Destructuring Arrays in JavaScript

Quinn Lashinsky
2 min readSep 23, 2019

Destructuring is a new feature available in ES6. Destructuring allows you to assign elements in objects or arrays to variables in a swift, declarative way. We can reach into deeply nested structures and even eliminate the need to null check by grabbing just the elements we need, leading to more succinct code.

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples dealing with destructuring arrays:

One of my favorite television shows is Black Mirror, and I figure we could use the main overarching theme, season in and season out, as an example.

Grabbing the First Element:

const blackMirror = ['black', 'mirror', 'technology', 'bad']const [first] = blackMirrorconsole.log(first) // 'black'

Grabbing All Of The Elements

const blackMirror = ['black', 'mirror', 'technology', 'bad']const [first, second, third, fourth] = blackMirrorconsole.log(first) // 'black'
console.log(second) // 'mirror'
console.log(third) // 'technology'
console.log(fourth) // 'bad'

Grabbing Non-Sequential/Out Of Order Elements

By using the comma operator, we can return each index we want to destructure and skip over the rest. It’s important to note that the comma is in addition to any other commas needed to separate elements.

const blackMirror = ['black', 'mirror', 'technology', 'bad']const [first,,third] = blackMirrorconsole.log(first) // 'black' 
console.log(third) // 'technology'

Using the Spread Operator

const blackMirror = ['black', 'mirror', 'technology', 'bad']const [firstElem,] = blackMirrorconsole.log(first) // 'black'
console.log(rest) // ['mirror', 'technology', 'bad']

As long as the right hand side of your destructuring assignment returns an array, you can destructure the elements in the array. This means functions or objects that return arrays can also be destructured.

Array Destructuring from an Object

const blackMirror = ['black', 'mirror', 'technology', 'bad']const cereal = {
frosties: blackMirror
const [first] = cereal.frostiesconsole.log(first) // 'black'

Array Destructing from a Function

function sugarPuffs(){
return blackMirror
const [,,third] = sugarPuffs()
console.log(third) // 'technology'

Array destructuring can help you write more effective, concise code by avoiding the need to declare extra variables and only destructuring the data necessary to building your application.



Quinn Lashinsky

Full Stack Web Developer. Focused on arts and humanities based work.