5 Tips to Enhance Your Tablet’s Security | Quickspotrepairs

Quickspot Repair
3 min readJul 4, 2017

If you own a tablet, you know it’s a huge part of your digital life. You spend hours every single day using it — for social media, reading books, messaging friends, playing games and even doing business. Smart users never forget the single most important thing about owning a tablet. Your tablet stores more information about you that you know.

We keep reading about hacked celebrity photos, private messages, leaked confidential documents and more. While that stuff is amusing and sometimes entertaining, you don’t want it to happen to yourself, do you? When your personal information falls into the wrong hands, it becomes a nightmare dealing with it. You’re at the mercy of someone else who can exploit you in hundreds of ways. And that’s why it becomes really important why you should pay attention to your tablet’s security.

There are two ways your tablet’s security is at risk — offline (lost, stolen or misuse by someone) and online(downloading malicious software that steals your information). Let’s look at what steps you can take to make your tablet and your digital life more secure.

Tip #1: Use Built-in features for your tablet’s security

More than half of the people who use a tablet turn off the security feature. While it’s convenient to not login every time, it’s also a major security risk. You never know when someone you trust starts looking into your personal photos, messages and bank details. Be safe than sorry.

You can lock your tablet in many different ways — using a pin, a pattern, or even facial recognition. Check if your tablet allows you lock media content. If not, use a third party software to lock what you don’t want others to see.

Tip #2: Don’t share your tablet Or Use Multiple Accounts

Would you allow another soul to come live in your body? Likewise, your tablet is a personal thing — it has your identity. Have separate devices for people in your family. Or if you really do have to share, make separate accounts on your tablet.

Tip #3: Download Apps only from your tablet’s app store

Many shady websites host setup files for different apps. Sometimes your friends will share them with you too. You allow yourself to become vulnerable to hacking by using such software. Only download apps from Google Play(for Android) or Appstore(for iPad).

Whenever you install a new app, read through the permissions it requires. I also recommend reading reviews on the Appstore before downloading the app.

Tip #4: Keep your tablet’s software updated

Developers work hard to fix bugs and vulnerabilities as they are discovered. You see them in form of crucial updates. Don’t skip installing them. Make sure you always keep your device up to date so that you can protect yourself from any existing malware.

Tip #5: Keep Remote Wiping Enabled

What do you do if your device gets stolen though? How do you protect your information when you can no longer hold your tablet in your hands? You still can prevent misuse of your data by deleting it all.

Modern tablets have a ‘find my device’ option. Always keep this enabled so that when your device gets lost or stolen, you can wipe out all the data from the device. If you need to do this, login to your Apple or Google account and select ‘erase all data’ for your tablet.For this reason, I also recommend you keep a backup of your important documents.

Most security mishaps occur due to our own carelessness. By just being a little more aware & using the above tips, you can be safer.
But what do you do if there’s already a virus in your tablet? We can help! Our highly trained experts can help you with virus removal in Coral Springs. Just give us a call and we take it from there!

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Originally Published by www.quickspotrepairs.com



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