Swift Quiz #05: Swift Arrays Interview Questions

7 min readJun 24, 2023

Topic: Swift Arrays

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In Swift, an array is a collection type that allows you to store multiple values of the same type in an ordered list. Arrays are used to group related values together and access them using an index.

Key Concepts:

  1. Mutability: Swift arrays can be mutable or immutable depending on whether you declare them as variables (var) or constants (let). Immutable arrays cannot be modified once defined, while mutable arrays can have elements added, removed, or modified.
  2. Type Safety: Swift arrays are strongly typed, meaning they can only store values of the same type. Once you define the type of an array, you cannot store values of a different type in it.
  3. Dynamic Size: Swift arrays have a dynamic size, which means they can grow or shrink in length as needed. You can append elements to the end of an array using the append() method, insert elements at specific positions using the insert(_:at:) method, and remove elements using the remove(at:) method.
  4. Array Literal: Array can be initialized using an array literal, which is a shorthand way of defining an array. Array…

