Eliminate, Automate, Delegate

Quinn Nolan
1 min readOct 29, 2019


In business it’s quite easy to get distracted by all of the noise.

With today’s exponential growth in technology, we are surrounded by more noise than ever.

One of the biggest skills that entrepreneurs will have to develop is being able to block out all of the noise and direct their focus.

Here’s a simple process I use to make things easier for myself and my team.

  1. Eliminate

Can we eliminate it?

Often times we feel stuck ‘having’ to do things for no reason at all, and we can simply eliminate them, and get greater output from something else.

2. Automate

If we can’t completely eliminate it, can we use today’s modern technology to automate the process so that we don’t have to do it ourselves, or even hire someone else to do it?

3. Delegate

If this is a high value action, and we can’t eliminate it or automate it with technology, can we find someone else who can handle it for us?

What’s something you can eliminate?

