11 Everyday Habits to Boost Your Intelligence

best quots
4 min readOct 10, 2023


Boost Your Intelligence


In this article, we’ll look at the interesting world of intelligence and how simple every day habits can help you get smarter. Intelligence in any form is a superpower that can enhance every part of your life, from personal to business. It’s not just about having a high IQ; it’s also about understanding what you know, solving problems, coming up with ideas, and thinking seriously about the world around you. The good news is that intelligence is flexible; you can expand it with consistent work and the right habits. So, whether you are a great thinker or just an average one, these 11 daily practices can make you smarter than you might think.

1. How Meditation Can Help You Raise Your IQ

Meditation isn’t just a way to find mental peace; it can also make you smarter. According to research, regular meditation can enhance your memory, focus, and even your IQ. In one study, people who meditated did 20% better on IQ tests than those who didn’t. Start relaxing for a few minutes every day to boost your thinking skills.

2. The High-Exposure Method: Fill Your Brain with Information

The high-exposure method is something you can learn from people like Warren Buffet. Surround yourself with information that is always coming in. Engage in important conversations, keep up with current events, and keep a close eye on your business. The more you introduce your brain to useful things, the more creative ideas it will come up with.

3. Make your neurons strong: Exercise is the best way to get smarter

Exercise isn’t just good for your body but also for your brain. Neurons, which are the brain cells that send messages, grow when you do cardio and power training. Growing new neurons makes your brain more powerful and complicated, improving intelligence.

4. “The Illusion of Knowledge”: Always ask questions.

Could you not take things for what they seem? Develop a sense of wonder and ask questions about everything, even if it is a typical topic. Every question you ask gives you a new way to look at the world and a deeper understanding of it.

5. Einstein’s Principle of Learning

Teach to Learn Simple but powerful, Albert Einstein’s learning concept. To understand something, try to explain it to someone else in easy words. You should expand your understanding if you can’t make it simpler. A sign of real knowledge is the ability to explain complicated ideas in simple terms.

Everyday Habits to Boost Your Intelligence

6. Smart people make you smarter: hang out with smart people.

Your group of friends has a big impact on how smart you become. Embrace smart, inspiring people who challenge your thinking. Intelligence is infectious, and talking to people with great minds can make you smarter.

7. The Power of Reflective Writing

Writing isn’t just a way to share your thoughts but also to make sense of them. You can solve problems and transform your thinking process by keeping a journal, which lets you express your ideas in detail. You don’t have to be a good writer to get something out of writing about your life every day.

8. Rethink your time-wasters and turn them into opportunities to learn

Distractions are a part of everyone’s lives, but you can make them work for you. Replace distractions with tasks that challenge your mind rather than mindlessly wasting time and manage your time. For example, choose programs that make you think instead of mindless TV shows.

9. Bite-Sized Reading: How Two Pages a Day Can Change Your Brain

Reading doesn’t just teach you things; it also changes the way your brain works. MRI scans have shown that reading just one book makes the brain work better and connect better. Start with just two pages a day to make reading an everyday habit.

10. Beat your devices: Spend less time in front of a screen

Too much time in front of a screen can hurt how well you think. You can improve your attention and motivation to learn, grow, and expand your mind by reducing your computer time by as little as 20%.

11. Let your imagination run wild: Be creative

The two frequently go hand in hand: creativity and intelligence. To foster original ideas and transform your thinking, take up creative hobbies like writing, drawing, or making. Give your creative mind at least fifteen minutes a day to discover new ideas.


Your intelligence is a skill that you can improve and expand through daily habits. By adding these 11 practices into your life, you will not only boost your IQ but also enhance your problem-solving, creativity, and general cognitive performance. So, start today to unlock your full brain ability.



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