How to Hire a dedicated Mobile App Developer in 2023

Quokka Labs
10 min readFeb 14, 2023


In the early years of the 21st century, mobile devices have become more and more popular. Gradually, more and more people have come to rely on their smartphones. This trend is continuing, and you can expect more and more people to have smartphones. Mobile apps are designed to run exclusively on smart devices. To develop mobile apps, you must hire a dedicated developer.

You might be looking for a dedicated mobile app developer right now. If that is the case, you must be very careful in hiring a dedicated mobile app developer.

Mobile Applications Stats-

Mobile apps are expected to generate over 935 billion dollars in revenue by 2023, with the Apple App Store housing 1.6 million apps and the Google Play Store having 3.55 million apps available for download. Out of all US digital media time, 70% is spent on mobile apps — and it’s not hard to see why when you consider that the average smartphone owner uses ten apps daily and 30 apps each month. Whether it’s for entertainment, productivity, or social media, there’s an app for everyone. And with 21% of Millennials opening an app 50+ times each day and 49% of people opening an app 11+ times daily, it’s clear that mobile apps are here to stay.

How to Hire Mobile App Developers in 2023

In the below section, we have mentioned the stepwise structure to hire a dedicated android or iOS app developer. Have a Look!!

Define Project Requirements

Before hiring a mobile app developer, you must define your project requirements.

It includes the scope of work, budget, and timeline. A clear understanding of what you need will help you determine the developer and help you set expectations for the project.

Identify Recruitment Channels

Utilize various recruitment channels to find suitable candidates, such as job boards, social media, professional networks, and referral programs. You can also reach out to staffing agencies specializing in mobile app development.

Screen Candidates

Review the resumes and portfolios of potential candidates to determine if they meet your requirements. Look for relevant experience, technical skills, and communication abilities.

Conduct Technical Interviews

Once you have identified suitable candidates, schedule technical interviews to evaluate their technical skills and experience. During the interview, you can ask specific questions about the technologies and programming languages required for the project.

Check References

Before making a final decision, it is important to check references to verify the candidate’s work history and get feedback from their previous employers.

Negotiate Terms and Conditions

After you have selected the right candidate, negotiate the terms and conditions of the project, including the budget, timeline, and payment terms. It is important to clearly understand these details before beginning the project.

Monitor Progress

Once the project is underway, monitoring progress and ensuring that the developer meets your expectations is crucial. Regular check-ins and progress reports help ensure the project stays on track.

Foster Collaboration

Encourage open communication and collaboration between the remote developer and your in-house team.

The Common Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Mobile Developer?

  1. What does a mobile app developer do?
  2. What is your experience with mobile app development?
  3. How do you stay updated on the latest technologies and trends in mobile app development?
  4. Can you walk me through your development process and project management methodology?
  5. Can you provide examples of your mobile apps and your role in their development?
  6. Have you worked with similar project requirements as ours before?
  7. How do you handle project scope changes and unexpected issues during development?
  8. Can you describe your experience integrating mobile apps with back-end systems and APIs?
  9. Have you published any apps on app stores before? Can you provide links or examples?
  10. Can you explain your experience with app performance optimization and troubleshooting?
  11. How do you ensure the security and privacy of user data in your mobile apps?
  12. Can you describe your experience with testing and quality assurance for mobile apps?
  13. How do you handle ongoing maintenance and updates after release?

Why Hire Remote Mobile App Developers in 2023?

A mobile app provides a unique opportunity to strengthen relationships with existing customers. For example, customers can place orders through the app on Android or iOS, such as a beauty salon providing a portable personal office app with special offers, personalized advice, and an electronic loyalty card. Fitness center customers can benefit from tracking progress, renewing membership cards, and ordering supplements directly from their smartphones.

Why is Mobile App Developers Trends in 2023?

Growing Demand for Mobile Apps

The widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices has created a growing demand for mobile apps. Consumers use their devices for communication, entertainment, shopping, and financial transactions.

Technological Advancements

The mobile industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and advancements emerging regularly. It creates new opportunities for app development and drives innovation in the industry. For example, the growing popularity of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G technology will lead to new and exciting app development opportunities in 2023.

Changing Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is changing as people rely more on mobile apps for daily needs. This shift is driving the need for app development as businesses look to engage with customers through their mobile devices. For example, the growing trend toward online shopping has created a demand for mobile apps that provide a seamless shopping experience for consumers.

Increase in Remote Work

The trend toward remote work has created a need for mobile apps that support remote collaboration and communication. Remote workers need to be able to access their work and communicate with colleagues from anywhere, at any time. Mobile apps provide a convenient way for remote workers to do this, making them a vital tool in the remote work landscape.

Investment in Digital Transformation

Many businesses are investing in digital transformation initiatives, including mobile app development, to stay competitive in the digital economy. Companies seek ways to streamline their processes, improve customer engagement, and increase efficiency, and mobile apps provide a way to do this.

Rising E-commerce Market

The e-commerce market continues to grow, driven by the increasing popularity of online shopping. This growth creates a demand for mobile apps that provide consumers with a seamless and convenient shopping experience. From browsing products and making purchases to tracking deliveries and managing returns, mobile apps play an increasingly important role in e-commerce.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Mobile App Developers?

The cost or price of hiring a mobile app developer varies widely depending on the developer’s experience, location, and project requirements. It can range from $50 to $200 per hour or a total project cost of $10,000 to $500,000. Hiring a dedicated developer or agency can also affect the price.

Also Read:-

Where to Hire Mobile App Developers

When seeking an app developer, you have at least four options. Choosing a mobile app developer depends on factors such as your business goals, budget, and desired level of flexibility to determine the best option for you. However, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s Explore!

  1. In-House
  2. Freelance Market
  3. Staff Augmentation
  4. Outsourcing

Option 1- In-House Team

The decision to hire a mobile app developer from the in-house team depends on the specific needs and resources of the company. However, hiring an app developer from an in-house team has benefits and drawbacks.

Advantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: In-House Team

  • Increased Control & Communication- Working with an in-house developer allows for better control over the project and easier communication.
  • Improved Collaboration- With the developer being part of the same organization, there can be a smoother collaboration with other teams, such as designers and product managers.
  • Stronger Company Culture- Adding an in-house app developer can help strengthen the company culture and improve overall teamwork.

Disadvantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: In-House Team

  • Limited Talent Pool- The available talent pool is limited to existing employees and may not include the specialized skills or experience required for the mobile app development project.
  • Hiring and Training Cost- Hiring an in-house developer may come with additional costs such as training, salaries, and other perks and benefits.
  • Management Overhead- Supervising an in-house developer may require additional management resources and time.

Option 2- Freelance Market

Hiring a mobile app developer is likely the first option that comes to mind, as companies can hire top talent worldwide, regardless of geography.

Cost-effectiveness is a crucial reason to consider the freelance market, as there’s no need to provide benefits such as health insurance or paid vacation. Freelancers typically start work as soon as the project requirement is submitted, without a lengthy onboarding process.

When hiring a mobile app developer from the freelance market combines its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Freelance Market

  • Cost-Effectiveness- Freelance developers often offer lower rates than in-house or agency developers, making it a cost-effective option for companies or businesses with limited budgets.
  • Flexibility- Freelance app developers can be hired on a project-by-project basis, allowing for flexibility in terms of workload and duration.
  • Access to a Wider Pool of Talent- The freelance market opens access to a wider pool of developers, making it important to have clear agreements in place.

Disadvantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Freelance Market

  • Lack of Accountability- Freelancers may have less accountability than in-house or agency developers, making it important to have a clear agreement.
  • Difficult in Communication- With remote work often being the norm, effective communication can be a challenge and may impact the quality of the project. However, click on the link for Tips on managing the remote engineering team.

Option 3- Staff Augmentation

You may have a tight-knit, well-functioning internal team, but specific tasks require additional attention. On the other hand, you may have brought together a group of app developers, only to recognize later the need for someone with specialized skills to handle a specific task or offer their expertise temporarily. In these situations, assess the abilities of your existing team and then determine the type of specialist required to fill the skill gap.

Advantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Staff Augmentation

  • Access to Specialized Skills- You can hire a developer with specific skill sets to augment your existing team, providing access to the expertise you wouldn’t otherwise have.
  • Flexibility- Staff augmentation allows you to scale up or down your development team as required without going through the hiring and onboarding process each time.
  • Cost-Effective- Staff augmentation is a cost-effective alternative to hiring full-time employees, as you only pay for the specific services you need.
  • Improved Quality- With staff augmentation, you can bring in developers with experience in your specific industry, helping to ensure the highest quality of work.

Disadvantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Staff Augmentation

  • Communication Issues- There may be communication barriers between your internal team and the staff augmentation developer, as they may need to be more familiar with your company culture or processes.
  • Lack of Commitment- Staff augmentation developers are not committed to your company long-term and may have a different level of investment in the project’s success.
  • Dependence on a Single Vendor- If you rely on a single vendor for staff augmentation, you may risk project delays if that vendor needs to provide the necessary resources.
  • Increased Management Burden- You will need to manage the staff augmentation developer, ensuring they have the resources and support necessary to complete their work effectively.

Option 4- Outsourcing

Outsourcing an app development team involves hiring a third-party company or individual to develop a mobile app for you. Here are the steps to outsource app development:

Define Project Requirements: Clearly outline the scope, budget, timeline, and desired outcome of your app development project.

Research potential vendors: Look for reputable app development companies with experience in your industry and a portfolio of similar projects.

Evaluate Proposals: Review proposals from potential vendors and compare their experience, cost, and delivery timeline to make a final decision.

Manage the Project: Establish clear lines of communication with the vendor, monitor project progress, and provide feedback as needed.

Advantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Outsourcing

  • Access to Expertise- Outsourcing allows you to tap into a pool of experienced app developers with specialized skills.
  • Cost Savings- Outsourcing can be more cost-effective than hiring in-house developers, as you only pay for the specific services you need.
  • Time Savings- Outsourcing allows you to complete the app development process more quickly, as you can leverage the expertise of a dedicated team.
  • Flexibility- You can scale up or down the size of your development team as required without going through the hiring and onboarding process each time.

Disadvantages of Hiring Mobile Developers: Outsourcing

  • Communication Barriers- There may be communication issues between you and the outsourced development team, as they may need to be more familiar with your company’s culture or processes.
  • Quality Control- It can be difficult to ensure the quality of the work produced by an outsourced team, as you rely on a third party.
  • Loss of Control- Outsourcing app development means giving project control to a third-party vendor, which may only sometimes align with your company’s vision or goals.

Hire Dedicated Mobile App Developers with Quokka Labs

In 2023, hiring remote mobile app developers is essential to stay ahead of the competition and attract more customers to your product or service. Finding the right remote dedicated mobile developer can be complex and time-consuming, so choosing a reliable partner to manage your team setup fully is important. Quokka Labs is a well-established provider of remote teams with a proven track record in the software development industry. They can assist you in finding the best remote mobile app developers that meet your specific needs. To find out more about their services, feel free to contact them.



Quokka Labs

Quokka Labs is a Web/Mobile App Development Company in India. Founded by a team of Technology enthusiasts, our goal is to create digital products of the highest