Supergirl Suspicion Injustice and Lynda Carter Our New President Stand for All

quiksilver flash
4 min readOct 26, 2016


Or is the Amazon now Prexy of famed TV Themyscira legend not what she seems?

In Episode Three, Supergirl goes geek solo after she and brother Clark go double duo and defeat Metallo. Close of Episode Two, The Last Children of Krypton.

Where National City has a female president (Uh-huh). Supergirl can’t wait to see. Or better yet, meet, and it’s TV’s Lynda Carter.

In true comic narrative, Kara gushes about the onus of being The American President. Portrayed by Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman, 1976–1979, “Moira Sullivan” Smallville, 2007). Admitting she thinks the Prexy is all that. Keen to decide if she has time to get a blow-out and make a great first impression.

She does, Kryptonian style. The heat ‘flares’ when the nation’s leader is attacked.

Kara prevents the assassination attempt on the President. Who later visits the Department of Extraterrestrial Operations. Kara glimpses that Dept. Director, Hank Henshaw (Dorian Harewood), aka Martian Man, J’onn J’onzz and the Madam President Olivia Marsdin are devise opposites about how the country should be protected.

Inalienable Rights

The President reminds him the very freedoms he fights to defend for the human rights of Earth. Are the same every citizen of National City deserves, alien-born or earthling.

The Presidential timing parallels global media coverage of the American 2016 Election. As the United States prepares to choose its next Prexy. During slants volleyed between Donald Trump and Hiliary Clinton. Vying to unseat one another on November 8th.

Kyptonian Kara thinks being President in the Supergirl-verse is all that and more.

Echos of Mutants Past

Earth’s population faces imminent danger with the planet becoming home to greater numbers of unidentifiable aliens. However Lena (Katie McGrath, “Morgana”, Merlin, 2008–2012), villain’s Lex Luthor’s sibling has a solution: Alien registration via an alien detector device.

The idea of being outed as an “alien” sets Kara on edge.

She waffles between the right of personal freedoms and the people of Earth to feel they’re safe from “refugees” coming to the planet. Fearing the city be thrown back into the Dark Ages. A la shades of X-Men: The Last Stand. To the point of tampering with a prototype model during the conversation at L Corp.

Life Adverse

Fretting whether she can hold her own at Cat Co Media. Kara and boss Snapper Carr are stringer-editor adversaries at best. He challenges her to write a piece on the attack on the President without sugaring the facts.

A fiery attack on the nation’s leader was made in protest of a new Alien Amnesty Act. Protective and equals rights intended for every person and alien residing on Earth.

The equivalent to outing every alien and stripping them of their private freedoms. The same Kara enjoys, the attacker reminds, when she battles Kara, Alex and Detective Maggie Sawyer. An “NCPD Science Division, Police Officer. Also the first openly gay character in the DC world,” shares Ali Adler, Supergirl Executive Producer.

Kara has to face her prejudices about alien differences. While Kara ponders the identity of the mysterious traveler she rescued.

The traveler’s name is Mon-El and he is a Daxamite. A race imbued with powers as formidable as any Kryptonian.


Planet Daxon is a monarchy of kings and queens. Kyptonians cherish philosophy and democracy.

Why was a Daxamite alien traveling across the universe proper in a Kryptonian pod?

Kara assumed he wanted to harm the President. Mon-El used any means possible to signal his world he had survive.

The real alien attacker is trounced by Kara, Alex and Sawyer but not before Kara is accused of being “The President’s little pet alien”.

Soon she realizes there is a benevolent and a malevolent side to everyone.

Peace or Unity

There are hidden dangers that can harm humans and aliens. Perhaps not everyone wants world or universal, peace.

Kara is forced to tell Mon-El Daxam became a wasteland after Krypton’s sun eroded. Now they’re both refugees, in a world that be soon have its freedoms threatened.

Martian Double Due

As John Jones meets another ex-patriot who calls herself, “The Last Daughter of Mars”.

In a future episode turn that may be the least threat to J’onn or Kara or her new alien confidant Mon-el. If any of them uncovers the President’s real motive behind the Alien Amnesty Act. Mirroring public scrutiny of the and Clinton spar-fest about who is fit to lead America.

When they, like the Supergirl-verse President, may not be who they seem.

“Welcome to Earth”.

Your turn. Who do you believe the Madam President really is?



quiksilver flash

I dive into anything and everything comics & anime. Geek on the writer verge. If it’s film, entertainment and canoodling with the like, I am there! — Dylan A