WordPress vs. Strapi vs. Prismic

Quokka Labs
7 min readJan 18, 2023


Whenever you choose a Content management system (CMS) for your next project, you may wonder whether to use a traditional option like WordPress or newer options like Prismic or Strapi. They have various pros and cons, but which is the right option for you?

To help you make your decision, let’s take a closer look at the popular CMSs. We’ll compare and contrast the three CMSs in terms of features, ease of use, flexibility, and scalability. In the end, you should have a better idea of the best fit for your needs.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a well-known open-source CMS that powers a massive number of sites and online journals all over the planet. It’s known for its usability and a wide variety of features, which include a built-in blog, media management, and backing for outsider modules and themes. WordPress is a decent decision for small to medium-sized projects that only need a little customization.


  • One of the most incredible benefits of WordPress is its convenience. Regardless of whether you’re not a specialized individual, you ought to have the option to create an essential website or blog with WordPress.
  • WordPress includes many features, including a built-in blog, media management, and backing for outsider plugins and themes. It makes it a decent decision for small to medium-sized projects that only need a little customization.
  • WordPress is designed in light of SEO, guaranteeing that your webpage is apparent to search engines. Furthermore, various plugins and resources are accessible to assist you in optimizing your site for SEO.
  • WordPress has a vast and dynamic community of users, designers, and developers who are continuously ready to assist with any issues you might have. There are likewise various internet-based assets accessible that can help you with utilizing WordPress.


  • While WordPress offers a great deal of adaptability, there are still a few cons to how you can manage it. Consider other CMS choices if you’re searching for a CMS that can tweak your site.
  • WordPress is a decent decision for small to medium-sized projects, but there may be better options for huge-scope projects. If you’re searching for a CMS that can quickly scale or stretch scale, consider an alternate choice as your task develops.
  • WordPress is a well-known and easy target for hackers since it’s so broadly utilized. Consider an alternate CMS if security is a concern.
  • While it is generally simple to utilize, WordPress’ UI can be mistaking and unintuitive for new users and those without a technical background.

What is Strapi?

Strapi is a more up-to-date open-source CMS that is acquiring prevalence for its adaptability and convenience. Like WordPress, it offers many unique features, including a built-in blog, media management, and customer/user authentication. Notwithstanding, what separates Strapi is its capacity to be effortlessly stretched out with custom plugins and components. It makes it a decent choice for more significant tasks requiring more customization.


  • One of the most significant benefits of Strapi is its adaptability and flexibility. It’s easy to stretch out with custom plugins and components, making it a decent decision for more extensive projects requiring more customization.
  • Strapi has built-in authentication, which makes it easy to secure your content. You can add users and roles and set up permissions to control who can access what.
  • Strapi has built-in support for both REST and GraphQL APIs. This makes it simple to associate with outsider services and integrations.
  • Strapi is localized in over 20 languages, making it a good and ideal choice for creating a multilingual website or application.


  • Strapi is a headless CMS that requires programming information to utilize. If you need to get used to using coding, think about an alternate choice.
  • Strapi is a newer CMS that could be more broadly utilized as WordPress. It implies a smaller community and fewer assets that anyone could hope to find when contrasted with WordPress.
  • As Strapi is in updating phase, fewer plugins and themes are currently available. This might change after some time, yet it’s something to keep in mind for the present.
  • Strapi is free to use but is not 100% open source. Strapi provides weekly updates on its stable version, which means you need to keep an eye out if you don’t want your platform to break suddenly.

What is Prismic?

Established in 2013, Prismic has a features-rich interface, worked in project management systems, content preview, planned publishing, multi-language capacities, and managed service choice. It is known as headless CMS that is on SaaS technology. It mainly offers content management and delivery with native integration in eCommerce platforms. The free version adaptation is reasonable for individual use, and the number of customers estimates its enterprise version.

WordPress, Strapi, and Prismic are popular content management systems (CMS), each with pros and cons. Let’s take a deep dive into it.


  • Prismic’s features are profitable for everybody’s team. They can create instantly updatable content for apps and websites. Marketing and content management teams can update or create pages without the help of developers.
  • It gives developers more possibilities. They can choose between different languages and tools to build apps or websites.
  • Your content managers have more independence in the way, and the time they update your website’s content. They no longer need developers before creating content, editing it, and publishing it.
  • A cloud is available as a content infrastructure in Prismic. Thus, no infrastructure management is needed before building a project. The work can be done without setting up, configuring, or maintaining the infrastructure.


  • Prismic setup could be more straightforward with two different plugins, gatsby-source-prismic-graphql & gatsby-source-prismic.
  • Prismic’s surrounding documentation and other tools that make things easier to use are only sometimes readily available.
  • Prismic is unusable for small developers with individual clients.
  • Prismic is a paid CMS.” While there is a free tier for single users, and the paid levels are relatively low cost, it may be undesirable to some teams.

Comparison Between WordPress, Strapi & Prismic

Now let’s check out the comparison between WordPress, Strapi & Prismic in terms of their performance, speed, user experience, development time, and maintenance. These are all essential factors to consider while choosing an ideal content management system (CMS) for your website.


Strapi dominates this competition also. Its straightforward and proficient design implies that it can deal with additional requests with fewer assets. WordPress and Prismic can then begin to strain under heavy traffic.


Strapi wins this round. It’s based on Node.js, known for being quick and lightweight. WordPress, then again, is based on PHP. While PHP has made some fantastic progress as of late, it takes more time than Node. And Prismic can build websites using the framework or any programming language.

User Experience:

Strapi wins here. Its clean and straightforward interface is a delight to utilize, and its documentation is brilliant. WordPress can be confusing for newcomers, and its learning curve can be steep. Like WordPress, the Prismic setup could be more straightforward with two different plugins.

Development Time:

WordPress is the champ here. Its huge ecosystems of plugins and themes imply that you can track down answers for practically any issue. In every case, its enormous community applies that help is close enough. Strapi and Prismic is a more up-to-date project, and keeping in mind that it’s developing quickly, it still needs a similar level of help.


Strapi is again the winner. Its simple design and its documentation make it easy to keep on-time updates. WordPress and Prismic can be challenging to keep up to date, as some multiple plugins and themes need to be updated.


This is a close one, but we’ll give it to Prismic. Its efficient design means that it can handle more traffic as you scale up without needing to add more resources. WordPress and Starpi can scale too, but it’s more complicated, and you might need to invest in some plugins or custom development to make it work.

That’s it! As per the above observation, Strapi is the clear winner.

Which one Should you use for your Next Project?

Hence, everything relies upon the particular requirements of the project. WordPress might be a good choice if you’re a small business searching for an easy-to-use CMS with a wide range of features. Strapi and Prismic have proven to be more flexible and dependable CMS with an easy-to-use admin section for larger, more complicated projects.

However, Strapi is for something other than amateurs. It coordinates well with Frontend languages like React JS and Next JS to capitalize on your venture. Consolidating them with a fast and dependable database like MongoDB, you can construct strong, reliable, and responsive enterprise-level projects. And Prismic setup is a little tricky, but once you are through that, the developing experience is straightforward.

Ultimately, it all comes down to your project goals and what you require from your content management system. If unsure, we make it easy for you — our team of experienced developers building WordPress and Starpi websites and E-Commerce stores.

For any query, question, or suggestions, comment below. Thanks!!!

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Quokka Labs

Quokka Labs is a Web/Mobile App Development Company in India. Founded by a team of Technology enthusiasts, our goal is to create digital products of the highest