Celebrating the end of prohibition in chicago

Drink Life

“Here’s to alcohol, the rose-colored glasses of life.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Adam Quirk
2 min readJun 29, 2013


Ethanol is a clear liquid psychoactive drug that produces in animals a state of euphoria and decreased inhibitions (or increased liberations). It makes dull people slightly more interesting, and makes interesting people slightly less intimidating. It is dangerous when overused, but so is everything else.

Alcohol has been consumed by humans since the Neolithic, around 9,000 years ago. Monkeys and rodents drink. People in hunting tribes drink. World leaders drink.

In the semi-finished basements of homes across America right now there are men gathering in small groups to drink alcohol. It helps them shed their masculine concepts of restraint and emotionlessness. A friend is telling his new best friend he loves him right now thanks to alcohol, forging a lifelong bond.

In the sidewalk cafes of cities across America right now there are women gathering in small groups to drink alcohol. It helps them shed their feminine social restraint and temporarily dissolves into solution their minor intra-group jealousies. A woman is telling her younger sister she loves her right now; that she sees herself in her and that’s why she gets mad sometimes, because she hopes she doesn’t act like such a B. They laugh and hug and take a drink.

The drink is grand. Tap your glass to your neighbor’s and tell her you love her. Cheers and to your health and live long and prosper. You and she and the glass are the same, you see. You’re equal parts of the same cosmic cocktail.



Adam Quirk

Human man. Former tech operative. Co-founder of Cardinal Spirits, a craft distillery in Bloomington, IN. @quirk and @cardinalspirits