
7 min readAug 29, 2023


Asenix: The first web3 platform to support and invest in long term innovative solutions for marine pollution.

Technology has played an important role in creating solutions to various challenges in today’s contemporary world, which is characterized by rapid social and environmental changes. This is due to technological advances being the main driving force in finding solutions to various problems. The use of blockchain technology has the potential to bring about significant changes in business practices in various industries, including banking, agriculture and others. This shift has the potential to have a significant impact. These sectors have begun to take advantage of the opportunities provided by this potential to advance their business. However, there are still many sectors of the economy that have not fully utilized this technological marvel. and the field of environmental protection is included in this sector of the economy. This segment of the economy has yet to fully benefit from this technical miracle. The ASENIX Initiative is an advanced messaging project that protects the world’s oceans and ocean ecosystems using distributed ledger technology. Throughout its implementation, one of the main concerns of this initiative has been ensuring that our oceans are maintained in their natural state. This segment of the economy has yet to fully benefit from this technical miracle.


Asenix is ​​an advanced messaging project that protects the world’s oceans and marine ecosystems using distributed ledger technology. Throughout its implementation, One of the main concerns of this initiative has been to ensure that our oceans are maintained in their natural state. This segment of the economy has yet to fully benefit from this technical miracle. The ASENIX Initiative is an advanced messaging project that protects the world’s oceans and ocean ecosystems using distributed ledger technology. Throughout its implementation, one of the main concerns of this initiative has been ensuring that our oceans are maintained in their natural state.


The accumulation of large amounts of plastic in landfills and other waterways is a serious threat to the health of our oceans, which are increasingly polluted as a direct result of this problem. The threat to the well-being of our oceans is a direct result of the problems caused by the accumulation of large amounts of plastic. This problem also poses a grave danger to the welfare of the land animals we have in the United States.

This problem also represents a significant risk to the health of our nation as a whole if it continues. Because of this status, which is a grave risk, the natural balance of our oceans is in serious jeopardy and may be irreparably threatened. Asenix is ​​acutely aware of the serious difficulties it is facing today, and as a direct result of this awareness, the company has devised several creative solutions to address the challenges it is seeking to transform today. One of the most egregious expressions of the problems that have arisen as a direct result of this situation is the formation of a huge pile of garbage in the very geographic center of the Pacific Ocean.

Photos of marine life that are deadly or disfigured as a result of being entangled in plastic serve as a melancholy reminder of the importance of taking action as soon as possible, and exclusive photos posted online serve as a reminder of this. imperative. The company has come up with several creative solutions to challenge those who currently want to provide loans. One of the most egregious expressions of the problems that have arisen as a direct result of this situation is the formation of a huge pile of garbage in the geographical center right in the Pacific Ocean.

Photos of marine life that are deadly or disfigured as a result of being entangled in plastic serve as a melancholy reminder of the importance of taking action as soon as possible, and exclusive photos posted online serve as a reminder of this. must. One of the most egregious expressions of the problems that have arisen as a direct result of this situation is the formation of a huge pile of garbage in the geographical center right in the Pacific Ocean.

ASENIX mission

ASENIX’s main mission is to protect the oceans and their ecosystems within limits, support scientific research, and raise public awareness. Through a strategy of partnerships and community engagement, ASENIX aims to create long-term impacts on marine conservation efforts.

The ASENIX Initiative is committed to achieving strong, long-term protection of the sea areas that is most important for present and future generations. ASENIX supports the implementation of Goals 12 & 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Asenix is ​​committed to protecting our oceans and their ecosystems through funding, encouraging and supporting scientific research (through our ecosystems), and educating and raising awareness about unsustainable lifestyles for our oceans and ecosystems.


Microplastics, which are minuscule pieces of plastic, are one of the most slippery and also the most damaging types of pollution. When plastic decomposes over time and becomes part of the environment, it breaks down into tiny particles that are less than five millimeters in size and less than one micron thick. Their prevalence in the environment poses a risk to aquatic life as well as the food chain due to their presence there. The reason is, the existence of these creatures poses a risk to the world. ASENIX is fully aware of how important this issue is, and the company promises to address it in the near future.


The ASENIX Oceanblue campaign, which has the hashtag #TAKEACTION , encourages people from around the world to participate in cleaning up, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of our oceans and ecosystems. The program encourages participants to write about their efforts in fighting pollution on social media, which contributes to developing a sense of cohesion and purpose in fighting pollution.


Conducting research within the scientific community is necessary to produce environmentally responsible policies. ENIX Labs, a component of ASENIX, is a platform that offers assistance to creative teams focused on finding long-term solutions to ocean pollution problems. By sacrificing financial resources to this cause, ASENIX is helping to drive innovations that have the potential to revolutionize the way we worry about this tragedy. ASENIX helps advance advances that have the potential to change the methods we use to respond to these disasters.

Partnership and Collaboration

Asenix actively seeks collaboration with like-minded organizations, researchers and projects to amplify its impact and encourage collective action. Partnering with NGOs, academic institutions and environmental initiatives, ASENIX aims to leverage its expertise and resources to accelerate marine conservation efforts. Partnerships can involve joint research projects, awareness campaigns, educational initiatives or funding opportunities to support innovative solutions to plastic pollution.


  • FIRST PHASE (Q4 2022)
    Website development, Whitepaper Release, Smart contract development, Token Burning Implementation, Token Audit, water refill map V1.0
  • SECOND PHASE (Q1/Q2 2023)
    Initial burning of ENIX tokens, Verification & Audit of contracts, ASENIX water refill map V1.0 (Beta). Online community, Marketing, ASENIX token airdrop, Partnership, Influencer marketing, CMC App, CG App
  • PHASE THREE (Q3 /Q4 2023)
    Presale, IDO/ IEO, Launch, Staking Dapp, Awareness campaign, AMC NFT deployment, Oceanblue campaign, CEX listing, Media article, ENIX Labs development, AIP
  • FOURTH PHASE (Q1/Q2 2024)
    ASENIFI DEX contract development, launch of ENIX Labs, ASENIFI testnet (DEX), ASENIFI Mainnet, Expansion.


  • Ronald Omezi
    FOUNDER CEO & Founder of the ASENIX Initiative
  • LEADING Waymond Perry PROJECT
    Ocean Preservation & Conservation Enthusiasts
  • Richard Omezi
    Konsultan Blockchain di Tomez Int. LTD
  • LEAD DEVELOPER Initiative Development Team Member Charles Liu ASENIX
  • Lamiae Mouddene
    ASENIX Initiative Web3 Development Team Member
  • Sarah Dunn
    ASENIX Q&A Team Member Initiative



Asenix stands as an unrivaled pioneer among web3 platforms, setting an extraordinary precedent by linking its core mission to global ocean pollution efforts. Through support and investment in a dedicated team to find fast, innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle marine pollution. driving impactful projects will continue to transform marine conservation, leaving a legacy of innovation, resilience and hope for generations to come. In a world riddled with environmental degradation, ASENIX stands as an oasis of hope, an agent of positive transformation, and a testament to the creativity that humans channel to improve the oceans and the wider ecosystem.



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