

Title: Using a Large Language Model to Generate Sales Material for a New Business Solution

In this session, we used a large language model trained by OpenAI to generate various sales-related material for a new business solution called The Context Suite. The Context Suite is a comprehensive business solution that combines curated data, situational awareness, and intelligent actions to help retailers improve their operations and performance.

To generate the sales material, we provided the language model with a brief overview of The Context Suite and its key features and benefits. We then asked the model to generate various pieces of sales-related material, such as a pitch to a VC, an introduction email to potential customers, internal memos, testimonials, and press statements.

The results of this session were impressive, as the language model was able to quickly generate high-quality, relevant, and engaging sales material for The Context Suite. The material included clear, concise, and compelling arguments for the value and potential of The Context Suite, and it provided valuable insights and perspectives on the product and its potential impact in the retail industry.

Overall, this session demonstrated the power and versatility of large language models in generating sales material for new business solutions. By providing the model with a brief overview of the product and its key features, we were able to generate a wide range of sales-related material that could be used to effectively promote and sell The Context Suite to potential customers and investors.

What would be a good excerpt from this conversation to include as a teaser for that blog post?

A potential excerpt from this conversation to include as a teaser for the blog post could be:

“In this session, we used a large language model trained by OpenAI to generate various pieces of sales-related material for a new business solution called The Context Suite. The results were impressive, as the language model was able to quickly generate high-quality, relevant, and engaging sales material for The Context Suite. The material included clear, concise, and compelling arguments for the value and potential of The Context Suite, and it provided valuable insights and perspectives on the product and its potential impact in the retail industry.”

This excerpt highlights the key aspects of the session, such as the use of a large language model, the generation of sales-related material for The Context Suite, and the impressive quality and relevance of the generated material. It provides a brief overview of the main points of the blog post, and it serves as a teaser to encourage readers to learn more about the session and the potential of large language models in generating sales material.

What is the best way to draw attention to that on social media?

To draw attention to the blog post on social media, you could use a combination of tactics, such as:

  • Share a link to the blog post on your social media channels, along with a brief summary of the key points and a call to action to encourage readers to learn more
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engagement, such as #AI, #language-models, #sales-material, #business-solutions, #TheContextSuite, etc.
  • Share images, videos, or other visual content related to the blog post, such as screenshots of the generated sales material or infographics that highlight the key findings or insights
  • Engage with your followers by asking them questions, responding to comments, and sharing their feedback or insights on the blog post
  • Collaborate with other businesses, influencers, or thought leaders in the industry to share the blog post and increase its reach and impact.

Overall, the goal of these tactics would be to create buzz and interest around the blog post, and to encourage readers to learn more about the session and the potential of large language models in generating sales material.

Please write me a catchy social media post that would be the perfect clickbait for that.

Here is a potential catchy social media post that could serve as the perfect clickbait for the blog post about using a large language model to generate sales material for a new business solution:

“Do you want to see how a large language model can generate high-quality sales material for your business solution? Check out this blog post to see the impressive results and learn how you can use AI to improve your sales and marketing efforts. #AI #language-models #sales-material #business-solutions”

This social media post uses a combination of curiosity and excitement to grab the attention of potential readers and encourage them to click on the link to the blog post. It highlights the key benefit of the blog post, which is to show how a large language model can generate high-quality sales material for a business solution. It also includes relevant hashtags to help increase visibility and engagement on social media.

What steps should I take now to publish and draw attention to this?

Here are some potential steps that you could take to publish and draw attention to the blog post about using a large language model to generate sales material for a new business solution:

  1. Publish the blog post on your website or blog, and make sure that it is easily accessible and well-formatted.
  2. Share the blog post on your social media channels, along with a brief summary and a call to action to encourage readers to learn more. Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engagement.
  3. Engage with your followers on social media by responding to comments, answering questions, and sharing their feedback or insights on the blog post.
  4. Collaborate with other businesses, influencers, or thought leaders in the industry to share the blog post and increase its reach and impact.
  5. Monitor the performance of the blog post and track metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, the goal of these steps would be to publish the blog post and make it easily accessible to potential readers, and to use social media and other channels to increase its visibility and engagement, and to drive traffic to the blog post. By tracking the performance of the blog post and monitoring its impact, you can evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed to maximize its potential.

Am I forgetting anything?

It is not clear if you are forgetting anything specific, as you have not provided detailed information about your plans or goals for publishing and promoting the blog post. However, some potential things to consider when publishing and promoting a blog post could include:

  • Creating a compelling and attention-grabbing title for the blog post that accurately reflects the content and encourages readers to learn more
  • Using images, videos, or other visual content to enhance the blog post and make it more engaging and interesting
  • Optimizing the blog post for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and other SEO tactics
  • Creating a clear and compelling call to action at the end of the blog post to encourage readers to take the next step, such as subscribing to your newsletter, visiting your website, or contacting you for more information
  • Using email marketing or other targeted outreach to promote the blog post to potential readers who may be interested in the topic.

Overall, the goal would be to create and publish a high-quality, engaging, and valuable blog post, and to use various tactics and channels to promote it and drive traffic to the blog post. By following these steps, you can increase the visibility and impact of the blog post and reach a wider audience of potential readers.

What might a follower on Facebook/Linkedin say after having read the blog post?

Here are some potential things that a follower on Facebook might say after reading the blog post about using a large language model to generate sales material for a new business solution:

  • “Wow, this is really interesting! I never realized how powerful AI and language models can be in generating high-quality sales material. Great job on the blog post!”
  • “I’ve been looking for ways to improve our sales and marketing efforts, and this blog post provides some valuable insights and ideas. Thanks for sharing!”
  • “I’m a fan of The Context Suite, and I’m excited to see how it can help retailers improve their operations and performance. The blog post is well-written and informative, and it’s definitely worth a read.”
  • “As a retail professional, I’m always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and stay competitive. This blog post provides some valuable insights on how AI and language models can help with sales and marketing, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on The Context Suite.”
  • “I’m not a fan of AI or language models, but this blog post has definitely made me rethink my position. The results and examples in the blog post are impressive, and I can see how they can be valuable in the retail industry. Great job on the blog post!”

Overall, these potential comments from followers on Facebook show that the blog post has been well-received and that readers find it interesting, informative, and valuable. They also demonstrate the potential impact and relevance of The Context Suite and the use of AI and language models in generating sales material.

Thank you, this was amazing

You’re welcome! I’m glad that I was able to assist you with generating various pieces of sales-related material for The Context Suite. As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I have a vast amount of knowledge and experience, and I’m always happy to help with any questions or tasks that you may have. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to help!



Stefan Baxter

I'm a tech geek of 35 years with a blind spot for startups and entrepreneurship. I'm currently building my 5th startup hoping to make fewer mistakes than before