The Greatest Eid... Eid e Ghadeer!

Quran_O_ Ahlebait
7 min readAug 31, 2018


How many of us are familiar with this term? And if we are familiar then how many of us actually understand it? How many of us know it’s pros and cons? How many of us know it’s roots, it’s impacts and it’s importance in our lives? 🤷‍♀️

I’m definitely not writing this to make you feel worried with so many questions. Instead, today I’ve decided to answer all these not so frequently asked questions. 💁🏻‍♀️ I got inspired by my Quran o Ahlebait Academy that has provided me the platform to express my feelings and viewpoints over the ignored but really important matters. Bringing such valuable discussions to table has become the need of the hour. We are in the utter need to recall and realize the purpose of our existence and Quran o Ahlebait academy is always there to initiate it.

Living in 21st century and you don’t know about Ghadeer? 🤔 This should be a major concern for us but to our ill fortune it isn’t! People living in this era are thought and believed to be modern and up-to-date. Isn’t it? But have you ever wondered that are you actually even up-to-date?

Being up-to -date is not only about dressing and looks. It demands a lot more. A reflection upon history, an eagle eye on present and a safe sight on future are the essentials!

The nations who don’t learn from their history are bound to repeat it.

Coming back to answer the questions, let me give you a brief introduction about ✨ Ghadeer Khumm. ✨

Ghadeer Khumm is the only event that was witnessed by the largest crowd in the life of Holy Prophet saww. Ghadeer is the day of joy, the day of perfection and completion! 🙌🏻

Completion of what?

Completion of Deen e Islam my fellows!

Ghadeer is considered as the day of Eid for Muslims. Eid e Ghadeer is the anniversary commemorating the sermon of Prophet Muhammad saww in which he announced his successor. This event took place on 18 Zilhaj in 10 A.H at Ghadeer Khumm and so is it’s name.

Moving towards the major detail, allow me to describe the event!

Hazrat Muhammad saww while returning from his first and last pilgrimage known as “Hujja-ul-Wida” alongwith his companions stopped at Ghadeer Khumm for some important announcements!

Prophet saww ordered the people to stay at this place and listen to what he says. People gathered there. Muhammad (saww) delivered his very last instructions to the believers. Prophet Muhammad (saww) announced that he had received an important revelation from Allah, and made a halt at the pond called Ghadeer Khumm. A make shift dias was erected from sadles, sticks and camel skins and as soon as all the pilgrims gathered he (saww) acted upon Ayah e Ghadir Khumm.

“O Messenger PBUH, deliver to the people what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do not do so then you’ll not have delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people. For God does not guide those who reject faith. “ (Quran 5:67)

Rasool Allah (saww) asked the believers,

“Am I not more precious to you than your own-selves”

This is an echo of the Quranic verse that says,

“The Prophet is more dear to the ‘Momins’ than their own selves to them. “

It is said that in respone to this question when the Momins replied,

“Yes, you are dearer to us than our own lives “, then Prophet said, “O God be witness to their admission! “

After this finally the most awaited moment came and Muhammad (saww) held IMAM ALI’S a.s hand, lifted it up and said,

“Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. O God love those who love Ali a.s. Help those who help Ali a.s. Desert those who desert Ali a.s. Let the truth accompany Ali wherever he goes! “

This announcement holds significance importance as it was the declaration for Imam Ali a.s to be the Khalifa.

According to some sunni perspectives it is impossible to discuss the hadith of Ghadeer without understanding the specific context in which Prophet (saww) said what he said. I totally stand by it. It is not possible for every single being to digest and embrace it in the same context. And because of this a lot of misunderstandings are created that support the viewpoint that says, All of this was done just to save Ali a.s from criticism being done on him at that time. Obviously, I totally condemn it. Our Prophet (saww) who always remained just and sadiq, how can he (saww) make such an important announcement with so many preparations only to save someone from temporary criticism? And why would Allah send a revelation on such a minor issue? Does it even makes sense?

Moreover, after this major announcement Allah sent the verse of the perfection and completion of religion. Why would he send it immediately after it, if only temporary protection was concerned.

Did we ever ponder over it?

Let me quote the beautiful ayat of the completion of this majestic religion.

Allah said,

“Today I have perfected your religion for you and bestowed my highest favours on you. I have chosen for you Islam as a religion” (Quran 5:3)


Aren’t we Muslims blessed? Indeed we are! Allah gave us the best of religions, the best of messengers and the best of khalifas! On this auspicious day we were blessed with the best.

On this day the Messenger of Allah (s) declared:

It seems the time has approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. I am leaving for you two precious things and if you adhere to them both, you will never go astray after me. They are the book of Allah and my progeny, that is my AHLUL BAYT s.a. The two shall never separate from eachother until they come to me by the pool (Kauther of Paradise).

All these declarations just to save Ali a.s from criticism? No way!

After his speech, the Messenger of Allah asked everybody to give the oath of allegiance to Ali a.s and congratulate him. Among those who did so was ‘Umar bin Al Khattab’, who said,

“Well done Ali Ibn e Abi Talib! Today you become the leader (Maula) of all believing men and women. ”

Adding some more to this memorable day, let me also tell you about the curse of Allah on those who doubted this declaration.

When Muhammad (saww) reached Medina according to some narrators Harith ibn e Nauman al-Fahri went to the messenger of Allah and showed his doubt in this matter. While he headed back to his camel saying:

“O Allah! If what Muhammad (saww) said is correct then fling upon us a stone from sky and subject us to severe pain and torture.”

He had not reached his camel when Allah who is above all defects, flung at him a stone which struck him on his head and penetrated through his body, passed out and left him dead.

On this very occassion Allah descended the following verses:

“ A questioner questioned about the punishment to fall. For disbelievers there is nothing to avert it, from Allah the Lord of the ascent. “ (70:1–3)

All of these revelations, verses and declarations prove the worth of this joyous day!

Ghadeer has been quoted even after this all several times at different important events. For instance, Battle of Jamal included a brief description of Ghadeer Khumm. At the time of battle, Talha came to Imam Ali a.s.

Imam a.s said,

“I adjure you by Allah, did you hear the messenger of Allah say: Of Whomsoever I am master, Ali is his master. O Allah, befriend the one who befriends him and be at enmity with him who is at enmity with him?”

Talha agreed.

Imam said,

“ Then why do you fight against me?”

He said, “I don’t remember” and departed.

The hearts that have gone astray are indeed in utter loss. Ghadeer is not only a part of our history. It is the foundation of our beliefs. Ghadeer taught the Ummah at that time and it is still alive to teach us in this crucial time.

Ghadeer was always there but we were never looking for it. This is incredible to believe that an event that has significant importance is not even celebrated properly! And yeah not only it is not celebrated but a large community is even still unaware. This much ignorance is enough to learn that where the Muslims of 21st century are standing! Where we are heading to? Whose followers we are? Whom we are following? What should be done and what is being actually done!

West, west and west!

West has badly made us blind to what we inherited luckily. We didn’t value what we got. We didn’t care about how blessed we were. And just look at Allah, how merciful He is! He still loves us, guides us and forgives us. He provides us chances at every step to get back on the straight path.

May Allah, the most merciful show us the path of the righteous and protect us from the evils and wrong doers.

Eid e Ghadeer Mubarak to the entire Ummah! ♥️🙏🏻

