Pandemic tech trends: which ones are booming despite COVID-19?

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4 min readMay 5, 2020

World pandemic is significantly touching not only all of the everyday life aspects but also all of the local and global economic spheres. While some of the segments are left completely frozen counting current and future losses, some emerging technologies enter a rapid acceleration and massive adoption stage. Especially, those technologies that aim to automate human involved processes, minimize human-to-human contact, privilege social distancing and optimize general productivity in different sectors. What are those sectors booming during those difficult and discordant times?

MedTech solutions

Today as the whole world is preoccupied with its health and wellness, telemedicine and digital healthcare services are in the very top of the search. European and US governments are massively integrating and using telehealth consultant services and applications to lower the pressure on hospitals. This to avoid the first human to human direct contact without stopping medical care of all those in need of it. MedTech solutions ease treatment to be received and even prescriptions to be filled and signed officially. Those MedTech focusing on electronic health records, wearable monitoring devices, genetic screening, personalized medicine and psychologic support are on the front line fighting against coronavirus outbreak.

FinTech solutions

World confinement has significantly accelerated the adoption of fintech solutions as they privilege contactless payments and instant international transactions without any need of visiting a bank office. Professional, political and social migration are one of the major reasons for millions of families being separated and stuck in different countries. And fintechs are there to help family members support each other and even pay rent or mobile phone of elder family members using disruptive applications and online services. Confinement is pushing fintech towards service aggregations and unified user experience provision. Fintech projects also state an increase in peer-to-peer lending volumes since coronavirus lockdowns started to be followed by enormous job losses and salary reductions. Investment fintech services are also facing user activity increase by over 40% as people are now trying to make profit of everything and are afraid to lose their savings and therefore want to diversify their investment portfolios.

LegalTech solutions

The legal practice digitalization has been already going on for at least 8 years. And yet such technologies were not as much popular among corporates and legal firms as at these times of remote work and social distancing. Lots of international and local companies despite their size and sector are facing numerous problems with labor and corporate disputes, corporate IP protection and registration as far as corporate data protection while working from home. Moreover, courts should continue at least their essential activities that can be completed today only using video conference tools. Tools that do not remain totally safe regarding the transmitted information being strictly confidential. Legal adviser chatbots are also gaining their popularity as legal specialists have recently found themselves consumed with individual and corporate questions related to pandemic consequences and uncertain regulation.

VoiceTech solutions

The world pandemic drives our everyday attention to hygiene and increased cleanliness. Thus, lots of people report being suspicious about their mobile devices, headphones and laptops that, according to the latest Chinese studies are one of the main surfaces for COVID-19 contamination. People are more and more using voicetech applications to decrease the number of times they touch their devices daily. Smart speakers are now being used not only for streaming music but also setting timers, alarms, reminders and all sorts of lists, different online orders, as far as for general Google questioning, calls, traffic, weather and even sports updates. There is also a significant popularity growth of smart home systems that are now considered less for TV or gaming tasks and more for lightening, appliances, plumbing fixtures and alarm functionalities.

SexTech solutions

Social distancing and self-solation are not easy to live. Especially when you have to live it all alone. Feeling a crucial lack of everything, lots of people around the world are turning towards different sextech solutions. Erotic applications including dedicated audio guides report over 45% increase in downloads and over 100% increase in service usage since the confinement spread. European sextech retailers state their sales at least doubled in each country after the official lockdown start. Sex educational platforms also report popularity growth with over 180% increase in user activity.

Due or despite the pandemic, the world is changing. And mostly for a better one. In these great times for disruptive technologies expanding growth, all startups should look forward a customized client experience that could be easily fit into distancing and/or regular social and economical conditions.



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