Quotes Flux
3 min readAug 16, 2017

Top 10 Real Estate Quotes

  1. Well, real estate is always good, as far as I’m concerned.
Well, real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned

2. Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles

3. Real estate is the key cost of physical retailers. That’s why there’s the old saw: location, location, location.

Real estate is the key cost of physical retailers. That's why there's the old saw: location,location, location.

4. To me, I love real estate because you can feel it

To me, I love real estate because you can feel it.

5. I think of real estate as a little bit like cooking or like art

I think of real estate as a little bit like cooking or like art.

6. A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back, it comes back up like gangbusters.

A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back, it comes back up like gangbusters.

7. I view real estate as the most intriguing opportunity that I’ve seen in my business lifetime

I view real estate as the most intriguing opportunity that I've seen in my business lifetime

8. I always felt very secure and very safe with real estate. Real Estate always appreciates.

I always felt very secure and very safe with real estate. Real Estate always appreciates.

9. Real estate deals a lot with the government. It isn’t like manufacturing, logistics, home appliances or the auto sector, which deal with consumers.

Real estate deals a lot with the government. It isn't like manufacturing, logistics, home appliances or the auto sector, which deal with consumers.

10. Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.

Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.