Pet Pandemonium

3 min readAug 8, 2022

DROP: Thursday, August 11 at 4pm ET

Todd Goldman is back for more, and this time things are getting contentious. The millenia-old dogs vs cats debate is going to play out in digital collectibles and NFTs for the first time, and this time it’s in your hands. But not all of the battle is with paws and claws, there is also the war between the minds, and everyone knows cats are smarter. Or wait, is it dogs?

Pet Pandemonium’s BowWows and Meows is Todd’s latest collaboration with Quidd, and the first featuring Todd as the founding Artist in Residence at Quidd.

Arm your battle stations by collecting and ranking in the BowWows and Meows sets and let them face off in an epic fight for the reigning pet champ. You could collect and root for your favorite (it’s dogs, right?), but you won’t want to miss out on all 4 awards and the overall rank bonus, so probably best if you just go whole-hog (whole-dog? I’m here all week, thanks folks) and collect it all. Rank to unlock the BowWows award poster and the Meows award poster.

But remember, it’s not just about coolcats, you need the smarties to really win. Cat Nerds and Dog Nerds are next. Complete and rank in these sets to unlock the Cat Nerds award and Dog Nerds award posters.

Rank in the channel to get an overall rank bonus award in the form of Todd’s Pet Pandemonium gold award poster, holders of which will get the signed poster from Todd.

But that’s not all:

This war wages on in the web3 arena. Mint your Quidd BowWows and Meows on-chain — whatever “team” wins (e.g. if there are more dogs minted than cats), the holders of those NFTs (in this case, those who minted dogs) will be whitelisted for early access for Todd’s next drop.

Collection Journey

Collect and rank in each of the regular sets to unlock awards. Rank across the entire channel to unlock the BowWows and Meows gold award poster, holders of which will get access to a signed, extremely limited physical poster from Todd for those holding it at 3pm ET on Monday .

The Chase

Pet Pandemonium collection includes:

  • 8 total sets (4 regular sets, 4 award items in sets, plus the overall rank bonus)
  • 105 unique items in the collection
  • Shinies?
  • Be on the lookout. There are 4 shinies: 1 in each regular set


*Note that the aftermarket will be CLOSED for each regular set until 2 hours before that set’s awards are unlocked. E.g. the BowWows set’s aftermarket will open at 1pm ET on Friday, August 12.

**Must be housebroken to participate.

Thursday, August 11

  • BowWows set released (4pm ET) (regular set, 25 items, 1,800 prints/item; pack: $3 for 10 pull)

Friday, August 12

  • Meows set released (4pm ET) (regular set, 25 items, 1,800 prints/item; pack: $3 for 10 pull)
  • BowWows award poster unlocked for Top 100 rankers of the BowWows set (3pm ET) (1 award item, 100 prints/item)

Monday, August 15

  • Dog Nerds set released (4pm ET) (regular set, 25 items, 800 prints/item; pack: $4 for 10 pull)
  • Meows award poster unlocked for Top 100 rankers of the Meows set (3pm ET) (1 award item, 100 prints/item)

Tuesday, August 16

  • Cat Nerds set released (4pm ET) (regular set, 25 items, 800 prints/item; pack: $4 for 10 pull)
  • Dog Nerds award poster unlocked for Top 50 rankers of the Dog Nerds set (3pm ET) (1 award item, 50 prints/item)

Wednesday, August 17

  • Cat Nerds award poster unlocked for Top 50 rankers of the Cat Nerds set (3pm ET) (1 award item, 50 prints/item)

Thursday, August 18

  • BowWows and Meows gold award poster snapshot taken of Top 10 rankers of the channel (3pm ET) (1 award item, 10 prints/item)
  • Hold the award on Monday, August 22 at 3pm ET to be eligible for the SIGNED physical poster.

Monday, August 22


Wednesday, August 24, 3pm ET

  • Snapshot taken for the minters of the most-minted “team” (dogs or cats) to be whitelisted for early access to Todd’s next drop.




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