What is AWS Data Lab?

2 min readDec 19, 2022


The AWS Data Lab is a program that provides customers and AWS technical resources with accelerated, joint engineering engagements to create tangible deliverables that accelerate data and analytics modernization initiatives. The Data Lab program is divided into two parts: the Build Lab and the Design Lab. The Build Lab is a two to five-day intensive build with a customer technical team. The Design Lab is a one-and-a-half to two-day engagement for customers who require a real-world architecture recommendation based on AWS expertise but are not yet ready to build. During the AWS labs, AWS Data Lab Solutions Architects and AWS service experts support the customer by providing prescriptive architectural guidance, sharing best practices, and removing technical roadblocks. Customers leave the engagement with a custom-tailored prototype, a path to production, a deeper understanding of AWS Databases, Analytics, and Machine Learning services, and new relationships with AWS service experts.

Difference between a Build Lab and a Design Lab

Under the supervision of AWS service experts and your dedicated AWS Data Lab Solutions Architect, your team will spend two to five days in a Build Lab designing architecture and building hands-on with your data in your AWS account. Your days will be spent building, testing, reviewing progress, and repeating. Your team will leave the lab with a validated architecture and working prototype to use as a guide for your production deployment on the last day.

In a Design Lab, your team will spend one and a half to two days in a non-build exercise discussing architecture patterns and anti-pattern designs for your specific use case, best building practices, and recommended design and delivery strategies. Your team will be given a document that includes the Data Lab’s recommendations for your design approach and architecture. Design Labs are an excellent choice for customer teams that require a real-world architecture recommendation based on AWS expertise but are not yet prepared to build.




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