Brawn vs Might for Supergirl in a Monster Alien Fight Club Roulette

quiksilver flash
5 min readNov 1, 2016


Kara Meets Her Next Foe, Horns like a Dinosaur, ‘Tude Like a Bee.

Daxam. The day Krypton died.’

Opens the fourth go around in Season Two of Supergirl. Fraught with hero action and faster tete-a-tete. Super Kara finds herself in the midst of a double investigation of an alien slaying.

Nearly letting her guard down (in the superhero baddie fighting biz and with bossy pants Editor Snapper) in the trappings of knock down, slug fest. Beefed up by series writers and dual directors James Marshall and James Bramford.

Hallows’ Ball

All Hallows Eve sets the backstory and a budding girlmance between the DEO’s Alex Danvers and NCPD’s Maggie Sawyer, a Martian teleportation smackdown and Kara’s Ace reporting trek smashed liked the Hulk before last call.

Alex and Maggie continue their hunt for the big bad alien-scourge in National City. Following a trail of the deceased alien, they’re led to private masquerade. After the lead they tracked down was abducted by a group of dark-capped men in the night.

Fight Club, Alien Style

Lo and behold, the masked party they crash is host to a secret club of the town’s elite. Frequented by the movers and shakers and a slew of aliens. Pitted together to best one another in a game of slaughter.

The alien they lost out on is a cage fighter and bartender M’gann from a dive. Who is none other than The Last Daughter of Mars.

Stringer Stinger

Believing her sis Alex and Sawyer are on their investigative game, Kara braves pitching an inner city fight club to half-bluster, half-acid boss man, Snapper Carr.

“My silence is your invitation, talk fast,” says her Editor. Adding that every reporter can’t break a story without verifiable “facts”. (Drat, Kara, don’t you know journalists are meant to wean off of puff pieces?)

Produce a credible source.

Snapper glowers, “We’re the fourth estate.”

Kara tries to help Daxamite Mon-El acclimate to life like a human, alien style. They confab with J’onn, Director of the Department of Extraterrestrial Operations about the demise of Planet Krypton. After Mon-El learns about Draxam’s demise when Krypton’s sun exploded, Episode Three.

The Draxiam Royals

Mon-El was the palace guard for a royal that Kara reminisces was the “frat boy of the universe.” Possessing superhuman strength like Supergirl, he undergoes testing by DEO operative Winn Schott. While he Joneses for some Terran frivolity.

To the point of appealing to nerd-excellent Winn’s super-suit making skills and coaxing him to bro-hang for a night on the town.

As Kara has a heart to heart with Martian Man J’onn. After threatening to girly pout in the first half of the episode if he didn’t spill everything.

Martian Man’s Backstory

J’onn does. Kara offers shaming Miss Martian M’orzz isn’t goody-good, but his Martian “inner voice” might convince M’gann. (If J’onn could, but it requires a Marian “bonding”.)

J’onn believed he was the last of his kind. M’gann recalled how she was found in an interment camp. Some 300 years ago after a White Martian went rogue and smuggled her off-world. She informs J’onn she’ll be whatever she needs “to get by”. The past is gone to her and she chooses not to relive the past like goody-good J’onn. Shape shifting and whooping alien backside to survive inclusive.

Kara sneaks by Lena Luthor’s secretary who defends letting Kara slip by remarking, “She’s fast.”

Kara scores herself an unlimited L Corp passes by Lena who gives up the addy of the fight club maven. She’s Veronica Sinclair. Played with vim by Dichen Lachman.

Traversing National City undetected as the illustrious coquette Roulette.

Lady Bets

Supergirl tags Roulette as a heartless money monger. Veronica sees her vocation as an opportunity. Rebuffing Supergirl’s tract, she’s using aliens’ powers for her own selfish interests.

“Technically, they’re not people. What has she ever given them? A black eye?” Roulette volleys. “People care about dogs” and they pay “good money” to see a fight.

Veronica explains she only makes safe lady bets. “And you, little girl, are as safe as they come.”

Pitting J’onn against M’gann, Roulette hosts a monster mash, Martian style to trump all.

M’gann bounces J’onn good. Between throws (literally) he says there’s no shame in having survived. Kara party crashes the fight.

Joining the captured J’onn and the misguided M’gann in a smash fest against horned alien Quill.

Eclipsing expectations she’d fail to save National City again and getting in good with boss Snapper. Where she parlays her story pitch into an article. Giving herself up as the source to expose insider gambling.

Or does she?

Triple Threat

Kara aids sis Alex and detective Sawyer in an All Hallows clash among the Titans. Kryptonian-Draxamite Garata not invited (Anyone up for a row of soccer and dragons?).

Kara can hang.

See why Kara Danvers says, “I’m sure you figured it out,” and why gambling isn’t for her or aliens in Supergirl Season Two, Episode Four, Survivors.

And who she’s about to double-up with her at news corp Cat Co. When she goes up at ’em with a band of bangers in the future episode Crossfire.

Has S.K. earned enough battle scars now to defeat the evil Cadmus?

Place your bets right here.



quiksilver flash

I dive into anything and everything comics & anime. Geek on the writer verge. If it’s film, entertainment and canoodling with the like, I am there! — Dylan A