How to send bulk emails without spamming?

12 min readNov 5, 2022


Bulk emails can be a terrific way to quickly contact thousands of clients and prospects if utilized wisely. With the help of these kinds of campaigns, marketers can easily market their companies, sell products, and forge connections.

Your emails must arrive in the recipient’s inbox for your bulk email campaigns to have a profitable return on investment. Your campaign will suffer from a low delivery rate. Spam is another element that affects email delivery rate.

To manage your campaigns try this

You will see a decline in open and click-through rates if email clients or recipients consistently designate your bulk emails as spam. You run the risk of wasting time and resources as well as harming the reputation of your company.

As a result, we go over eight suggestions in this comprehensive tutorial that will help you keep your bulk emails out of the spam folder. However, before we do that, let’s take a closer look at the causes of your emails being marked as spam in the first place.

Section Contents

• why your emails get filtered as spam

1. The email receiver has not given you, their consent.

  • Your followers have lost interest in you
  • Your engagement rates are low.
  • Your email contains no physical address.
  • Inaccurate information “from”

2 - How to efficiently send mass email campaigns

  • purge your email list.
  • Avoid using deceptive topic lines.
  • Never send emails with solely images.
  • In your email, use recommended practices for HTML.
  • Add a noticeable unsubscribe button
  • to the content of your emails.
  • Create an organic list.
  • screening for spam before sending

3 - technical things to think about

  • SPF
  • DKIM
  • Bounces

Why your emails are going to spam?

1. The email receiver has not given you, their consent.

Obtaining the recipient’s consent before sending an email is the best approach to prevent it from going into the spam bin. This demonstrates your respect for the recipient’s privacy and guarantees that you are only emailing people who are eager to hear from you.

The worst action you can take is to purchase an email address list. You run the risk of breaking the CAN-SPAM Act and other international anti-spam laws by sending them unsolicited emails, which might result in a fine of thousands of dollars. Additionally, sending emails to individuals without their consent is prohibited by the Acceptable Use Policies of all the main email marketing platforms.

Because they haven’t previously interacted with you or your business, recipients of emails sent to a cold-purchased list are more likely to classify them as spam. ISPs pay attention when many receivers start reporting your emails as spam. You will either experience a decline in email deliverability or, worse yet, be blacklisted.

The Internet service provider is referred to as ISP. Among the most popular are Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, and AOL.)

Add an opt-in form to your website to obtain consent before sending people emails. By including their email address, make it plain to visitors that they will be receiving newsletters from you.

Tip: Ensure that you check for duplicate emails. You don’t want to send one recipient the same email three times. The recipient might get irritated and report your address as spam. Thankfully, email marketing tools like email like GetResponse will automatically remove duplicate emails from your list.

2. Your subscribers no longer remember who you are

An email becomes marked as spam by the ISP when recipients report it. Whether or not the email you sent was spam, the ISP will still pay attention to what the recipient has to say. Any further emails you send will go directly to the spam folder once the number of spam complaints reaches a particular level.

The reason a subscriber who has given you permission to send them emails will flag it as spam is now the question.

They have forgotten who you are, is the straightforward explanation. They can’t recall subscribing to your newsletters. Perhaps you gave up on email marketing and are now attempting to revive it. However, the people who joined the email list a year ago are likely to have forgotten about you and will therefore perceive your email as spam.

Make sure your branding is clear in the email to avoid this happening. The receiver should be able to read your company name so they know who the email is from. Your “from” address needs to come from a well-known brand.

Send reactivation emails to subscribers first if it has been a while since you last sent an email to them. Describe your brand once more, the reason you took such a long break, and your email schedule going forward. Subscribers may report your address if you send emails as usual and don’t remind them of you.

Best practice dictates that you always ask your subscribers if they still want to receive emails from you. In case people want to unsubscribe from your list, make an unsubscribe option available.

Send your emails automatically to your subscribers after specific actions Click here to start

3. Your engagement rates are low.

When deciding how to filter spam, webmail companies take into account your email interaction rates. You run the danger of being marked as spam if your email open rates are low or the majority of your emails are discarded.

To boost your chances of reaching the recipient’s inbox, you must raise your interaction rate.

Writing catchy subject lines, timing your emails well, segmenting your audience, and sending customized emails are a few strategies you can use to boost engagement.

4. Your email contains no physical address.

Your physical address must be provided in your email as required by law. This could be your current street address or a PO box. A commercial mail-receiving agency is another option.

You could get a PO box for your business if you operate from home and don’t want to advertise your home address.

5. Inaccurate information derived from

In your emails, you must utilize the appropriate “from” information. The CAN-SPAM Act prohibits sending emails that contain “from,” “reply-to,” or “to” information that is false or deceptive.

Using a name that your subscribers are familiar with in the “from” section is a smart practice. It could be the name of your business or an individual. Additionally, you can mix the two.

Advice: Try to avoid frequently changing the “from” information to avoid confusing your subscribers.

Let’s look at how to send bulk emails correctly now that we’ve seen a few of the reasons why your emails are ending up in the spam folder.

How to efficiently send mass email campaigns

1. Sort through your email list.

Scrubbing or cleaning an email list involves eliminating inactive subscribers or erroneous information from your email database. Sending emails to people with valid email addresses and those who will participate in your campaigns should be your aim.

If your email is sent to the inbox or spam folder, it highly depends on your email list's sanitation. Your emails are more likely to get opened in the inbox if your list contains accurate information and your engagement rate is high.

Your specific situation will determine how frequently you clean up your email list each year. The secret, though, is to do it frequently. You ought to perform it at least a few times per year.

Send a final email to the inactive subscriber asking if they still want to hear from you before removing them from your list. Here’s an illustration from Animoto:

A win-back or re-engagement campaign is what this is. Additionally, sending emails in this manner will assist in removing recipients who might otherwise have reported you as spam.

Always clean your list if you’re starting a new campaign with an outdated one before sending any bulk emails. When typing an email, people can make typos and blunders. A common mistake is using instead of or instead of

By authenticating email addresses before launching campaigns, you may minimize errors. Look for and delete any email addresses that are invalid or defunct.

Check for duplicate emails, just in case. You shouldn’t send the same email to the same recipient three times. If infuriated, the recipient can flag your address as spam.

Always send professional emails to increase sales

2. Steer clear of deceptive subject lines

It is prohibited by the CAN-SPAM Act to deceive a recipient with your subject line. To entice consumers to open their emails, some marketers employ deceptive or “enticing” subject lines. However, this is a dubious marketing strategy.

According to a Litmus and Fluent survey, 50% of respondents said a misleading subject line tricked them into opening a commercial email.

Additionally, there are some words that, when used in subject lines, trigger spam filters. Words like “free,” “dollars,” “100% off,” “instant,” “limited time,” “new customers only,” and “order limited,” for instance, can set off the spam filter.

Even if you don’t utilize spammy language, you should still be cautious when employing deceptive subject lines. Here are a few instances of deceptive topic lines:

  • Re: Currently in office — if you don’t share an office with the recipient, you shouldn’t send an email with a subject line like this. It is really deceptive. Most likely, the recipient will become irate and report you as spam.
  • This is misleading if it’s your first email to the receiver, as we discussed in our last conversation.
  • I appreciate the purchase! — Did you offer the recipient a product for sale? Do not send a transactional subject line if you did not.
  • If you use the word “URGENT” in the subject line of an email, it better be urgent.

Spend time creating an excellent subject line for your email rather than employing deceptive ones. The email body must fulfill any promises made in the subject line.

3. Don’t send emails with simple images.

Use more than just photos in your email if you want to keep it out of the spam folder. Photos are used by spammers to conceal their spam text because email clients cannot view images. Since they cannot read the email’s content, the majority of spam filters will automatically send such emails to the spam folder.

Use text and images together instead.

4. Follow standard practices for HTML in your email

HTML may be used to add branding components that enhance interaction while also making your emails seem attractive.

This is an illustration of an HTML email:

You must adhere to best practices if you use HTML in your email. Your email can become inoperable if there is a mistake in the HTML coding. Your email may be classified as spam if it stops working.

GetResponse is the best in email marketing and it provides ready-made templates that you can modify.

The following are some guidelines for sending HTML emails:

  • The email’s maximum width should be between 600 and 800 pixels. This will enable the email to respond to the size of the preview pane offered by the majority of email clients. The ideal width for mobile design is 320px (640px for retina).
  • For HTML emails, there are some safe typefaces that are allowed by all. These include Georgia, Trebuchet MS, Impact, Georgia, Arial, Arial Black, Courier New, Comic Sans MS, Times New Roman, Webdings, and Verdena. For headings, the ideal size is 20 px — 22 px, and for paragraph text, it should be 13 px — 14 px.
  • Use smaller-sized graphics because they are typically the items that add the most weight to HTML emails. This will make your email responsive and consume less internet traffic from your readers.
  • Don’t utilize Flash or JavaScript-required elements. The majority of email clients do not support these and are out of date. Use a GIF if you want moving elements in your email.
  • Instead of using HTML floats and positioning, use layers with a grid.
  • Compound-style declarations should be avoided in CSS. Additionally, before sending the email, all of your CSS should be inline.

5. Add a noticeable unsubscribe button.

Your unsubscribe link should be easy to find for readers. You have nothing to gain by making it harder for subscribers to unsubscribe from within the email itself as email clients allow users to do so even if you conceal your unsubscribe button.

An unsubscribe button is essential if you are sending bulk emails because it’s required by law in many nations. Even if the email’s content is helpful, the reader may still find it annoying. So, instead of forcing them to use the unsubscribe or spam reporting features offered by their email program, you should let them unsubscribe.

Your sender reputation will suffer if your email address frequently receives spam complaints, and spam filters will start to block you.

Make your unsubscribe button clear and simple to use to prevent this. because a spam report is preferable to an unsubscribe.

Put a link or unsubscribe button in the email’s footer. Readers will look there when they need it.

Try not to be sly and bury it in phrases. Avoid other dubious strategies, such as requiring a response before they may unsubscribe. Enabling one-click unsubscribe is another great practice. If you want to know why they are unsubscribing, you can utilize a maximum of two clicks and include a brief questionnaire.

6. Improve the content of your emails

There is a strong risk that your email will end up in the spam folder if the content of the email appears to be spam. You must make your content appear professional and beneficial to the reader.

The following advice can assist you in writing better email content:

  • Email design is important. Readers will want to unsubscribe if your email design appears unprofessional and ugly. You ought to spend money on an effective email marketing solution with scalable design templates.
  • Attachments should not be added to bulk emails. Email recipients won’t open attachments from a sender they don’t recognize out of security concerns. If the recipient is not anticipating receiving them, do not send attachments.

Avert spelling errors. Spelling errors give your email an unprofessional appearance. When an email contains a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes, the veracity of the message will be questioned. To check for problems, you can use a free program like Grammarly.

Be careful when adding links to emails. Avoid clicking on any dubious links. Before including any links in your email, always double-check them. Additionally, stay away from abbreviated URLs because they can set off spam filters.

Advice: If you send HTML emails, make sure to include a plain text version as well. Some receivers require more accessibility than others. They favor emails that are sent in plain text. Additionally, some businesses only permit emails in plain text to get past their filters.

The majority of ESPs will create and include a plain text version of your HTML emails automatically. Therefore, the plain text version will be shown if the recipient’s email software does not support HTML.

7. Create an organic list.

The majority of the time, using an email list you’ve purchased or borrowed, will result in numerous spam complaints and significant bounce rates. You run the danger of getting fined or getting into legal trouble and having your email address blocked. Your brand’s reputation and the senders can both be ruined by this. Build your email list today

8. Check for spam before sending

Run a spam test before launching your bulk email campaign.

Make a list of email addresses to which you will send test emails as a seed. These addresses could be those of members of your family, close acquaintances, or coworkers. We advise you to select email addresses on various email platforms, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, etc. You can use this to determine whether or not your email will get past spam filters on various email clients.

You now have the initiative.

Bulk emailing has a number of advantages for your company. Reaching a huge audience at a minimal cost is one of its most evident advantages. But if your emails end up in the spam folder, you can’t benefit from bulk emails.

In this post, we’ve examined the reasons why your emails could end up in spam as well as the precautions you can take to prevent this from happening. You may improve your email marketing approach by using these suggestions.

