Eat that Frog with Pomodoro

Qurba Malik
3 min readSep 7, 2018



Here is the question that what is meant by that title?

So, Eat that frog means to complete the task or work that you have assigned on daily basis, and also you find it difficult to motivate yourself to do it, or if you have more than one tasks to do, pick that one which is something difficult or you are feared of.

Now what is Pomodoro?

Pomodoro is a famous technique used to deal with procrastination and to develop a habit of getting things done on time by using time-management strategy.

The Pomodoro technique

I also have a habit of procrastination so I planned to use this technique in order to help myself in starting work on time and also to maximize my working productivity. I take following steps to practice this technique:

Identifying tasks: First of all, I identified some tasks to do and write it on paper. These were:

  • Finishing my online courses
  • doing my job
  • get together with cousins

So, these were the tasks and I planned how to make a time table for all of my plans. I marked a timer for my task 1.

I set a timer of one hour daily.


In this one hour, I made my mind not to distract by anything. But there were always some distractions. Like, Internet connection, mobile notifications, social media etc.

But, I didn’t lose attention and worked for still one hour at daily basis and take an interval break of 10 minutes when half an hour passed.

For task 2, I marked a timer of 3 hours.


In these three hours I made some interval like one interval after passing one hour, second interval after passing two hour and the final break was after three hours.

For task 3, I didn’t set a timer because, it was a task to do also it was a distraction too.

These tasks were the tasks which I have to do daily. But this task was for only one day and that day was very important for me. But still I have to do the other three tasks. So I made up my mind for including this plan also as a task.

And finally performed this task as well as the rest of the tasks.

It was an outstanding experience and this technique proved very easy for me to act upon.This technique helped me a lot to work on my tasks with more concentration and I completed my tasks effectively in only one hour.If I didn't use this technique it would take 2–3 hours to complete this task.From now, I have decided to use this technique regularly. I’ll plan to improve this experience in a more better way, by adding more tasks into it but finishing it on less time.

