Data Viz: Memphis Crimes and Police Trends

Van Tran
2 min readMar 15, 2022

A personal project made for Memphis — my home for the last 3 years.

What is Memphis, Tennessee known for? BBQ, Elvis, and danger. In 1927, the city’s murder rate was 69.3 per 100,000 population, the highest in the country. Chicago, at the time, only had a murder rate of only 13.3 per 100,000.

Memphis Police Department has been tackling long-term trends of increasing crimes. Here is a list of common categories of Memphis public safety incidents:

The number of police, on the other hand, has gradually decreased. MPD has been facing trouble in meeting the goals of police applicants in recent years.

The people’s need to call 911 has been relatively steady over the year, and MPD has managed to reach the goal of answering 95% of all 911 calls within 20 seconds (the national goal is within 10 seconds).

What else to know about Memphis police and crimes? Here is a quick snapshot:

Data source: Memphis Data Hub

Data cleaning & wrangling: Excel

Data visualization: plotly, Canva



Van Tran

Law, politics, social good, all by using data. Open to related jobs and opportunities. Contact me at