How to Create dark mode in android studio [Full Guide].

Elif Coding
2 min readJun 12, 2020


Dark Mode today is one of the hardest characteristics of an app or website audience. It’s a healthier choice because it emits less blue light (and it’s great for people like me). So I’ll clarify today how you can use a quick example to introduce dark mode in android studio as easily as possible.

Dark theme can be found in Android 10 (API 29) and up. Thanks to this mode, our application can now move to light and dark mode. We can do this by hand or allow Android to detect daytime from your phone implicitly.

This subject enhances your application’s readability and accessibility throughout the night by adding a darker white flash backdrop. This has already been deployed in their applications by many reader applications.

Why Dark Mode?

  • Battery Saver: It can substantially reduce power consumption (depending on the display technology of the device)
  • Improves Readability: With the dark background it can improve visibility for visually impaired and bright-light users.
  • High light environment: It makes the use of an android phone in a low light environment easier for anyone.

How to Force Dark Mode in Android

Android 10 offers Force Dark Mode, a feature designed to easily introduce a Dark theme, without explicitly setting a Day Night theme.

Force Dark Theme analyzes every view of your system ui and automatically adds a dark theme before it is pulled to the phone. Some developers use a combination of Force Dark Theme and Native to rising the time it takes to introduce the dark theme.

By selecting android: forceDarkAllowed=”true” in the operation theme, applications have to choose Force Dark Theme option. This attribute is set to the entire device, and light themes such as Theme.

Material. Light given by AndroidX. You should be sure to thoroughly check your application when using Force Dark Mode

When you are running a dark theme (such as Theme. Material) your application is not using Force Dark Mode. Likewise, if a Day Night theme is inherited from your device, the Force Dark theme switch does not apply.

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Elif Coding

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