Change is the Law, and Blockchain Must Change

QUUBE Exchange
3 min readDec 19, 2019


A popular proverb says that change is the law while growth is optional; one must choose wisely. While this is true for humans, it holds equally true for systems, processes, and technology. In terms of time, blockchain technology is still in its infancy and yet, it is facing an imminent threat from another technological innovation — quantum computing. Experts believe that quantum computers can disrupt the potential of blockchain technology, if steps aren’t taken well in advance to protect it.

We have seen that advances in quantum computing have progressed at a much faster rate than previously expected. This means that the day isn’t far when quantum computing will be commercially available for use and that would be dangerous times for blockchain and blockchain-based systems and platforms.

And thus, as the quantum computing threat draws nearer, the blockchain must change itself to continue growing as new technologies emerge — technologies like Intel’s new chip which will make quantum computing commercially viable.

What is Intel’s New Chip?

Intel has made announcements regarding its new chip which has been codenamed “Horse Ridge”. The new chip would make quantum computing commercially viable, Intel claims. The chip would be able to allow the company to hold multiple qubits.

The company’s innovation is not difficult to understand. Take this example — when computers were initially developed they were massive in size and difficult to operate. Slowly they became simplified. Similarly, the chip would simplify existing quantum computers by reducing the wires and complex machinery from them. These complexities make it difficult for these computers to be commercially viable even though multiple qubits can be controlled through them.

What Intel is trying to do is to fit the function of a complex quantum computer — that is holding multiple qubits into a tiny chip.

What is in a Name?

Interestingly, the chip is named ‘Horse Ridge’ which is a reference to a place in Oregon, United States. The place has very cold weather, akin to the temperature quantum computers need to work.

Without refrigeration, quantum computers cannot work smoothly because qubits generate way too much heat and this is a great hurdle in their path to commercial usage. It would be much easier to maintain a chip in refrigeration than an entire gigantic quantum computer.

The Director of Quantum Hardware at Intel, Jim Clarke, said that a lot of emphasis has been put on qubits rather than their practicality — and that ‘With Horse Ridge, Intel has developed a scalable control system that will allow us to significantly speed up testing and realize the potential of quantum computing’.

Practicality for Quantum Computing: Death Threat for Blockchain

This new move by Intel might open new vistas for quantum computing but on the other hand, it is capable of posing a great threat to blockchain technology.

Presently, due to the complexity and erudite nature of the technology, only conjectures are being made as to how it can damage the blockchain technology. However, when the technology becomes commercially viable with services like the newly announced Intel chip, the conjectures would become a reality and blockchain technology might cease to exist.

In the world of technologies, where ‘survival of the fittest’ holds true too, a particular technology must keep up with those upcoming in order to grow. Thankfully, platforms like the QUUBE Exchange are already working to upgrade the existing blockchain technologies to the quantum level. With its cutting edge quantum computing resistant STO platform, QUUBE Exchange seeks to plug the gap that has been yawning in the face of massive strides taken by the developers of quantum computing technology. By creating a blockchain ecosystem that is resistant to hacks by quantum computing, QUUBE Exchange is already proving its worth to the international community.

Parting thoughts

The importance of such initiatives — like the QUUBE Exchange — must be understood and they must be adopted at the earliest before the loss is done and it is already too late to improvise. Development can only be countered by another development and this should be the approach taken to counter the quantum threat as well.

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