QUUBE — Marching Onwards and Upwards

QUUBE Exchange
3 min readOct 21, 2019


The blockchain revolution started with frustration against traditional finance. Bitcoin became a buzzword and we saw a rise in its price and popularity that can only be termed as stupendous. But slowly, almost behind the scenes, businesses around the world realized that there is so much more to blockchain than just Bitcoin, or cryptocurrencies.

And thus started a wave, which later became a tsunami, of “early adopters,” who tried to utilize the awesome powers and potential of blockchain technology to almost all aspects of human endeavor — finance, insurance, real estate, fine and performing arts, IT infra, manufacturing, supply chain management and so on. The list is almost endless.

Source — Wikipedia.

Experts suggest that we are somewhere in the middle of the ‘technology trigger’ and the ‘peak of inflated expectations’ as far as blockchain technology is concerned. This means that we are seeing a lot of activity beyond early adopters as the inherent opportunities presented by blockchain technology are being explored by industries, both small and large.

However, just when we were going gung-ho on our expectations of the great potential of blockchain technology and the number of opportunities it presents to transform the status quo and provide efficient solutions to real-life challenges, the news of the rapid advancements in quantum computing struck us with the force of a tempest. The (leaked) announcement that Google had achieved quantum supremacy was a violent wakeup call for everyone who is involved in the technology and those that are planning to utilize it. Questions were being asked of the safety and security of ecosystems based on blockchain.

Today, there is a clamor among members of the crypto community to find solutions to protect blockchain systems from a pivotal future challenge — quantum attacks. And we, at QUUBE, are committed to creating a platform that will be protected from quantum attacks. We are blazing the trail for other blockchain-based systems to create quantum-resistant protocols to shield blockchain ecosystems from this jeopardy so as not to nip such a promising technology in the bud, just because someone can hack it.

Many people are still living like ostriches — with their heads buried deep in the sand so as not to face the problem when it is staring them right in the face. However, those that believe that quantum computing is a clear and present danger to blockchain systems are slowly discovering what we, at QUUBE, are doing and are joining our ever-expanding community in an effort to strengthen us to build a true quantum-resistant blockchain protocol.

Today, as we welcome our 20th thousand members in our community, we are proud of our unwavering commitment to the crypto community as we march on with the burden of enormous expectations on our shoulders. We would proudly liken our community to the “early adopters” of this sub-technology. Together, we are sure to achieve the solutions to the challenges that quantum computing poses to blockchain technology.

The sentiment of the QUUBE community is strong. And this is the fierce driving force that propels us to march on along our developmental path to create a safe and secure system that we promised. To know more about what we are developing at QUUBE, join our community today and be part of a pathbreaking venture to secure a technology that holds so much promise.

