The Case of the Stolen Spheres

Danielle Poz
2 min readApr 12, 2020


The magical spheres

These spheres have been in the private collection of millionaire art collector, Lawrence McMillions for years. The spheres were discovered hundreds of years ago in a remote undisclosed location. “It doesn’t matter where they came from” McMillions says of the spheres, “it’s what they DO.” The spheres are thought to contain magical properties and bestow prosperity and luck upon any individual who resides in close proximity to one. Though McMillions was already a man of great wealth before he obtained the spheres he claims having the whole barrel of them at home, “hasn’t hurt”.

McMillions is all too aware that due to the current state of the world his spheres will not be making the evening news, or even the top 3 of anyones to do list. However, he has also been impressed by the number of cold cases that have been solved in the last few years by the public at large. He credits social media and the fast ability to share images, thoughts and clues online with the uptick in unsolved cases reaching closure. He hopes that folks at home will take an interest in his missing spheres and help to track them down.

McMillions is offering a hefty reward of… you guessed it, one of the very spheres themselves for whomever returns them to their rightful home. “I am not much for clues,” McMillions admits, “and I also never win Clue.” McMillions agreed to provide us with a strange document left in his home where the spheres once sat. We have photographed this image and are providing it below. He also asks that you follow him on instagram at Lawrence_McMillions to see any images he has of the crime scene. It seems some things in his personal office were moved around though he isn’t sure why. Hopefully this story will have a happy ending, if not for McMillions, then for whoever now holds the spheres. Good luck sleuths!

Strange image left behind at the McMillions Mansion

