The Five Reiki Principles: Promoting Healing and Personal Growth

Health WellFit
3 min readJan 2, 2024


A Reiki practitioner performing reiki healing
A Reiki practitioner performing Reiki healing

All Reiki practitioners follow five Reiki principles. These five reiki principles are known as oaths or rules that serve as guidelines for living a fulfilling and balanced life. These reiki principles offer intense insights into the power of intention, mindfulness and personal responsibility. We will explore each reiki principle in detail and discover its significance in promoting healing and personal growth.

Five Reiki Principles-

Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger is a natural human emotion but holding onto anger can have harmful effects on our well-being. This principle encourages us to consciously release anger and then choose forgiveness by encouraging a state of inner peace and emotional healing. We can create space for love, compassion and harmony that flows through us by letting go of our anger.

2. Just for today, I will not worry.
Worrying about the future or sticking to past events can lead to anxiety and stress. This principle tells us to focus on the present moment and have faith in the natural flow of life. We can cultivate a sense of calm and reduce unnecessary stress by holding to a mindset of trust and surrender. This allows us to redirect our energy towards positive actions and intentions.

3. Just for today, I will be grateful.
Gratitude is a powerful practice that shifts our view and aligns us with the abundance in our lives. This principle invites us to cultivate a grateful mindset, acknowledging and appreciating the blessings be they big or small. By practising gratitude, we open ourselves up to receiving more blessings and deepen our connection with the present moment.

4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Honesty in our actions and interactions with others will lay the foundation for strong relationships and personal integrity. This principle encourages us to hold onto honesty in all aspects of our lives by fostering authenticity and trust. We can contribute to the overall harmony of our environment by creating a space for healing and growth when we live with integrity.

5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
Kindness is a universal language that goes beyond barriers and nourishes the soul. This principle always reminds us to extend kindness and compassion to all beings including ourselves. We can not only uplift others but also nurture our inner well-being through acts of kindness. Kindness has the power to transform relationships, cultivate empathy and create a ripple effect of love and healing in the world.

Final Thoughts on Reiki Principles

Reiki practitioners promote healing and personal growth by embracing and practising these reiki principles. Each reiki principle serves as a guide to living in alignment with universal principles of love, compassion and mindfulness. Individuals can experience intense shifts in their perception, relationships and overall well-being through the integration of these reiki principles into daily life.

These five Reiki principles teach us that by incorporating them we can create a tuneful and balanced inner landscape. Also, by opening ourselves up to the limitless potential for healing, personal growth and connection with the universal life force energy.

If you would like to experience Reiki healing, try our Reiki healing for peace and calm. Feel better, starting now

Read about how Reiki distance symbols help in healing even when the subject is far away or not physically present.



Health WellFit

Health WellFit is a holistic approach that blends fitness, wellness, health to promote overall well-being and help individuals lead healthier and happier lives.