Top iOS App Development Trends to Watch in 2022?

Quokka Labs
6 min readFeb 11, 2022

The use of Apple devices has been increasing, which requires developers to consider mobile app development on iOS too. The platform is versatile and allows developers to incorporate next-generation technologies in mobile apps to increase usage. Today, the smartphone is the key to digital media success. It fundamentally transforms business models, operating models, and marketplaces at a surprising rate. In 2022, mobile app market revenue is expected to reach $693 billion.

Companies must benefit from next-generation technologies while ensuring that the app is secure and performs well. The use of iOS devices has been increasing, which requires developers to consider mobile app development on iOS too. We will discuss some iOS app development trends we will see in the future.

Latest iOS App Development Trends 2022

While many new trends in mobile app development are emerging this year, here are the top 13 mobile app development trends that we picked after elaborative, fact-based research.

Rise of 5G technology

As a part of this trend in 2022, the accuracy and efficiency of mobile devices will increase to a significant extent.

With the growing, IT industry, Software development company is running towards modern development and offering successful applications from boosting network efficiency to traffic capacity with the help of 5G technology. Using 5G technology during the app development and testing, the organization can offer improved solutions with quicker outcomes.

5G Applications consist of:

  • Driver-less vehicle technology
  • Machine-driven solutions
  • Cloud computing

Advanced Siri

Today, Siri is quite popular across the world. Apple has launched SiriKit to help iPhone app developers so that they can make watchOS and iOS support Siri simply by utilizing the voice. Integrating SiriKit with an iOS app comes with a lot of benefits. Apple has come out with SiriKit for the Application developers to make iOS and wearables to operate with Siri just with the use of voice.

AI & Machine Learning

AI plays an active role in our lives, where it penetrates different business sectors and positively influences people’s lives. Nowadays, computers and machines use machine learning or AI to perform human tasks.

ML understands the system behavior to a greater extent and improves user engagements by building customer loyalty and experience. Based on your needs, machine learning offers several algorithms to leverage accordingly.


Businesses focus on mobile app development frameworks to make augmented reality experiences that present the offerings in the best possible way. Multiple app markets, including real estate, on-demand, retail, engineering, and more, will continue to use virtual reality augmented with the help of a software development company.

Cross-platform Apps and Swift 5

Apple’s Swift is considered one of the best leading programming languages, and it is constantly growing at a rapid pace. More than a thousand apps in Swift language are present on the App Store. Developers have initially praised its inherent benefits like safety, scalability, and simplicity. There is no doubt that it has a bright future.


Although beacon technology is not new to many, it has not been widely used in mobile app development. It has gained traction in the mobile industry for a couple of years, and it seems to grow in 2022. Through Beacon technology, one can link the connectivity from both online and offline worlds. Businesses these days are on the verge of connecting the devices and applications that can run flawlessly for their customers by understanding how they interact with mobile apps.


Chatbot acts as the first line of interaction the mobile app can have with the user. A robust chatbot feature can improve user satisfaction levels too.

It acts like an assistant that can readily fetch the information that the user needs. They can quickly address any customer issues, and the user feels that the brand’s support is available 24X7. It can save effort, which is another reason for its widespread use.


Apple has undoubtedly managed to get an enterprise-wide security-enabled culture. To assist the users in maintaining a secure environment for all the actions. iOS apps are must connect over a secure HTTPS connection using the TLS v1.2 protocol. Apple has a few keys that will help you to pinpoint the exceptions for inclusion. Troubleshooting is easier too, and developers can readily check the security features.


Blockchain has found its use in several industries and helps in decentralized encryption of sensitive information. The sectors known to store a high volume of critical data can use this technology. It will help to enhance the security of the app and ensure data integrity. Transactions will be more secure, and financial companies can use this technology for added security.

Cloud Integration (CLOUD KIT)

Cloud technologies are trending more than ever, and it is one of the iOS app development trends for 2022. Cloud-based iOS apps help you organize and store a large amount of data online.

Mobile apps that build on the cloud offer flexibility to run on both Android and iOS, which reaches a wider audience. This app manages complex tasks and handles large storage, which effectively helps to increase productivity.\


We are surrounded by IoT applications that make our daily lives more accessible and more productive. It won’t be wrong to say that we are somehow dependent on IoT for our day-to-day operations. With the rise of wearable devices and technology, IoT will be getting more prominence in the future. The HomeKit applications help the users to communicate quickly and take control of various home automation devices. It allows them to discover devices compatible with this trend and get the same configured with ease.

Wearable apps

These days, wearable devices are gaining popularity due to their convenience. The wearable iOS app has revolutionized the mobile industry. The latest technologies-based iOS app enables the smartphone to connect with devices like Smartwatch, bands, healthcare devices, and other wearable devices, facilitating data transfer and sharing. Wearable apps come with the latest features like call management, display notification and control, and many more.

Standard features for wearables:

  • Health data collection
  • Notifications
  • Social media

Apple Pay

Apple Pay has gained popularity across the world in a short time. Now it is supported by all Apple devices, and it is incredible because of its implicit security. The use of online payments has increased drastically. Mobile commerce is the order of the day, and mobile apps must integrate with several payment modes. It is easier to integrate with Apple Pay.

Why should you incorporate iOS App Development Trends?

iOS provides frameworks that define particular sets of functionality from gaming and media to security and data management which you can integrate into your app. The use of mobile apps has increased as brands continue to try and increase mindshare among their audience. As the users use their handheld devices for a long time during the day, it allows businesses to increase engagement and ensure loyal customers. Primary reasons to follow the latest trends in iOS development :

User loyalty: The new iOS trends provide more comfort and a better user experience. The instant service creates better user loyalty.

Higher engagement time: The demanded features of the app influence users to spend more time with your app.

Security: As with technological advancement, there is an excellent chance of your data being hacked. Hence, the iOS app trends provide better protection by providing TouchID or FaceID.

The Wrap-Up!

As businesses increase their audience outreach, they take the mobile app route to enhance outreach. Moreover, they must also incorporate the newer technologies that will help them to improve user experience and ensure data integrity. The trends keep changing, increased demand for iOS app development services. 2022 will undoubtedly see iPhone app developers taking the iOS app development to the next level with these trends. Have an idea you want to discuss? Contact us right away at Quokka Labs for more info. You won’t be disappointed with a company that got recognized as one of the Top Web & Mobile App Development Companies in India by Clutch and Good firms.



Quokka Labs

Quokka Labs is a Web/Mobile App Development Company in India. Founded by a team of Technology enthusiasts, our goal is to create digital products of the highest